Source code for cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLQuery

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 10 sept. 2012
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2012 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
## or modifications.
## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
## special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits,
## arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
## IRISA have been advised of the possibility of such damage.  See
## the GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s): Geoffroy Andrieux - IRISA/IRSET
Query internal representation
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLSolutions import MCLException
from cadbiom import commons as cm
from logging import DEBUG

LOGGER = cm.logger()

[docs]class MCLSimpleQuery(object): """Class packaging the elements of a query Object containing 2 main types of attributes describing properties: - Attributes in text format: These are logical formulas that are humanly readable. Ex: `start_prop, inv_prop, final_prop, variant_prop` - Attributes in DIMACS format: These are logical formulas encoded in the form of clauses containing numerical values. Ex: `dim_start, dim_inv, dim_final, dim_variant` Textual properties of query are compiled into numeric clauses in the unfolder with init_forward_unfolding(), just at the beginning of squery_is_satisfied() and squery_solve(). Attributes: :param start_prop: start property; logical formulas :param inv_prop: invariant property; logical formulas :param final_prop: final property; logical formulas :param variant_prop: list of logical formulas from ic_sequence. It's the trajectory of events of a solution. :Example:: ['', 'h2 and h2', '', 'h2'] :param dim_start: start property in DIMACS form - optional :param dim_inv: invariant property in DIMACS form - optional :param dim_final: final property in DIMACS form - optional :param dim_variant: list of lists of dimacs clauses :Example:: [[[16], [16]], [[22], [22]]] :param steps_before_check: Number of shifts before testing the final property - optional :type start_prop: <str> :type inv_prop: <str> :type final_prop: <str> :type variant_prop: <list <str>> :type dim_start: <list <DClause>>, default [] :type dim_inv: <list <DClause>>, default [] :type dim_final: <list <DClause>>, default [] :type dim_variant: <list <list <DClause>> :type steps_before_check: <int>, default value 0 NB: DClause: A clause coded as a list of DIMACS coded literals: <list <int>> """ def __init__(self, start_prop, inv_prop, final_prop, variant_prop=list()): """ .. seealso: The class docstring. """ if LOGGER.getEffectiveLevel() == DEBUG: LOGGER.debug( "MCLSimpleQuery params:: start prop: " + str(start_prop) + "; inv prop: " + str(inv_prop) + "; final prop: " + str(final_prop) ) # Strings forms of constraints self.start_prop = start_prop # logical formula or None self.inv_prop = inv_prop # logical formula or None self.final_prop = final_prop # logical formula or None self.variant_prop = variant_prop # list<logical formula> # DIMACS forms of the preceding attributes self.dim_start = [] # list<DClause> self.dim_inv = [] # list<DClause> self.dim_final = [] # list<DClause> self.dim_variant = [] # list<list<DClause>> self.steps_before_check = 0
[docs] @classmethod def from_frontier_sol(cls, f_sol): """Build a query from a frontier solution Start property is based on activated frontiers. All frontiers that are not in activated_frontier **ARE NOT** forced to be inactivated with a negative value. Variant property enforces same timing on activated events, and the others are free. @param f_sol: FrontierSolution (human readable solution) @param unfolder: current unfolder """ # start condition enforce activation of solution places start_prop = None if f_sol.activated_frontier: start_prop = " and ".join(f_sol.activated_frontier) # no invariant property inv_prop = None # no final property final_prop = None # variant property enforce same timing # Each event has a list of steps which it belongs # Ex: for steps: ['%', '% h2 h2', '%', '% h2'] # variant property: ['', 'h2 and h2', '', 'h2'] print("Reading ic_sequence from FrontierSolution...") # - Iterate on steps # - Get events names in each step # (remove the leading "%" and split the string on spaces) # - join events names with a logical operator " and " var_prop = [ " and ".join(raw_step[1:].split()) for raw_step in f_sol.ic_sequence ] # PS: var_prop and any attribute can be [], but keep this for uniformity if not var_prop: var_prop = None n_query = MCLSimpleQuery(start_prop, inv_prop, final_prop) n_query.variant_prop = var_prop return n_query
[docs] @classmethod def from_frontier_sol_new_timing(cls, f_sol, unfolder): """Build a query from a frontier solution Start property is based on activated frontiers. Search all frontiers that are not in activated_frontier and force their inactivation with a negative value. **Variant property enforces new timing** @param f_sol: FrontierSolution (human readable solution) @param unfolder: unfolder """ # activation part of start condition start_prop = None if f_sol.activated_frontier: start_prop = " and ".join(f_sol.activated_frontier) # no invariant property inv_prop = None # no final property final_prop = None # variant property enforce new timing on activated events # Each event has a list of steps which it belongs # Ex: for steps: ['%', '% h2 h2', '%', '% h2'] # variant property: ['', 'not (h2) or not (h2)', '', 'not (h2)'] print("Reading ic_sequence from FrontierSolution...") # - Iterate on steps # - Get events names in each step # (remove the leading "%" and split the string on spaces) # - negation of each event with "not ( event )" # - join events names with a logical operator " or " var_prop = [ " or ".join("not (" + icp + ")" for icp in raw_step[1:].split()) for raw_step in f_sol.ic_sequence ] # PS: var_prop and any attribute can be [], but keep this for uniformity if not var_prop: var_prop = None # Inactivation of other frontier places at start (DIMACS format) # Search all frontiers that are not in activated_frontier # and force their inactivation with a negative value. ## dim_start doit-il etre ordonné ? # 1 - Get negative values of activated frontiers in FrontierSolution object activated_frontier_neg_values = { -unfolder.var_dimacs_code(name) for name in f_sol.activated_frontier } # 2 - Get values of inactivated frontiers in the FrontSolution object dim_start_values = \ [[val] for val in unfolder.frontiers_negative_values - activated_frontier_neg_values] n_query = MCLSimpleQuery(start_prop, inv_prop, final_prop) n_query.variant_prop = var_prop n_query.dim_start = dim_start_values return n_query
[docs] @classmethod def from_frontier_sol_same_timing(cls, f_sol, unfolder): """Build a query from a frontier solution Start property is based on activated frontiers. Search all frontiers that are not in activated_frontier and force their inactivation with a negative value. **Variant property enforces same timing on activated events, and the others are free.** @param f_sol: FrontierSolution (human readable solution) @param unfolder: current unfolder """ # activation part of start condition start_prop = None if f_sol.activated_frontier: start_prop = " and ".join(f_sol.activated_frontier) # no invariant property inv_prop = None # no final property final_prop = None # variant property enforce same timing on activated events # Each event has a list of steps which it belongs # Ex: for steps: ['%', '% h2 h2', '%', '% h2'] # variant property: ['', 'h2 and h2', '', 'h2'] print("Reading ic_sequence from FrontierSolution...") # - Iterate on steps # - Get events names in each step # (remove the leading "%" and split the string on spaces) # - join events names with a logical operator " and " var_prop = [ " and ".join(raw_step[1:].split()) for raw_step in f_sol.ic_sequence ] # PS: var_prop and any attribute can be [], but keep this for uniformity if not var_prop: var_prop = None # inactivation of other frontier places at start (DIMACS format) # Search all frontiers that are not in activated_frontier # and force their inactivation with a negative value. # Get negative values of activated frontiers in FrontierSolution object activated_frontier_neg_values = { -unfolder.var_dimacs_code(name) for name in f_sol.activated_frontier } # Get list of values of inactivated frontiers in the FrontSolution object dim_start_values = \ [[val] for val in unfolder.frontiers_negative_values - activated_frontier_neg_values] n_query = MCLSimpleQuery(start_prop, inv_prop, final_prop) # list of logical formulas n_query.variant_prop = var_prop # start property in DIMACS format n_query.dim_start = dim_start_values return n_query
[docs] def merge(self, query): """Return a new query which is a merge of two queries into one. - start, invariant and final properties are merged. - If both queries have variant properties, they must be on the same horizon (number of steps). - steps before reach is set to zero. - dim properties are also merged: dim_start, dim_inv, dim_final :param query: a MCLSimpleQuery :raises: `MCLException` If the queries have variant properties with different horizons (nb of steps). """ # merge of start properties if not self.start_prop: start_prop = query.start_prop elif not query.start_prop: start_prop = self.start_prop else: start_prop = "(" + self.start_prop + ") and (" + query.start_prop + ")" # merge of invariant properties if not self.inv_prop: i_prop = query.inv_prop elif not query.inv_prop: i_prop = self.inv_prop else: i_prop = "(" + self.inv_prop + ") and (" + query.inv_prop + ")" # merge of final properties if not self.final_prop: final_prop = query.final_prop elif not query.final_prop: final_prop = self.final_prop else: final_prop = "(" + self.final_prop + ") and (" + query.final_prop + ")" n_query = MCLSimpleQuery(start_prop, i_prop, final_prop) # merge of variant prop var_prop = None if not self.variant_prop: var_prop = query.variant_prop elif not query.variant_prop: var_prop = self.variant_prop else: ll1 = len(self.variant_prop) ll2 = len(query.variant_prop) if ll1 != ll2: raise MCLException( "Tempting to merge two queries with variant prop of different lengths" "current: {}; other: {}".format(ll1, ll2) ) else: var_prop = [] # 2 empty, 1 empty and not the other, none empty for current, other in zip(self.variant_prop, query.variant_prop): if current and other: var_prop.append(current + " and " + other) elif current and not other: var_prop.append(current) elif not current and other: var_prop.append(other) else: var_prop.append("") n_query.variant_prop = var_prop # merge of dim properties n_query.dim_start += query.dim_start n_query.dim_inv += query.dim_inv n_query.dim_final += query.dim_final return n_query
def __str__(self): """Print logical formulas in query""" str_out = "Start_property: " if self.start_prop: str_out += self.start_prop str_out += "\nInv property: " if self.inv_prop: str_out += self.inv_prop str_out += "\nFinal property: " if self.final_prop: str_out += self.final_prop str_out += "\nVariant property: " if self.variant_prop: str_out += str(self.variant_prop) return str_out