Source code for cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.chart_static.chart_stat_controler

## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 08/2012
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2012 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License  published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
## or modifications.
## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
## special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits,
## arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
## IRISA have been advised of the possibility of such damage.  See
## the GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s): Geoffroy Andrieux
Collection of widgets and controlers for static analysis
import gtk
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.analyser.static_analysis import StaticAnalyzer
from cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.utils.reporter import CompilReporter

import pkg_resources

import sys

[docs]class ChartStatControler(object): """ Control of static analysis /!\ This class is fully deprecated and is no longer used /!\ """ def __init__(self, emvc, reporter): self.edit_mvc = emvc self.reporter = reporter # display error messages # graphical interface template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "../chart_glade/" ) self.wtree = self.main_window = self.wtree.get_widget("window1") title = "Static analysis - " + self.main_window.set_title(title) if (self.main_window): self.main_window.connect("destroy", self.on_destroy) self.main_window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) #self.main_window.set_keep_above(True) self.main_window.resize(150, 300) # completion button # button = self.wtree.get_widget("completionbutton") # button.connect("clicked", self.on_completion) # frontier button button = self.wtree.get_widget("frontierbutton") button.connect("clicked", self.on_frontier) # basal activated genes button button = self.wtree.get_widget("bgenebutton") button.connect("clicked", self.on_b_gene) # dependance graph button button = self.wtree.get_widget("depgraphbutton") button.connect("clicked", self.on_depgraph) # stat button button = self.wtree.get_widget("statbutton") button.connect("clicked", self.on_stat) # register as auxiliary window self.edit_mvc.win_register(self) self.subwin = [] # display self.main_window.show_all() # def on_completion(self, widget): # """ # TODO # """ # pass
[docs] def on_frontier(self, widget): """ Compute connected components which are on the frontier """ reporter = CompilReporter() stan = StaticAnalyzer(reporter) stan.build_from_chart_model(self.edit_mvc.model) # errors?? lscc = stan.get_frontier_scc() display_w = SCCWindow(lscc, self.edit_mvc, self.reporter, self)
[docs] def on_b_gene(self, widget): """ Compute basal activated genes """ reporter = CompilReporter() stan = StaticAnalyzer(reporter) stan.build_from_chart_model(self.edit_mvc.model) lwbag = stan.get_why_basal_genes() display_w = BAGWindow(lwbag, self.edit_mvc, self.reporter, self)
[docs] def on_depgraph(self, widget): """ Computation and export of the dependance graph """ DependencyGraphWindow(self.edit_mvc, self.reporter, self)
[docs] def on_stat(self, widget): """ Fill window with model information. """ reporter = CompilReporter() # get stats from StaticAnalyzer stan = StaticAnalyzer(reporter) stan.build_from_chart_model(self.edit_mvc.model) ststat = stan.get_statistics() display_w = STATWindow(ststat, self.edit_mvc, self.reporter, self)
[docs] def win_register(self, win): """ register a sub wundow """ print "register" self.subwin.append(win)
[docs] def win_remove(self, win): """ unregister a sub window """ print "remove" self.subwin.remove(win)
[docs] def clean_subwin(self): """ sub windows management """ for win in self.subwin: print "clean" win.destroy() self.subwin = []
[docs] def on_destroy(self, widget): """ Standard call back """ print "on destroy" self.clean_subwin() if self.main_window: self.main_window.destroy()
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Standard call back """ self.on_destroy(None)
[docs]class DependencyGraphWindow(object): """ Dialog for dependency graph analysis and export /!\ This class is fully deprecated and is no longer used /!