Source code for cadbiom_cmd.solution_sort

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2020  IRISA
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# The original code contained here was initially developed by:
#     Pierre Vignet.
#     IRISA
#     Dyliss team
#     IRISA Campus de Beaulieu
#     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
"""Handle generated files

This module provides some functions to do some analyzis on the output
files of Cadbiom.

Entry points:

    * :meth:`~cadbiom_cmd.solution_sort.queries_2_json`
    * :meth:`~cadbiom_cmd.solution_sort.solutions_2_graphs`
    * :meth:`~cadbiom_cmd.solution_sort.queries_2_common_graph`

:Example of the content of a complete solution file:

    .. code-block:: text

        Bx  Ax
        % h2 h00
        % h3
        % h0 h1
        % hlast
        Bx  Ax
        % h2
        % h3 h00
        % h0 h1
        % hlast
        Bx  Ax
        % h2
        % h3 h00
        % h0 h1
        % hlast
        Bx  Ax
        % h2 h00
        % h3
        % h0 h1
        % hlast

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function

# Standard imports
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import itertools as it
import json
import os
import glob
import csv

# Library imports

from import get_solutions
from tools.models import get_transitions_from_model_file
from import load_solutions, convert_solutions_to_json, \
    get_query_from_filename, get_mac_lines
from tools.graphs import export_graph, build_graph, merge_graphs, get_solutions_graph_data

import cadbiom.commons as cm

LOGGER = cm.logger()

