# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 IRISA
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# The original code contained here was initially developed by:
# Pierre Vignet.
# Dyliss team
# IRISA Campus de Beaulieu
# 35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
This module groups functions directly related to the creation and the management
of the graph based on a Cadbiom model.
Here we find high-level functions to create a Networkx graph, and convert it
to JSON or GraphML formats.
# Standard imports
import itertools as it
import datetime as dt
import networkx as nx
# Library imports
from cadbiom_cmd.tools.models import parse_condition
import cadbiom.commons as cm
LOGGER = cm.logger()
[docs]def build_graph(solution, steps, transitions):
"""Build a graph for the given solution.
- Get & make all needed edges
- Build graph
.. note:: Legend:
- Default nodes: grey
- Frontier places: red
- Transition nodes: blue
- Inhibitors nodes: white
- Default transition: grey
- Inhibition edge: red
- Activation edge: green
:param solution: Frontier places. String data will be split on spaces.
:param steps: List of steps (with events in each step).
:param transitions: A dictionnary of events as keys, and transitions as values
(see get_transitions()).
:type solution: <str> or <set> or <list>
:type steps: <list <list>>
:type transitions: <dict <list <tuple <str>, <str>, <dict <str>: <str>>>>
- Networkx graph object.
- Nodes corresponding to transitions with conditions.
- All nodes in the model
- Edges between transition node and nodes in condition
- Normal transitions without condition
:rtype: <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph>, <list>, <list>, <list>, <list>
def filter_transitions(step_event):
""" Insert a transittion in a transition event if there is a condition.
=> Insert a node in a edge.
=> Link all nodes involved in the condition with this new node.
:param: A list of events (transitions) (from a step in a solution).
[('Ax', 'n1', {u'label': u'h00[]'}),]
:type: <tuple>
:return: Fill lists of edges:
edges_with_cond: link to a transition node for
transition with condition.
transition_nodes: add new nodes corresponding to transitions with
edges_in_cond: Add all edges to nodes linked to a transition
via the condition (group of nodes involved in the path
choosen by the solver).
edges: transition untouched if there is no condition.
:rtype: None
assert step_event # Todo: useful ?
# Inactivated nodes in paths of conditions
# This variable is set in place by parse_condition() for the current context
inhibitors_nodes = set()
input_places = {ori for ori, _, _ in step_event}
# Color nodes
# Since we explore all possible paths for each condition,
# some edges are rewritten multiple times.
# => included edges between origin <=> transition node
# These edges must be grey while, edges between a node that is
# only in a condition and a transition node must be green.
# => notion of activator vs inhibitor vs normal input/output node
def color_map(node):
"""Return a color used for edges, related to the role of the node"""
# print("color for:", node)
if node in inhibitors_nodes: # Test first (see cond below)
return 'red'
if node in input_places: # some/all frontier places are in this set
return 'grey'
return 'green'
for trans in step_event:
ori, ext, attributes = trans
# Is there a condition formula associated to this clock ?
if not attributes['condition']:
# No => Normal edges
# Get valid paths to add all transitions to nodes linked via the condition
# Since there are useless steps, this function can raise an exception
# if there is no valid path. We test this here before going any further.
temp_inihibtors_nodes = set(inhibitors_nodes)
valid_paths = parse_condition(
temp_inihibtors_nodes, # Modified in place
# In case of error, inhibitors_nodes can be wrongly modified...
inhibitors_nodes = temp_inihibtors_nodes
except AssertionError:
"No valid path for the event '%s' in the solution '%s'.\n"
"Most of the time it is just an artefact from the solver. "
"This event will NOT be added to the final graph.",
event = attributes['label'].split('[')[0]
# Add the transition as node
# PS: There may be a rewrite of an identical node here,
# networkx will do the merge later, but the conditions
# will not be preserved. Only the last condition is kept.
'name': attributes['label'], # Trick for Cytoscape
'color': 'blue',
'condition': attributes['condition'], # Partial cond (cf above)
# Origin => transition node
ori, event,
'label': ori + '-' + event,
# Transition node => ext
event, ext,
'label': event + '-' + ext,
# Add all transitions to nodes linked via the condition
for i, path in enumerate(valid_paths):
for node in path:
node, event,
'label': '{} ({})'.format(
#'label': '{} [{}] ({})'.format(
# event,
# ', '.join(path),
# i
#), #node + '-' + event,
'color': color_map(node), # Set edge color
# Get & make all needed edges ##############################################
LOGGER.debug("Build graph for the solution: %s", solution)
LOGGER.debug("Decompiled steps: %s", steps)
if isinstance(solution, set) or isinstance(solution, list):
frontier_places = frozenset(solution)
frontier_places = frozenset(solution.split(' '))
edges_with_cond = list() # Edges between ori <-> transition node <-> ext
edges_in_cond = list() # Edges between transition node and nodes in condition
transition_nodes = list() # Nodes inserted because of condition in transition
edges = list() # Normal transitions without condition
# Get all nodes in all transitions (origin & ext)
all_transitions = \
(transitions[step_event] for step_event in it.chain(*steps))
transitions_ori_ext = \
((ori, ext) for ori, ext, _ in it.chain(*all_transitions))
except KeyError:
LOGGER.error("/!\One event is not in the given model file... Please check it.")
