Source code for cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.chart_misc_widgets

## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Geoffroy Andrieux
## Created     : 03/2010
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2012 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
## or modifications.
## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
## special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits,
## arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
## IRISA have been advised of the possibility of such damage.  See
## the GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Geoffroy Andrieux.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s): Michel Le Borgne
Small widgets for Cadbiom gui::

    - SearchManager: List of simple nodes for searching
    - SearchFrontier: Same as SearchManager but specialized on frontier nodes
    - LegendWindow: Widget to display the legend
    - ImportPIDParam: Widget for model importing
    - ImportBioPAXParams: Widget for BioPAX model importing
# Standard imports
import itertools as it
import pkg_resources
import re
import traceback

# Custom imports
import gtk

# Cadbiom imports
from utils.listDisplay import ToggleList
from utils.fileHandling import FileChooser
from utils.reporter import CompilReporter
from utils.warn import cancel_warn, confirm
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.analyser.ana_visitors import FrontierVisitor
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.chart_model import ChartModel, CStartNode
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.analyser import model_corrections
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.translators.chart_xml import MakeModelFromXmlFile
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.translators.chart_xml_pid import (
from chart_simulator.chart_simul_controler import DisplayError
from cadbiom import commons as cm

LOGGER = cm.logger()

[docs]class SearchManager(object): """List of simple nodes for searching :param model_changed: Flag updated to True by the model. Its value is True until the user clicks on the "update" button. This operation is manual since it can be costly. :type model_changed: <boolean> """ def __init__(self, chart, notebook, label): self.charter = chart self.model = None self.model_changed = True self.notebook = notebook # simple nodes self.sn_frame = gtk.Frame() vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.sn_frame.add(vbox) # simple nodes list self.sn_viewer = ToggleList() label = gtk.Label(label) # wrap into scrollwindow scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.add_with_viewport(self.sn_viewer) vbox.pack_start(scroll, True, True, 0) # search entry self.search_entry = gtk.Entry() vbox.pack_start(self.search_entry, False, False, 0) # buttons hbox = gtk.HBox() vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 0) update_button = gtk.Button("Update") update_button.connect("clicked", self.on_update) hbox.pack_start(update_button, False, False, 0) show_button = gtk.Button("Show") show_button.connect("clicked", self.on_show) hbox.pack_start(show_button, False, False, 0) extract_button = gtk.Button("Extract") extract_button.connect("clicked", self.on_extract) hbox.pack_start(extract_button, False, False, 0) clear_button = gtk.Button("Clear") clear_button.connect("clicked", self.on_clear) hbox.pack_start(clear_button, False, False, 0) notebook.append_page(self.sn_frame, label) # Tooltips self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() self.tooltips.set_tip(update_button, "Sync the list of nodes with the model") self.tooltips.set_tip(show_button, "Show the selected nodes on the model") self.tooltips.set_tip(extract_button, "Extract the selected nodes to another model") self.tooltips.set_tip(clear_button, "Reset the selection") self.tooltips.set_tip( self.search_entry, "Search for nodes by their names.\nYou can use regular expressions" ) self.tooltips.enable() self.tooltips.set_delay(cm.TOOLTIPS_DELAY)
[docs] def update(self): """The model informs observers that the model has changed We keep this value to True until the user clicks on the "update" button. """ self.model_changed = True
[docs] def display_nodes(self): """Display node names on the widget - On :meth:`set_model` at the initialization of the model - On :meth:`on_update` by a click on the button "update" by the user """ # get node names lnode = self.model.get_simple_node_names() lnode.sort() # display node names self.sn_viewer.refresh(lnode)
[docs] def set_model(self, model): """Refresh the GUI with the given model Called by :meth:`~cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.edit_mvc.set_current_edit_mvc` during the switch to a new/another tab/model. """ if self.model: self.model.detach(self) self.model = model self.model.attach(self) self.model_changed = False # display node names self.display_nodes() # Check/tick previously selected nodes self.sn_viewer.set_selected_items( [ for node in self.model.marked_nodes] )