\ """ def __init__(self, emvc, reporter, parent): self.emvc = emvc self.reporter = reporter self.parent = parent # window creation template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "../chart_glade/" ) self.wtree = self.main_window = self.wtree.get_widget("window1") self.main_window.set_title("Dependency graph - " self.main_window.set_resizable(True) screen_h = gtk.gdk.screen_height() screen_h = int(screen_h * 0.20) self.main_window.set_size_request(300, screen_h) if (self.main_window): self.main_window.connect("destroy", self.on_destroy) self.main_window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) # transition graph radio button rbutton = self.wtree.get_widget("transGraph_rb") rb_name = rbutton.get_name() rbutton.connect("toggled", self.rb_callback, rb_name) # dependency graph radio button rbutton = self.wtree.get_widget("dpGraph_rb") rb_name = rbutton.get_name() rbutton.connect("toggled", self.rb_callback, rb_name) # full dependency graph radio button rbutton = self.wtree.get_widget("fullDpGraph_rb") rb_name = rbutton.get_name() rbutton.connect("toggled", self.rb_callback, rb_name) # DOT button button = self.wtree.get_widget("dotButton") button.connect("clicked", self.on_save_dot) # graphml button button = self.wtree.get_widget("graphmlButton") button.connect("clicked", self.on_save_graphml) # CREATE STATIC ANALYZER AND LOAD MODEL self.stan = StaticAnalyzer(reporter) self.stan.build_from_chart_model(self.emvc.model) self.graph_type = "transGraph_rb" # register as auxiliary window self.parent.win_register(self.main_window) # display self.main_window.show_all()
[docs] def rb_callback(self, widget, name): """ ??? """ self.graph_type = name
[docs] def on_save_dot(self, widget): """ compute a dependency graph and open a window to save as dot file """ if self.graph_type == "transGraph_rb": graph = self.stan.make_transition_dg() elif self.graph_type == "dpGraph_rb": graph = self.stan.make_dependence_dg(True) else : graph = self.stan.make_full_dependence_dg(True) ch_opt = (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) choice = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Save as dot file", None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, ch_opt) choice.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) #add a filter to see only dot files (*.dot) gfilter = gtk.FileFilter() gfilter.set_name("dot files") gfilter.add_pattern("*.dot") choice.add_filter(gfilter) #add a filter to see all no_filter = gtk.FileFilter() no_filter.set_name("all") no_filter.add_pattern("*") choice.add_filter(no_filter) response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.stan.export_2_dot(graph, choice.get_filename()) elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: pass #print 'Closed, no files selected' choice.destroy()
[docs] def on_save_graphml(self, widget): """ compute a dependency graph and open a window to save as graphml file """ if self.graph_type == "transGraph_rb": graph = self.stan.make_transition_dg() elif self.graph_type == "dpGraph_rb": graph = self.stan.make_dependence_dg(True) else : graph = self.stan.make_full_dependence_dg(True) ch_opt = (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) choice = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Save as graphml file", None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, ch_opt) choice.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) #add a filter to see only graphml files (*.graphml) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("graphml files") filter.add_pattern("*.graphml") choice.add_filter(filter) #add a filter to see all no_filter = gtk.FileFilter() no_filter.set_name("all") no_filter.add_pattern("*") choice.add_filter(no_filter) response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.stan.export_2_graphml(graph, choice.get_filename()) elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: pass #print 'Closed, no files selected' choice.destroy()
[docs] def on_destroy(self, widget): """ Standard call back """ if self.main_window: self.parent.win_remove(self.main_window) self.main_window.destroy()
[docs] def destroy(self): """ For linked windows """ self.on_destroy(None)
[docs]class SCCWindow(object): """ Class used for displaying frontier isolated components. This class is the matherclass for Basal Activated Genes, and Information windows linked to the current model (via Static Analysis menu). """ def __init__(self, l_fsol, emvc, reporter, parent=None): """ @param l_fsol: list<list<string>> @param emvc: edit_mvc @param reporter: Classical reporter @param parent: parent widget """ self.emvc = emvc self.reporter = reporter self.compt = 0 self.choice = 0 self.textview_list = [] self.l_solutions = l_fsol self.aux_win = [] # for clean_subwin works properly # window creation template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "../chart_glade/" ) self.wtree = self.window = self.wtree.get_widget("window1") self.window.set_resizable(True) self.window.set_title("Isolated Strongly Connected Components (SCC) - "\ + height = gtk.gdk.screen_height() height = int(height * 0.30) self.window.set_size_request(700, height) # Set window above all windows self.parent = parent if parent: self.window.set_transient_for(parent.main_window) # register parent.win_register(self.window) # Event on_escape key pressed self.window.connect('key_press_event', self.on_escape) # button save choice button = self.wtree.get_widget("but_sv_choice") button.connect("clicked", self.on_save, False) # button save all button = self.wtree.get_widget("but_sv_all") button.connect("clicked", self.on_save, True) if len(self.l_solutions) == 1: button.set_sensitive(False) # display self.display_info() # remove bottom buttons hbbox = self.wtree.get_widget("hbuttonbox2") vbox = self.wtree.get_widget("vbox1") vbox.remove(hbbox) # display self.window.show_all() #gtk.main()