## Sort functions ##############################################################

[docs]def sort_solutions_in_file(filepath): """Sort all solutions in the given file in alphabetical order. .. warning:: The file is modified in place. :param: Filepath to be opened and in which solutions will be sorted. :arg: <str> """ solutions = dict() with open(filepath, "r+") as f_d: # Get old line as key and ordered line as value for line, stripped_line in get_solutions(f_d): # Sort in lower case, remove ' ' empty elements solutions[line] = " ".join( sorted( [place for place in stripped_line.split(" ") if place != " "], key=lambda s: s.lower(), ) ) # Rewind the whole file # Load all the content file_text = # Replace old sols with the new ones for original_sol, sorted_sol in solutions.items(): file_text = file_text.replace(original_sol, sorted_sol) # Rewind the whole file # Write all text in the current opened file f_d.write(file_text)
[docs]def solutions_sort(path): """Entry point for sorting solutions. Read a solution(s) file(s) (\*mac\* files) and sort all frontier places/boundaries in alphabetical order. This function tests if the given path is a directory or a file. .. warning:: The files will be modified in place. :param: Filepath or directory path containing Cadbiom solutions. :type: <str> """ # Check valid input file/directory assert os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.isdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path): # Recursive search of *mac* files # (mac.txt, mac_complete.txt, mac_step.txt) path = path if path[-1] == "/" else path + "/" [sort_solutions_in_file(file) for file in glob.glob(path + "*mac*")] else: sort_solutions_in_file(path)
## Conversion functions ########################################################
[docs]def write_json(output_dir, file_path, file_suffix, data): """Write decompiled solutions to a JSON formated file Called by :meth:`queries_2_json TODO` and :meth:`queries_2_common_graph` :param output_dir: Output directory :param file_path: Filepath of the original solution file. We extract the basename in order to name the JSON file. :param file_suffix: String added to the solution filename. Ex: filename + file_suffix + ".json" :param data: Data to be serialized in JSON :type output_dir: <str> :type file_path: <str> :type file_suffix: <str> :type data: <list> or <dict> or <whatever> """ # Add file_suffix to the solution filename filename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(file_path)[0]) with open(output_dir + filename + file_suffix + ".json", "w") as f_d: json.dump(data, f_d, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
## query - json
[docs]def queries_2_json(output_dir, model_file, path, conditions=True): """Entry point for queries_2_json Create a JSON formated file containing all data from complete MAC files (\*mac_complete files). The file will contain frontier places/boundaries and decompiled steps with their respective events for each solution. This is a function to quickly search all transition attributes involved in a solution. This function tests if the given path is a directory or a file. :param output_dir: Output path. :param model_file: Filepath of the model. :param path: Filepath/directory of a complete solution file. :param conditions: (Optional) If False, conditions of transitions will not be present in the JSON file. This allows to have only places/entities used inside trajectories; thus, inhibitors are avoided. :type output_dir: <str> :type model_file: <str> :type path: <str> :type conditions: <boolean> """ # Check valid input file/directory assert os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.isdir(path) # Get transitions from the model model_transitions, _ = get_transitions_from_model_file(model_file) if os.path.isfile(path): # The given path is a solution file decomp_solutions = convert_solutions_to_json( load_solutions(path), model_transitions, conditions=conditions ) write_json(output_dir, path, "_decomp", decomp_solutions) elif os.path.isdir(path): # The given path is a directory path = path if path[-1] == "/" else path + "/" # Decompilation of all files in the directory file_number = 0 for file_number, solution_file in enumerate( glob.glob(path + "*mac_complete.txt"), 1 ): decomp_solutions = convert_solutions_to_json( load_solutions(solution_file), model_transitions, conditions=conditions ) write_json(solution_file, path, "_decomp", decomp_solutions)"Files processed: %s", file_number) assert file_number != 0, "No *mac_complete.txt files found!"
[docs]def solutions_2_graphs(output_dir, model_file, path): """Entry point for solutions_2_graphs Create GraphML formated files containing a representation of the trajectories for each solution in complete MAC files (\*mac_complete files). This is a function to visualize paths taken by the solver from the boundaries to the entities of interest. This function tests if the given path is a directory or a file. :param output_dir: Output path. :param model_file: Filepath of the model. :param path: Filepath/directory of a/many complete solutions files. :type output_dir: <str> :type model_file: <str> :type path: <str> """ # Check valid input file/directory assert os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.isdir(path) # Get transitions from the model model_transitions, _ = get_transitions_from_model_file(model_file) if os.path.isfile(path): # The given path is a solution file save_solutions_to_graphs(output_dir, load_solutions(path), model_transitions) elif os.path.isdir(path): # The given path is a directory path = path if path[-1] == "/" else path + "/" # Decompilation of all files in the directory file_number = 0 for file_number, solution_file in enumerate( glob.glob(path + "*mac_complete.txt"), 1 ): save_solutions_to_graphs( output_dir, load_solutions(solution_file), model_transitions )"Files processed: %s", file_number) assert file_number != 0, "No *mac_complete.txt files found!"