[docs] def on_clear(self, widget): """Clear button callback: Reset selected nodes, and search entry field """ self.sn_viewer.deselect_all() self.search_entry.set_text("") if self.model: self.model.unset_search_mark() self.model_changed = False # search_mark implies a notify
[docs] def on_update(self, widget): """Update button callback: Sync the view of simple nodes with the model""" if not self.model: return # unmarking nodes and transitions with conditions self.model.unset_search_mark() # display node names self.display_nodes() self.model_changed = False
[docs] def on_show(self, widget): """Show button callback: Show nodes of interest in the graph editor Transitions with conditions where the selected nodes are involved are also marked """ if not self.model: return # check model if self.model_changed: action = confirm( None, "The model has been modified since the last synchronization.\n" "Would you like to continue without updating the set of nodes " "and transitions?" ) if not action: return # Get marked nodes names node_names = self.get_selected_or_matching_node_names() if not node_names: return # Set the mark status of all selected nodes/transitions # Transitions with conditions where the selected nodes are involved # are also marked self.model.set_search_mark(node_names) # Check/Display the marks in the nodes list self.sn_viewer.set_selected_items(node_names) self.model_changed = False # search_mark implies a notify
[docs] def on_extract(self, widget): """Extract nodes environment - Get selected nodes - Get all transitions of interest: - ori and ext nodes are concerned - ori or ext are concerned and the second node is a Start/Trap node """ if not self.model: return # check model if self.model_changed: action = confirm( None, "The model has been modified since the last synchronization.\n" "Would you like to continue without updating the set of nodes " "and transitions before the extraction?" ) if not action: return # Get marked nodes names node_names = self.get_selected_or_matching_node_names() if not node_names: return # Init new model submodel = ChartModel( + "_extract") tnode = submodel.get_root() # Convert nodes names to nodes objects old_nodes = {self.model.node_dict[name] for name in node_names} # Get all transitions of interest: # - ori and ext nodes are concerned # - ori or ext are concerned and the second node is a Start/Trap node old_transitions = set() for transition in self.model.transition_list + list( it.chain(*self.model.signal_transition_dict.values()) ): if {transition.ori, transition.ext}.issubset(old_nodes): pass elif transition.ori in old_nodes and isinstance(transition.ext, CStartNode): old_nodes.add(transition.ext) elif transition.ext in old_nodes and isinstance(transition.ori, CStartNode): old_nodes.add(transition.ori) else: continue # Keep the transition old_transitions.add(transition) # LOGGER.debug("Extract old nodes: %s", old_nodes) # LOGGER.debug("Extract old transitions: %s", old_transitions) # Some nodes are involved in the conditions of the transitions of interest # => These nodes have to be extracted old_nodes.update([ self.model.node_dict[node_name] for node_name, transitions in self.model.signal_transition_dict.items() # Transition of interest encountered ? if set(transitions) & old_transitions ]) # LOGGER.debug("Extract old nodes with extra cond nodes: %s", old_nodes) ## New model construction # Add nodes nodes_mapping = {old_node: tnode.add_copy(old_node) for old_node in old_nodes} # Add transitions for transition in old_transitions: new_trans = tnode.add_transition( nodes_mapping[transition.ori], nodes_mapping[transition.ext] ) new_trans.set_condition(transition.condition) new_trans.set_event(transition.event) new_trans.set_action(transition.action) new_trans.set_note(transition.note) # Display in charter self.charter.add_edit_mvc(, submodel, False) self.charter.do_layout(None, "hierarchical_LR")
[docs] def get_selected_or_matching_node_names(self): """Get nodes names of interest Methods used to find nodes: - nodes selected in the list of the GUI - parse regex inserted in the search entry .. note:: selected items work in conjunction with regular expressions in the search entry. :return: List of names or None :rtype: <list <str>> or None """ node_names = self.sn_viewer.get_selected_items() # If no nodes selected, use search entry regex = self.search_entry.get_text() if not regex: return node_names try: regex_obj = re.compile(regex) except Exception as e: cancel_warn("Incorrect regular expression:\n {}".format(e)) return return list(set(node_names + self.model.get_matching_node_names(regex_obj)))
[docs] def get_selected_items(self): """ As it says """ return self.sn_viewer.get_selected_items()
[docs] def clear(self): """Remove all items""" self.sn_viewer.clear()
[docs]class SearchFrontier(SearchManager): """Same as SearchManager but specialized on frontier nodes """ def __init__(self, chart, notebook, label): SearchManager.__init__(self, chart, notebook, label)
[docs] def display_nodes(self): """Display node names on the widget""" # get node names lnode = self.get_frontier_node_names() lnode.sort() # display node names self.sn_viewer.refresh(lnode)
