Source code for

## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 5/12/2011
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2020 : IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
## or modifications.
## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
## special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits,
## arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
## IRISA have been advised of the possibility of such damage.  See
## the GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s):
A drawing style contains all the information to display a chart model and its items.
We use essentially two styles Navigator and Plain corresponding to
the two views displayed on the gui.

Classes available::

        :class:`PlainDrawing`: For graph editor
        :class:`NavDrawing`: For overview widget
    :class:`Arrow`: For Transitions
from math import sqrt

from gtk.gdk import color_parse
import pango

[docs]class DrawingStyle: """Abstract class for chart model drawing""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def draw_start(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ pass
[docs] def draw_trap(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ pass
[docs] def draw_top_node(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ pass
[docs] def draw_macro(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ pass
[docs] def draw_simple(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ pass
[docs] def draw_perm(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ pass
[docs] def draw_input(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ pass
[docs] def draw_transition(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ pass
[docs] def draw_transition_group(self, tgr, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ Draw transitions with common extremities @param tgr: is a list of transitions with same extremities @param xfv,yfv: view coordinates of the macro node @param wfv,hfv: affinity ratios father node -> virtual screen """ pass
# visitors give virtual size of the node and limits
[docs] def visit_cstart_node(self, node): """ @return: (v_width, v_height, 0.0) """ return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def visit_ctrap_node(self, node): """ @return: (v_width, v_height, 0.0) """ return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def visit_cinput_node(self, node): """ @return: (v_width, v_height, 0.0) """ return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def visit_csimple_node(self, node): """ @return: (v_width, v_height, v_h_top_limit) """ return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def visit_cperm_node(self, node): """ @return: (v_width, v_height, v_h_top_limit) """ return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def visit_cmacro_node(self, node): """ @return: (v_width, v_height, v_h_top_limit, handle_w_limit, handle_h_limit) """ return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def visit_ctop_node(self, node): """ @return:(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) """ return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def visit_ctransition(self, node): """ @return: (v_w_detect_limit, v_h_detect_limit """ return (0.0, 0.0)