# All nodes are: nodes involved in transitions + frontier places
all_nodes = set(it.chain(*transitions_ori_ext)) | frontier_places
# print("ALL NODES", all_nodes)
# Parse all conditions in transitions;
# add nodes in conditions and transition nodes
for step_event in it.chain(*steps)]
# print("edges without cond", edges)
# print("edges with cond", edges_with_cond)
# print("transition nodes added", transition_nodes)
# Make Graph ###############################################################
G = nx.DiGraph()
# Add all nodes (some frontier places are in this set)
G.add_nodes_from(all_nodes, color='grey')
# Add fontier places
# We rewrite the color of these special nodes here.
G.add_nodes_from(frontier_places, color='red')
# Add all transition nodes
G.add_nodes_from(transition_nodes, color='blue')
# Node attribute ?
# print(G.node['h1'])
# Add all edges
return G, transition_nodes, all_nodes, edges_in_cond, edges
[docs]def get_solutions_graph_data(G, info, centralities):
"""Complete the given dictionary with information specific to the graph considered
By default the following information are added::
- graph_nodes: Number of nodes
- graph_edges: Number of edges
- graph_nodes_places: Number of biological places/entities.
The graph is a false bipartite graph, we remove the subset of transitions
in order to have the real count of biological places/entities.
If centralities is True, the folliwing information are added to the a new
key named "centralities"::
- strongly_connected:
- weakly_connected
- max_degree
- min_degree
- average_degree
- degree
- connected_components_number
- connected_components
- average_shortest_paths
:param G: NetworkX directed graph
:param info: Dictionnary of data to be completed
:param centralities: Flag to activate the computation of centralities.
:type G: <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph>
:type info: <dict>
:type centralities: <boolean>
# Get transition nodes
# See docstring...
transition_nodes = [
node for node, color in nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'color').items()
if color == "blue"
nb_nodes = len(G.nodes())
'graph_nodes': nb_nodes,
'graph_nodes_places': nb_nodes - len(transition_nodes),
'graph_edges': len(G.edges()),
if not centralities:
# largest_connected_component = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len)
connected_components = [g for g in nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(G) if len(g) > 1]
shortest_paths = [nx.average_shortest_path_length(g) for g in connected_components]
degree = G.degree()
'centralities': {
'strongly_connected': nx.is_strongly_connected(G),
'weakly_connected': nx.is_weakly_connected(G),
'max_degree': max(degree.values()),
'min_degree': min(degree.values()),
'average_degree': sum(degree.values()) / float(len(degree)),
'degree': degree,
'connected_components_number': len(shortest_paths),
'connected_components': [len(g) for g in connected_components],
'average_shortest_paths': sum(shortest_paths) / len(shortest_paths) if shortest_paths else "UKN",
[docs]def get_json_graph(G):
"""Translate Networkx graph into a dictionary ready to be dumped in a JSON file.
.. note:: In classical JSON graph, ids of nodes are their names;
also, their position in the array of nodes gives their numerical id,
which is used as source or target in edges definitions.
Here, for readability and debugging purpose, we use distinct attributes
id and label for nodes.
:param graph: Networkx graph.
:type graph: <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph>
:return: Serialized graph ready to be dumped in a JSON file.
:rtype: <dict>
# Debug
# Color attribute of the nodes
# print(nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'color'))
# Color attribute of the edges
# print(nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'color'))
# Labels of edges
# print(nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'label'))
# Conditions of edges
## Only edges without conditions here ?
# print(nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'condition'))
json_data = dict()
id_generator = it.count()
nodes = list()
edges = list()
nodes_mapping = dict()
# Build nodes
for node_name, color in nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'color').items():
node_id = next(id_generator)
node = {
'id': node_id,
'label': node_name,
'color': color,
nodes_mapping[node_name] = node_id
#for edge, color in nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'color').items():
for ori, ext in G.edges_iter():
# Update edge attributes
edge = dict(G.get_edge_data(ori, ext))
edge['source'] = nodes_mapping[ori] # get id of ori
edge['target'] = nodes_mapping[ext] # get id of ext
#{'label': G[ori][ext]['label'], 'color': G[ori][ext]['color']}
#{'color': 'grey', 'source': 12838, 'target': 11741, 'label': '_h_1831 (0)'}
json_data['nodes'] = nodes
json_data['edges'] = edges
return json_data
[docs]def export_graph(output_dir, frontier_places, solution_index, G, *args):
"""Export a networkx graph to GraphML format.
.. note:: Legend: See :meth:`~cadbiom_cmd.tools.graphs.build_graph`.
:param output_dir: Output directory for GraphML files.
:param frontier_places: Solution: a set of frontier places.