[docs] def on_destroy(self, widget): """ when leaving the window useless ? no sub window is created from this mother class and from subclasses... """ self.clean_subwin() self.parent.win_remove(self) if self.window: self.window.destroy()
[docs] def destroy(self): """ when leaving the parent window """ self.on_destroy(None)
[docs] def on_escape(self, widget, event): """On ESC key_press_event, destroy this window.""" if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape": self.window.destroy()
[docs] def display_info(self): """ Display info on isolated SCC """ SCC_found = (len(self.l_solutions[0]) != 0) # info label info = self.wtree.get_widget("label_nbsol") if not SCC_found: info.set_text("No isolated Strongly Connected Component(s) found.") return else: info.set_text( str(len(self.l_solutions)) + \ " isolated Strongly Connected Components found.\n" "Only 1 node of each of them requires an input transition " "with a StartNode.\nWithout this, places in such a part of the " "model will remain unactivated in any scenario.") self.frame_sol = self.wtree.get_widget("frame_sol") # button frame vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.frame_sol.add(vbox) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() vbox.pack_start(scroll) vbox2 = gtk.VBox() scroll.add_with_viewport(vbox2) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.button_group = None frame = self.build_button_frame(self.l_solutions[0]) vbox2.pack_start(frame) for sol in self.l_solutions[1:]: hsep = gtk.HSeparator() vbox2.pack_start(hsep, False, False) frame = self.build_button_frame(sol, self.button_group) vbox2.pack_start(frame)
[docs] def build_button_frame(self, state_list, group = None): """ Display info on each isolated SCC """ template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "../chart_glade/" ) wtree = wid = wtree.get_widget("button_frame") frame = wid.get_child() wid.remove(frame) #textview tname = 'tw'+str(self.compt) text = wtree.get_widget("textview") text.set_name(tname) text_buffer = text.get_buffer() str_state = '\n' for state in state_list : str_state += state + '\t' str_state = str_state + '\n' text_buffer.set_text(str_state) text.set_editable(False) self.textview_list.append(state_list) #radio button rname = 'rb' + str(self.compt) rbut = wtree.get_widget("rButton") rbut.set_name(rname) if group: rbut.set_group(group) else : self.button_group = rbut rbut.set_active(True) rbut.connect("toggled", self.rb_callback, self.compt) self.compt += 1 return frame
[docs] def rb_callback(self, widget, id_frame): """ radio button call_back """ self.choice = id_frame
[docs] def on_save(self, widget, all_sol=True): """ open a window to save as xml file @param all_sol : boolean - True if we take all solutions """ choice = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Save solution", None , gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, ( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) choice.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) #add a filter to see only xml files for biochart (*.txt) ffilter = gtk.FileFilter() ffilter.set_name("txt files") ffilter.add_pattern("*.txt") choice.add_filter(ffilter) #add a filter to see all no_filter = gtk.FileFilter() no_filter.set_name("all") no_filter.add_pattern("*") choice.add_filter(no_filter) response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.create_solution_file(choice.get_filename(), all_sol) elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: pass #print 'Closed, no files selected' choice.destroy()
[docs] def create_solution_file(self, sol_file, all_bool): """ Print solutions in a file """ if all_bool: scc_places = self.l_solutions else : scc_places = [self.l_solutions[self.choice]] sfile = open(sol_file,'w') for i in range(len(scc_places)): spla = scc_places[i] for elemt in spla : sfile.write(str(elemt)+'\t') sfile.write('\n-------------------------------------------\n\n\n') sfile.close()
# sub windows management
[docs] def win_register(self, win): """ sub windows management => useless, no subwin """ print "register subsubwin" if win.__class__ == ChartSimulControler: self.simul = win self.aux_win.append(win)
[docs] def win_remove(self, win): """ sub windows management => useless, no subwin """ if win in self.aux_win: self.aux_win.remove(win) if win == self.simul: self.simul = None
[docs] def clean_subwin(self): """ sub windows management => useless, no subwin """ for win in self.aux_win: win.destroy() self.aux_win = []