[docs]class PlainDrawing(DrawingStyle): """ Main drawing style used in main window of charter """ LABEL_H = 22.0 W_SNODE = 65.0 H_SNODE = 20.0 W_INODE = 60.0 H_INODE = 30.0 U_SLOPE = H_SNODE / W_SNODE NRADIUS = 8 SNODE_COLOR = "#EDFFEE" MNODE_COLOR = "ivory" ENODE_COLOR = "#f9fff9" PNODE_COLOR = "#fff7ed" INODE_COLOR = "green" SELECT_COLOR = "red" ACTIV_COLOR = "#FF9F7C" SEARCH_COLOR = "#DA70D6" DELTA = 7.0 # for handler detection DIST = 6.0 # distance for transition detection in pixel def __init__(self): self.view = None
[docs] def draw_simple(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ view = self.view wview = view.draw_width hview = view.draw_height # coordinates in view xxr = int((xfv + node.xloc * wfv) * wview) yyr = int((yfv + node.yloc * hfv) * hview) # must be included in macro # wr = min(self.W_SNODE, (xfv - xr+wfv)) # her = min(self.H_SNODE, (yfv*hview - yr+hfv)) wir = self.W_SNODE her = self.H_SNODE # find colors if node.selected: line_color = self.SELECT_COLOR else: line_color = "black" if node.activated: node_color = self.ACTIV_COLOR elif node.search_mark: node_color = self.SEARCH_COLOR else: node_color = self.SNODE_COLOR self.draw_node_gen(view, xxr, yyr, wir, her,, node_color, line_color)
[docs] def draw_macro(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ view = self.view wview = view.draw_width hview = view.draw_height # coordinates in drawing window xxr = int((xfv + node.xloc * wfv) * wview) yyr = int((yfv + node.yloc * hfv) * hview) if node.model.show_macro: wir = int(node.wloc * wfv * wview) her = int(node.hloc * hfv * hview) else: # wir = min(self.W_SNODE, xfv - xr+wfv) # her = min(self.H_SNODE, yfv-yr+hfv) wir = self.W_SNODE her = self.H_SNODE if node.selected: line_color = self.SELECT_COLOR else: line_color = "black" if node.model.show_macro: name = else: name =[0:9] if node.model.show_macro: self.draw_macro_node_gen(view, xxr, yyr, wir, her, self.LABEL_H, name, self.MNODE_COLOR, line_color) else: self.draw_node_gen( view, xxr, yyr, wir, her, name, self.MNODE_COLOR, line_color )
def draw_start(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): view = self.view wview = view.draw_width hview = view.draw_height # coordinates xxr = int((xfv + node.xloc * wfv) * wview) yyr = int((yfv + node.yloc * hfv) * hview + self.H_SNODE / 2) # graphic context pixmap = view.pixmap grc = view.window.new_gc() grc.set_rgb_fg_color(color_parse("black")) wid = int(xxr - self.NRADIUS) hei = int(yyr - self.NRADIUS) pixmap.draw_arc( grc, True, wid, hei, 2 * self.NRADIUS, 2 * self.NRADIUS, 0, 360 * 64 ) def draw_trap(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): view = self.view wview = view.draw_width hview = view.draw_height # coordinates xxr = int((xfv + node.xloc * wfv) * wview) yyr = int((yfv + node.yloc * hfv) * hview) # graphic context pixmap = view.pixmap grc = view.window.new_gc() grc.set_rgb_fg_color(color_parse("black")) grc.line_width = 2 wid = int(xxr - self.NRADIUS) hei = int(yyr - self.NRADIUS) pixmap.draw_arc( grc, False, wid, hei, 2 * self.NRADIUS, 2 * self.NRADIUS, 0, 360 * 64 )
[docs] def draw_perm(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ @param xfv: x coordinate of father in virtual view @param yfv: y coordinate of father in virtual view @param wfv: width of father in virtual view @param hfv: height of father in virtual view """ view = self.view wview = view.draw_width hview = view.draw_height # coordinates in view xxr = int((xfv + node.xloc * wfv) * wview) yyr = int((yfv + node.yloc * hfv) * hview) # must be included in macro # wir = min(self.W_SNODE, xfv - xxr+wfv) # her = min(self.H_SNODE, yfv-yyr+hfv) wir = self.W_SNODE her = self.H_SNODE # find colors if node.selected: line_color = self.SELECT_COLOR else: line_color = "black" if node.activated: node_color = self.ACTIV_COLOR elif node.search_mark: node_color = self.SEARCH_COLOR else: node_color = self.PNODE_COLOR self.draw_node_gen(view, xxr, yyr, wir, her,, node_color, line_color)