[docs] def get_frontier_node_names(self): """ As it says """ fvi = FrontierVisitor() self.model.accept(fvi) return
[docs]class LegendWindow(object): """ Widget to display the legend """ def __init__(self, parent=None): = gtk.Window()"CADBIOM-Chart Legend")"destroy", self.on_destroy)"key_press_event", self.on_escape) # Favicon favicon = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "images/favicon.ico" ) # Legend image = gtk.Image() template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "images/legend.png" ) image.set_from_file(template) # register itself for parent or emvc if parent: parent.win_register(self) self.parent = parent
[docs] def on_destroy(self, widget): """ standard destroy callback """ if self.parent: self.parent.win_remove(self)
[docs] def destroy(self): """ if registered as a child """ if
[docs] def on_escape(self, widget, event): """On ESC key_press_event, destroy this window.""" if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape": self.destroy()
[docs]class ImportPIDParam(object): """ Widget for model importing """ def __init__(self, chart, parent=None): self.charter = chart # window creation template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "chart_glade/" ) self.wtree = self.main_window = self.wtree.get_widget("window1") self.main_window.set_title("Import window") self.main_window.set_resizable(True) hei = gtk.gdk.screen_height() hei = int(hei * 0.20) self.main_window.set_size_request(350, hei) # Set modal mode for the window (above all windows & block inputs) self.main_window.set_modal(True) if parent: self.main_window.set_transient_for(parent) if self.main_window: self.main_window.connect("destroy", self.on_destroy) self.main_window.connect("key_press_event", self.on_escape) self.main_window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) # init param self.ai_inter = 0 self.has_clock = False # interpretation radio button rbut = self.wtree.get_widget("or_rb") rb_name = rbut.get_name() rbut.connect("toggled", self.ai_inter_rb_callback, rb_name) rbut = self.wtree.get_widget("and_rb") rb_name = rbut.get_name() rbut.connect("toggled", self.ai_inter_rb_callback, rb_name) # Uncomment to add new buttons # rb = self.wtree.get_widget("or_and_rb") # rb_name = rb.get_name() # rb.connect("toggled", self.ai_inter_rb_callback, rb_name) # # rb = self.wtree.get_widget("and_or_rb") # rb_name = rb.get_name() # rb.connect("toggled", self.ai_inter_rb_callback, rb_name) # clock radio button rbut = self.wtree.get_widget("withoutClock_rb") rbut.connect("toggled", self.clock_rb_callback, False) rbut = self.wtree.get_widget("withClock_rb") rbut.connect("toggled", self.clock_rb_callback, True) # import button button = self.wtree.get_widget("importButton") button.connect("clicked", self.on_import) # display self.main_window.show_all()
[docs] def ai_inter_rb_callback(self, widget, ai_name): """ set activator/inhibitor interpretation (and or or) """ if ai_name == "or_rb": self.ai_inter = 0 elif ai_name == "and_rb": self.ai_inter = 1
# Uncomment to add new buttons # elif ai_name == "or_and_rb": # self.ai_inter = 2 # else : # self.ai_inter = 3
[docs] def clock_rb_callback(self, widget, has_clock): """ set clock generation """ if has_clock: self.has_clock = True else: self.has_clock = False
[docs] def on_import(self, widget): """ lauch import """ fch = FileChooser( "Import from PID xml", "xml files", "*.xml", save_window=False ) fch.do_action(self.import_from_pid_file)
[docs] def import_from_pid_file(self, file): """ compile a pid file """ crep = CompilReporter() parser = MakeModelFromPidFile(file, crep, self.has_clock, self.ai_inter) if crep.error: DisplayError(crep, else: model = parser.model model.modified = False self.charter.add_edit_mvc(, model) self.destroy()
[docs] def on_destroy(self, widget): """ standard destroy callback """ if self.main_window: self.main_window.destroy()
[docs] def destroy(self): """ for parents """ self.on_destroy(None)
[docs] def on_escape(self, widget, event): """On ESC key_press_event, destroy this window.""" if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape": self.destroy()
[docs]class ImportBioPAXParams(object): """ Widget for BioPAX model importing .. note:: requires biopax2cadbiom module """ def __init__(self, chart, parent=None): self.charter = chart # biopax2cadbiom detection try: from biopax2cadbiom.commons import SPARQL_PATH from biopax2cadbiom.commons import SPARQL_LIMIT except ImportError: d_err = DisplayError( None, "biopax2cadbiom module is missing.", "biopax2cadbiom project is required to perform this task.