[docs]class BAGWindow(SCCWindow): def __init__(self, l_fsol, emvc, reporter, parent=None): """ @param l_fsol: list<list<string>> @param emvc: edit_mvc @param reporter: Classical reporter @param parent: parent widget """ SCCWindow.__init__(self, l_fsol, emvc, reporter, parent) self.window.set_title("Basal activated genes - "
[docs] def display_info(self): """ ??? """ SCC_found = (len(self.l_solutions[0]) != 0) # info label info = self.wtree.get_widget("label_nbsol") if not SCC_found: info.set_text("No basal activated genes found.") return else: info.set_text(str(len(self.l_solutions)) + \ " basal activated genes found.") self.frame_sol = self.wtree.get_widget("frame_sol") # button frame vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.frame_sol.add(vbox) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() vbox.pack_start(scroll) vbox2 = gtk.VBox() scroll.add_with_viewport(vbox2) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.button_group = None frame = self.build_button_frame(self.l_solutions[0]) vbox2.pack_start(frame) for sol in self.l_solutions[1:]: hsep = gtk.HSeparator() vbox2.pack_start(hsep, False, False) frame = self.build_button_frame(sol, self.button_group) vbox2.pack_start(frame)
[docs] def build_button_frame(self, pair, group = None): """ ??? """ template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "../chart_glade/" ) wtree = wid = wtree.get_widget("button_frame") frame = wid.get_child() wid.remove(frame) #textview tname = 'tw'+str(self.compt) text = wtree.get_widget("textview") text.set_name(tname) text_buffer = text.get_buffer() mess = '\nGene:' mess = mess + '\t' + pair[0] why = pair[1] mess = mess + "\n" + "Essential Inhib.: " for act in why[0]: mess = mess + "\t" + act mess = mess + "\n" + "Dominant Inhib.: " for act in why[1]: mess = mess + "\t" + act mess = mess + "\n" + "Essential Activ.: " for act in why[2]: mess = mess + "\t" + act mess = mess + "\n" + "Dominant Activ.: " for act in why[3]: mess = mess + "\t" + act mess = mess + '\n' text_buffer.set_text(mess) text.set_editable(False) #radio button rname = 'rb' + str(self.compt) rbut = wtree.get_widget("rButton") rbut.set_name(rname) if group: rbut.set_group(group) else : self.button_group = rbut rbut.set_active(True) rbut.connect("toggled", self.rb_callback, self.compt) self.compt += 1 return frame
[docs] def create_solution_file(self, sol_file, all_bool): """ Print solutions in a file """ if all_bool: scc_places = self.l_solutions else : scc_places = [self.l_solutions[self.choice]] sfile = open(sol_file,'w') for i in range(len(scc_places)): pair = scc_places[i] mess = '\nGene:' mess = mess + '\t' + pair[0] why = pair[1] mess = mess + "\n" + "Isolated Inhib.:" for act in why[0]: mess = mess + "\t" + act mess = mess + "\n" + "Dominant Inhib.:" for act in why[1]: mess = mess + "\t" + act mess = mess + "\n" + "Essential Activ.:" for act in why[2]: mess = mess + "\t" + act mess = mess + "\n" + "Dominant Activ.:" for act in why[3]: mess = mess + "\t" + act mess = mess + '\n' sfile.write(mess) sfile.write('\n-------------------------------------------\n\n\n') sfile.close()
[docs]class STATWindow(BAGWindow): """ Class for displaying statistics """ def __init__(self, stat, emvc, reporter, parent=None): """ @param l_fsol: list<list<string>> @param emvc: edit_mvc @param reporter: Classical reporter @param parent: parent widget """ BAGWindow.__init__(self, stat, emvc, reporter, parent) self.window.set_title("Statistics - " button = self.wtree.get_widget("but_sv_choice") hbbox = self.wtree.get_widget("hbuttonbox1") hbbox.remove(button)
[docs] def display_info(self): """ ??? """ # info label info = self.wtree.get_widget("label_nbsol") info.set_text( "Model Information\n" "(Please note that some elements may have more than one locations; " "take a look at /tmp/logs/cadbiom*)" ) self.frame_sol = self.wtree.get_widget("frame_sol") # button frame vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.frame_sol.add(vbox) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() vbox.pack_start(scroll) vbox2 = gtk.VBox() scroll.add_with_viewport(vbox2) scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.button_group = None frame = self.build_button_frame(self.l_solutions) vbox2.pack_start(frame)
[docs] def build_button_frame(self, stat_str, group = None): """ ??? """ template = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "../chart_glade/" ) wtree = wid = wtree.get_widget("button_frame") frame = wid.get_child() wid.remove(frame) #textview text = wtree.get_widget("textview") text_buffer = text.get_buffer() mess = str(stat_str) + '\n' text_buffer.set_text(mess) text.set_editable(False) #radio button removed rname = 'rb' + str(self.compt) rbut = wtree.get_widget("rButton") hbox = wtree.get_widget("hbox") hbox.remove(rbut) return frame
[docs] def create_solution_file(self, sol_file, all_bool): """ Print solutions in a file """ sfile = open(sol_file,'w') mess = self.l_solutions mess = mess + '\n' sfile.write(mess) sfile.write('\n-------------------------------------------\n\n\n') sfile.close()