def draw_input(self, node, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): view = self.view wview = view.draw_width hview = view.draw_height # coordinates xxr = int((xfv + node.xloc * wfv) * wview + self.W_SNODE / 2) yyr = int((yfv + node.yloc * hfv) * hview + self.H_SNODE / 2) # color choice (activated or not) if node.activated: color = self.ACTIV_COLOR else: color = self.INODE_COLOR # graphic context pixmap = view.pixmap grc = view.window.new_gc() # diamond drawing rax = int(self.W_INODE / 2.0) ray = int(self.H_INODE / 2.0) grc.set_rgb_fg_color(color_parse(color)) xr1 = xxr - rax xr2 = xxr + rax yr1 = yyr - ray yr2 = yyr + ray lpe = [(xr1, yyr), (xxr, yr1), (xr2, yyr), (xxr, yr2)] pixmap.draw_polygon(grc, True, lpe) if node.selected: color = self.SELECT_COLOR else: color = "black" grc.set_rgb_fg_color(color_parse(color)) grc.line_width = 2 pixmap.draw_polygon(grc, False, lpe) # name view.stylepango.set_text( (xps, yps) = view.stylepango.get_pixel_size() xxx = xxr - xps / 2.0 yyy = yyr - yps / 2.0 pixmap.draw_layout(grc, int(xxx), int(yyy), view.stylepango)
[docs] def draw_transition(self, trans, x1v, y1v, x2v, y2v, nnn, hor, xfv, yfv): """ @param trans: the transition @param x1v, y1v: origin coordinates in virtual screen @param x2v, y2v: extremity coordinates in virtual screen @param xfv, yfv: father coordinate in virtual screen """ view = self.view wview = view.draw_width hview = view.draw_height # find colors if trans.selected: color = self.SELECT_COLOR elif trans.search_mark: color = self.SEARCH_COLOR elif trans.activated: color = self.ACTIV_COLOR else: color = "black" label = trans.event + "[" + trans.condition + "]" + trans.action # coordinates in view xr1 = int((x1v) * wview) yr1 = int((y1v) * hview) if trans.ori.is_start(): yr1 = yr1 + int(self.H_SNODE / 2) if trans.ori.is_input(): xr1 = xr1 + int(self.W_SNODE / 2) yr1 = yr1 + int(self.H_SNODE / 2) xr2 = int((x2v) * wview) yr2 = int((y2v) * hview) self.draw_edge_gen(view, xr1, yr1, xr2, yr2, hor, nnn, label, color)
[docs] def draw_transition_group(self, tgr, xfv, yfv, wfv, hfv): """ Draw transitions with common extremities @param tgr: is a list of transitions with same extremities @param xfv, yfv: view coordinates of the macro node @param wfv, hfv: affinity ratios father node -> virtual screen """ # 1 transition per couple of nodes trans = tgr[0] ori = trans.ori ext = trans.ext nbtrans = len(tgr) # extremities coordinates in local frame (xo1, yo1, gap1, hor1) = ori.intersect(ext, self, nbtrans, wfv, hfv) (xe2, ye2, gap2, hor2) = ext.intersect(ori, self, nbtrans, wfv, hfv) # change to virtual view coordinates x1v = xfv + xo1 * wfv y1v = yfv + yo1 * hfv if hor1: gap1v = gap1 * wfv else: gap1v = gap1 * hfv x2v = xfv + xe2 * wfv y2v = yfv + ye2 * hfv if hor2: gap2v = gap2 * wfv else: gap2v = gap2 * hfv # draw each transition cpt = 1 for trans in tgr: if trans.ori == ori: # same direction as first one self.draw_transition(trans, x1v, y1v, x2v, y2v, cpt, hor1, xfv, yfv) # record positions in virtual screen for find - # position in local coordinate trans.ori_coord = (xo1, yo1) trans.ext_coord = (xe2, ye2) else: # opposite direction self.draw_transition(trans, x2v, y2v, x1v, y1v, cpt, hor1, xfv, yfv) # record positions in virtual screen for find # position in local frame trans.ext_coord = (xo1, yo1) trans.ori_coord = (xe2, ye2) # next position if hor1: x1v = x1v + gap1v xo1 = xo1 + gap1 else: y1v = y1v + gap1v yo1 = yo1 + gap1 if hor2: x2v = x2v + gap2v xe2 = xe2 + gap2 else: y2v = y2v + gap2v ye2 = ye2 + gap2 cpt += 1