This argument is used to build the filename.
:param solution_index: Index of the solution in the Cadbiom result file
(used to distinguish exported filenames).
:param G: Networkx graph object.
:type output_dir: <str>
:type frontier_places: <set>
:type solution_index: <int> or <str>
:type G: <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph>
creation_date = dt.datetime.now().strftime("%H-%M-%S")
filename = "{}{}_{}_{}".format(
output_dir, creation_date, solution_index, " ".join(frontier_places)[:60]
# Save
# PS: inhibitors will still have not the attribute 'color' = 'white'
nx.write_graphml(G, filename + ".graphml")
[docs]def merge_graphs(graphs):
"""Merge graphs in the given iterable; count and add the weights to the edges
of the final graph
:param graphs: Networkx graph objects.
:type graphs: <generator <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph>>
:return: Networkx graph object.
:rtype: <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph>
G = nx.DiGraph()
for graph in graphs:
missing_nodes = set(graph.nodes_iter()) - set(G.nodes_iter())
if missing_nodes:
# Add missing nodes in G from the current graph
# Note: This step is mandatory even if add_edge() automatically adds
# nodes to the graph, because some nodes can be included in any
# transition.
# Build a tuple (node_name, attrs)
G.add_nodes_from((node, graph.node[node]) for node in missing_nodes)
for ori, ext, data in graph.edges_iter(data=True):
if G.has_edge(ori, ext):
# Update the edge
G[ori][ext]['weight'] += 1
# Add the missing edge
G.add_edge(ori, ext, attr_dict=data, weight=1)
return G
[docs]def draw_graph(output_dir, frontier_places, solution_index, G,
transition_nodes, all_nodes,
edges_in_cond, edges):
"""Draw graph with colors and export it svg file format .
This function is no longer used but can be still usefull.
.. note:: Legend:
- red: frontier places (in frontier_places variable),
- white: middle edges,
- blue: transition edges
:param output_dir: Output directory for GraphML files.
:param frontier_places: Solution: a set of frontier places.
:param solution_index: Index of the solution in the Cadbiom result file
(used to distinguish exported filenames).
:param G: Networkx graph object.
:param transition_nodes: Nodes corresponding to transitions with conditions.
List of tuples: event, node
:param all_nodes: All nodes in the model.
:param edges_in_cond: Edges between transition node and nodes in condition
:param edges: Normal transitions without condition.
:type output_dir: <str>
:type frontier_places: <set>
:type solution_index: <int> or <str>
:type G: <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph>
:type transition_nodes: <list>
:type all_nodes: <list>
:type edges_in_cond: <list>
:type edges: <list>
# Remove matplotlib dependency
# It is used on demand during the drawing of a graph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
"ImportError: 'matplotlib' packages is required for this task;\n"
"You might want to install 'cadbiom_cmd' with the following command:\n"
"'pip install cadbiom_cmd[matplotlib]'"
creation_date = dt.datetime.now().strftime("%H-%M-%S")
filename = "{}{}_{}_{}".format(
output_dir, creation_date, solution_index, " ".join(frontier_places)[:60]
# Drawing ##################################################################
# draw_circular(G, **kwargs) On a circle.
# draw_random(G, **kwargs) Uniformly at random in the unit square.
# draw_spectral(G, **kwargs) Eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian.
# draw_spring(G, **kwargs) Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm.
# draw_shell(G, **kwargs) Concentric circles.
# draw_graphviz(G[, prog]) Draw networkx graph with graphviz layout.
# Get a list of transition nodes (without dictionnary of attributes)
transition_nodes_names = {node[0] for node in transition_nodes}
pos = nx.circular_layout(G)
# Legend of conditions in transition nodes
f = plt.figure(1)
ax = f.add_subplot(1,1,1)
text = '\n'.join(transition_nodes_names)
ax.text(0, 0, text, style='italic', fontsize=10,
bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 10})
# Draw nodes:
# - red: frontier places (in solution variable),
# - white: middle edges,
# - blue: transition edges
def color_map(node):
# print("color for:", node)
if node in frontier_places: # Test first (see cond below)
return 'red'
if node in transition_nodes_names:
return 'blue'
if node in all_nodes: # some /all frontier places are in this set
return 'grey'
return 'white'
# Color nodes
colors = [color_map(node) for node in G.nodes_iter()]
nx.draw(G, pos=pos, with_labels=True,
node_color=colors, node_size=1000, alpha=0.5,
# Draw edges involved in transitions with conditions
edges_colors = [edge[2]['color'] for edge in edges_in_cond]
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=edges_in_cond,
edge_color=edges_colors, width=2, alpha=0.5)
# Draw labels for normal transitions (move pos to the end of the arrow)
# ex: [('Ax', 'n1', {u'condition': u'', u'label': u'h00[]'}),]
edges_labels = {(edge[0], edge[1]): edge[2]['label'] for edge in edges}
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edges_labels, label_pos=0.3)
# Save & show
plt.savefig(filename + ".svg", format="svg")