\n" + "Please install it via the usual command:\n" + "pip install biopax2cadbiom", ) d_err.main_window.set_modal(True) d_err.main_window.set_transient_for(parent) return # Init class variables (settings of the window) self.cadbiom_file = "" self.convert_full_graph = True self.graph_uris = list() self.provenance_uri = None self.numeric_compartments_names = False self.blacklist_file = None self.triplestore_url = SPARQL_PATH self.limit_sparql_results = SPARQL_LIMIT self.remove_strongly_connected_components = True # window creation template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "chart_glade/" ) self.wtree = self.main_window = self.wtree.get_widget("window1") self.main_window.set_title("Import window") self.main_window.set_resizable(True) self.main_window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) # Set modal mode for the window (above all windows & block inputs) self.main_window.set_modal(True) if parent: self.main_window.set_transient_for(parent) if self.main_window: self.main_window.connect("destroy", self.on_destroy) self.main_window.connect("key_press_event", self.on_escape) # Init interface # Triplestore # Graphs URIs self.wtree.get_widget("text_graphs_uris").set_text( "" ) # ProvenanceUri self.wtree.get_widget("text_provenance_uri").set_text("") # Triplestore URL self.wtree.get_widget("text_triplestore_url").set_text(self.triplestore_url) # BioPAX level self.wtree.get_widget("radio_biopax_level3").set_active(True) # BioPAX options self.wtree.get_widget("checkbox_convert_full_graph").set_active(False) self.wtree.get_widget("checkbox_full_compartment_names").set_active(True) self.wtree.get_widget("checkbox_remove_scc").set_active(True) # Connect buttons # Files self.wtree.get_widget("button_blacklist").connect( "clicked", self.on_import_blacklist_file ) self.wtree.get_widget("button_output").connect( "clicked", self.on_set_output_file ) self.wtree.get_widget("button_make_model").connect( "clicked", self.import_BioPAX_data ) # Display self.main_window.show_all()
[docs] def on_import_blacklist_file(self, widget): """ Choose blacklist file of entities """ fch = FileChooser( "Choose the blacklist file", "txt files", "*.txt", save_window=False ) fch.do_action(self.set_blacklist_file)
[docs] def on_set_output_file(self, widget): """ Choose output model file """ fch = FileChooser("Choose the output file name", "bcx files", "*.bcx") fch.do_action(self.set_output_file) # Change color to green self.wtree.get_widget("button_output").modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("green") )
def set_blacklist_file(self, file): self.blacklist_file = file def set_output_file(self, file): self.cadbiom_file = file
[docs] def import_BioPAX_data(self, widget): """ Import from BioPAX data on triplestore """ from biopax2cadbiom import biopax_converter # Return if output file is not set if self.cadbiom_file == "": red = gtk.gdk.color_parse("red") self.wtree.get_widget("button_output").modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, red) return # Get parameters # List of graphs URIs self.graph_uris = ( self.wtree.get_widget("text_graphs_uris").get_text().split(",") ) # Provenance Uri provenance_uri = self.wtree.get_widget("text_provenance_uri").get_text() self.provenance_uri = provenance_uri if provenance_uri else None # Triplestore URL self.triplestore_url = self.wtree.get_widget("text_triplestore_url").get_text() # BioPAX level biopax2 = self.wtree.get_widget("radio_biopax_level2").get_active() self.graph_uris.append( "" if biopax2 else "" ) # BioPAX convertion self.convert_full_graph = self.wtree.get_widget( "checkbox_convert_full_graph" ).get_active() self.numeric_compartments_names = self.wtree.get_widget( "checkbox_full_compartment_names" ).get_active() self.remove_strongly_connected_components = self.wtree.get_widget( "checkbox_remove_scc" ).get_active() # Color the button in green when the form is valid green = gtk.gdk.color_parse("green") self.wtree.get_widget("button_make_model").modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, green) self.wtree.get_widget("button_make_model").set_label( "Make model. Please wait..." ) # Do the magick # Build parameters for biopax2cadbiom params = { "cadbiomFile": self.cadbiom_file, "convertFullGraph": self.convert_full_graph, "listOfGraphUri": self.graph_uris, "pickleBackup": False, "pickleDir": "", # don't care, because pickleBackup = False "numericCompartmentsNames": self.numeric_compartments_names, "blacklist": self.blacklist_file, "triplestore": self.triplestore_url, "no_scc_fix": True, # StartNodes are added here "limit_sparql_results": self.limit_sparql_results, "provenanceUri": self.provenance_uri, } try: # StartNodes are added here, (not in biopax2cadbiom) # so we can load the model in memory biopax_converter.main(params) if self.remove_strongly_connected_components: model = model_corrections.add_start_nodes(self.cadbiom_file) else: model = MakeModelFromXmlFile(self.cadbiom_file).model self.charter.add_edit_mvc(, model) self.destroy() except Exception as e: d_err = DisplayError( None, "Biopax2cadbiom", "Biopax2cadbiom exception: " + e.__class__.__name__ + ". Please check logs.\n" + traceback.format_exc(), ) d_err.main_window.set_modal(True)
[docs] def on_destroy(self, widget): """ standard destroy callback """ if self.main_window: self.main_window.destroy()
[docs] def destroy(self): """ for parents """ self.on_destroy(None)
[docs] def on_escape(self, widget, event): """On ESC key_press_event, destroy this window.""" if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape": self.destroy()