# visitor method # visitors give virtual size of the node and limits def visit_cstart_node(self, node): wid = float(self.view.draw_width) hei = float(self.view.draw_height) # 1.1 value is a "magic" value due to the resize of start nodes return ( self.NRADIUS / wid * 1.1, self.NRADIUS / hei * 1.1, self.H_SNODE / (2 * hei), ) def visit_ctrap_node(self, node): wid = float(self.view.draw_width) hei = float(self.view.draw_height) return (self.NRADIUS / wid, self.NRADIUS / hei, 0.0) def visit_cinput_node(self, node): wid = float(self.view.draw_width) hei = float(self.view.draw_height) hlabel = self.LABEL_H / hei return (self.W_INODE / wid, self.H_INODE / hei, hlabel) def visit_csimple_node(self, node): wid = float(self.view.draw_width) hei = float(self.view.draw_height) return (self.W_SNODE / wid, self.H_SNODE / hei, self.LABEL_H / hei) def visit_cperm_node(self, node): wid = float(self.view.draw_width) hei = float(self.view.draw_height) return (self.W_SNODE / wid, self.H_SNODE / hei, self.LABEL_H / hei) def visit_cmacro_node(self, node): wid = float(self.view.draw_width) hei = float(self.view.draw_height) del_x = self.DELTA / wid del_y = self.DELTA / hei return ( self.W_SNODE / wid, self.H_SNODE / hei, self.LABEL_H / hei, del_x, del_y, ) def visit_ctop_node(self, node): return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def visit_ctransition(self, node): wid = float(self.view.draw_width) hei = float(self.view.draw_height) return (self.DELTA / wid, self.DELTA / hei) # generic drawing
[docs] def draw_macro_node_gen( self, view, xxr, yyr, wir, her, hlabel, name, color, line_color ): """ Rectangle with round corners """ # graphic context pixmap = view.pixmap grc = view.window.new_gc() cac = pixmap.cairo_create() # rounded rectangle # A****BQ # H C # * * # G D # F****E col = color_parse(line_color) cac.set_line_width(1.0) ray = 12 # Move to A cac.move_to(xxr + ray, yyr) # Straight line to B cac.line_to(xxr + wir - ray, yyr) # Curve to C, Control points are both at Q cac.curve_to(xxr + wir, yyr, xxr + wir, yyr, xxr + wir, yyr + ray) # Move to D cac.line_to(xxr + wir, yyr + her - ray) # Curve to E cac.curve_to( xxr + wir, yyr + her, xxr + wir, yyr + her, xxr + wir - ray, yyr + her ) # Line to F cac.line_to(xxr + ray, yyr + her) # Curve to G cac.curve_to(xxr, yyr + her, xxr, yyr + her, xxr, yyr + her - ray) # Line to H cac.line_to(xxr, yyr + ray) # Curve to A cac.curve_to(xxr, yyr, xxr, yyr, xxr + ray, yyr) # cac.move_to(xr, yyr+LABEL_H) # cac.line_to(xr+wir, yyr+LABEL_H) cac.set_source_rgba( / 65535.0, / 65535.0, / 65535.0) cac.stroke_preserve() col = color_parse(color) cac.set_source_rgba( / 65535.0, / 65535.0, / 65535.0) cac.fill() grc.set_rgb_fg_color(color_parse(line_color)) pixmap.draw_line( grc, int(xxr), int(yyr + self.LABEL_H), int(xxr + wir), int(yyr + self.LABEL_H), ) # label view.stylepango.set_text(name) fod = pango.FontDescription("normal 9") view.stylepango.set_font_description(fod) (xpl, ypl) = view.stylepango.get_pixel_size() # center xpos = xxr + wir / 2 - xpl / 2 ypos = yyr + 4 pixmap.draw_layout(grc, int(xpos), int(ypos), view.stylepango)
[docs] def draw_node_gen(self, view, xxr, yyr, wir, her, name, color, line_color): """ @param xxr,yyr: coordinates in view @param wir, her: size in view """ # graphic context pixmap = view.pixmap grc = view.window.new_gc() cac = pixmap.cairo_create() # rounded rectangle # A****BQ # H C # * * # G D # F****E col = color_parse(line_color) cac.set_line_width(1.5) ray = 7 # Move to A cac.move_to(xxr + ray, yyr) # Straight line to B cac.line_to(xxr + wir - ray, yyr) # Curve to C, Control points are both at Q cac.curve_to(xxr + wir, yyr, xxr + wir, yyr, xxr + wir, yyr + ray) # Move to D cac.line_to(xxr + wir, yyr + her - ray) # Curve to E cac.curve_to( xxr + wir, yyr + her, xxr + wir, yyr + her, xxr + wir - ray, yyr + her ) # Line to F cac.line_to(xxr + ray, yyr + her) # Curve to G cac.curve_to(xxr, yyr + her, xxr, yyr + her, xxr, yyr + her - ray) # Line to H cac.line_to(xxr, yyr + ray) # Curve to A cac.curve_to(xxr, yyr, xxr, yyr, xxr + ray, yyr) cac.set_source_rgba( / 65535.0, / 65535.0, / 65535.0) cac.stroke_preserve() col = color_parse(color) cac.set_source_rgba( / 65535.0, / 65535.0, / 65535.0) cac.fill() # label view.stylepango.set_text(name[:9]) fod = pango.FontDescription("normal 9") view.stylepango.set_font_description(fod) (xpl, ypl) = view.stylepango.get_pixel_size() # center xpos = xxr + wir / 2 - xpl / 2 ypos = yyr + 4 pixmap.draw_layout(grc, int(xpos), int(ypos), view.stylepango)
[docs] def draw_edge_gen(self, view, xr1, yr1, xr2, yr2, hor, nnn, label, color): """ draw an edge """ # graphic context pixmap = view.pixmap grc = view.window.new_gc() grc.set_rgb_fg_color(color_parse(color)) # line pixmap.draw_line(grc, xr1, yr1, xr2, yr2) # arrow vux = xr2 - xr1 vuy = yr2 - yr1 norm = sqrt(vux ** 2 + vuy ** 2) if norm != 0: vux = vux / norm vuy = vuy / norm arr = Arrow() arr.draw(view, (vux, vuy), (xr2, yr2)) # label if len(label) > 20: label1 = label[0:18] + "..." else: label1 = label old_fd = view.stylepango.get_font_description() fod = pango.FontDescription("normal 9") view.stylepango.set_font_description(fod) view.stylepango.set_text(label1) (wpl, hpl) = view.stylepango.get_pixel_size() # draw label if enough room if wpl < abs(xr2 - xr1) or 2 * hpl < abs(yr2 - yr1): if not hor: xxl = (xr1 + xr2) / 2 - wpl / 2 yyl = (yr1 + yr2) / 2 - hpl + 2 pixmap.draw_layout(grc, xxl, yyl, view.stylepango) else: xxl = (nnn * xr1 + xr2) / (nnn + 1) - wpl / 2 yyl = (nnn * yr1 + yr2) / (nnn + 1) pixmap.draw_layout(grc, xxl, yyl, view.stylepango) view.stylepango.set_font_description(old_fd)
[docs]class Arrow: """Generic arrow (Transition item)""" ALENGTH = 10 SAANGLE = 0.342020 CAANGLE = 0.939693 ARROWCOLOR = "black" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def draw(self, view, direct, pos): """ draw the arrow """ pixmap = view.pixmap vux = -direct[0] vuy = -direct[1] poly = [(int(pos[0]), int(pos[1]))] xx0 = pos[0] yy0 = pos[1] u1x = vux * self.CAANGLE - vuy * self.SAANGLE u1y = vux * self.SAANGLE + vuy * self.CAANGLE xxx = int(xx0 + self.ALENGTH * 1.2 * u1x) yyy = int(yy0 + self.ALENGTH * 1.2 * u1y) poly.append((xxx, yyy)) xxx = int(xx0 + self.ALENGTH * vux) yyy = int(yy0 + self.ALENGTH * vuy) poly.append((xxx, yyy)) u1x = vux * self.CAANGLE + vuy * self.SAANGLE u1y = vuy * self.CAANGLE - vux * self.SAANGLE xxx = int(xx0 + self.ALENGTH * 1.2 * u1x) yyy = int(yy0 + self.ALENGTH * 1.2 * u1y) poly.append((xxx, yyy)) grc = view.window.new_gc() grc.set_rgb_fg_color(color_parse(self.ARROWCOLOR)) pixmap.draw_polygon(grc, True, poly)