[docs]def save_solutions_to_graphs(output_dir, sol_steps, transitions): """Build and export graphs based on the given solutions Each solution is composed of a set of frontier places and steps, themselves composed of events. We construct a graph based on the transitions that occur in the composition of the events of the given solution. :param output_dir: Output path. :param sol_steps: A generator of tuples of "frontier places" and a list of events in each step. :Example: .. code-block:: python ("Bx Ax", [['h2', 'h00'], ['h3'], ['h0', 'h1'], ['hlast']]) :param transitions: A dictionnary of events as keys, and transitions as values. Since many transitions can define an event, values are lists. Each transition is a tuple with: origin node, final node, attributes like label and condition. :Example: .. code-block:: python {'h00': [('Ax', 'n1', {'label': 'h00[]'}),] :type output_dir: <str> :type sol_steps: <tuple <str>, <list>> :type transitions: <dict <list <tuple <str>, <str>, <dict <str>: <str>>>> """ for sol_index, (sol, steps) in enumerate(sol_steps): # build_graph() returns : # G, transition_nodes, all_nodes, edges_in_cond, edges # sol_index is used to order files according to the order of appearance # in the file export_graph(output_dir, sol, sol_index, build_graph(sol, steps, transitions)[0])
[docs]def get_solution_graphs(sol_steps, transitions): """Generator that yields the graphs of the given solutions. .. note:: See the doc of a similar function :meth:`~cadbiom_cmd.solution_sort.save_solutions_to_graphs`. """ for sol, steps in sol_steps: # build_graph() returns : # G, transition_nodes, all_nodes, edges_in_cond, edges # Python 3: partial unpacking: G, *_ yield build_graph(sol, steps, transitions)[0]
[docs]def queries_2_common_graph(output_dir, model_file, path, make_graphs=True, make_csv=False, make_json=False, *args, **kwargs): """Entry point for queries_2_common_graph Create a GraphML formated file containing a unique representation of **all** trajectories corresponding to all solutions in each complete MAC files (\*mac_complete files). This is a function to visualize paths taken by the solver from the boundaries to the entities of interest. CSV fields:: - query: Query giving the solutions - solutions: nb trajectories/solutions - boundaries: Number of boundary places - events: Number of events in all solutions - genes: Number of genes involved in solutions - Protein: Number of boundaries with the type Protein (genes are not counted) - Complex: Number of boundaries with the type Complex (genes are not counted) - input_boundaries: Boundaries found only as input places - guard_boundaries: Boundaries found only in guards - mixed_boundaries: Boundaries found in guards AND in inputs of reactions - graph_nodes: Total number of nodes in the graph - graph_nodes_places: Nodes that are biomolecules (do not count reaction nodes) - graph_edges: Number of edges - strongly_connected: Is the graph strongly connected ? - max_degree - min_degree - average_degree This function tests if the given path is a directory or a file. :param output_dir: Output path. :param model_file: Filepath of the model. :param path: Filepath/directory of a/many complete solutions files. :key make_graphs: (optional) Make a GraphML for each query results in path. default: True :key make_csv: (optional) Make a **global** CSV for all query results in path. default: False :key make_json: (optional) Make a JSON dump of each query results in path. default: False :type output_dir: <str> :type model_file: <str> :type path: <str> :type make_graphs: <boolean> :type make_csv: <boolean> :type make_json: <boolean> """ def write_csv(data): """Write given data in CSV file; then flush the file descriptor .. note:: data is modified in place. :param data: Data to be serialized in JSON. """ # Handle nested dictionaries by flattening them data.update({ sub_key: sub_val for key, val in data.items() if isinstance(val, dict) for sub_key, sub_val in val.items() }) writer.writerow(data) f_d.flush() def do_magic(solution_file): # Get query string from the name of the solution file query = get_query_from_filename(model_file, solution_file)"Processing %s query...", query) # generator of ("Ax Bx", [['h2', 'h00'], ['h3'], ['h0', 'h1'], ['hlast']]) solutions = tuple(load_solutions(solution_file)) graphs = get_solution_graphs(solutions, model_transitions) # Get common graph graph = merge_graphs(graphs) if make_graphs: # Write graph export_graph(output_dir, [query], "", graph) if make_json or make_csv: # Export to json file (similaire à model_graph_info() ...) # Get 2 lists: 1: frontiers; 2: events unzipped_solutions = list(zip(*solutions)) # Frontiers boundaries = set(it.chain(*[sol.split() for sol in unzipped_solutions[0]])) # Events events = set(it.chain(*it.chain(*unzipped_solutions[1]))) # Genes # brutal but effective as long as the nodes of a model do not have # the hard coded information in one of their attributes genes = {name for name in boundaries if "_gene" in name} # Influencing frontier places # Pb: this retrieves frontiers in guards, but they can be also inputs # In practice this is not happening in solutions (probably because # frontiers are disabled unlike perm nodes once they are used 1 time). # But it could/should happen if many solutions are considered because # frontiers may play different roles... incoming_biomolecules, infl_places = tuple( zip( *[(, trans.get_influencing_places()) for trans in parser.model.transition_list] ) ) all_inputs = boundaries & set(incoming_biomolecules) # print("all inputs", len(all_inputs)) all_guards = boundaries & set(it.chain(*infl_places)) # print("all guards", len(all_guards)) only_guards = all_guards - all_inputs only_inputs = all_inputs - all_guards mixed = all_inputs & all_guards # print("not used", boundaries - (all_guards | only_inputs)) LOGGER.debug("Guard frontiers roles: %s", len(only_guards)) LOGGER.debug("Input frontiers roles: %s", len(only_inputs)) LOGGER.debug("Mixed frontiers roles found: %s", len(mixed)) # Get frontier types # Do not count genes entities that are "virtual" types g = (parser.model.node_dict[name] for name in boundaries - genes) # Remove nodes with empty notes frontier_types = Counter( [ json.loads(node.note).get("entityType", "UKN") for node in g if node.note ] ) solutions_info = { "modelFile": model_file, "query": query, "solutions": len(solutions), # nb trajectories/solutions "boundaries": len(boundaries), "events": len(events), "genes": len(genes), "input_boundaries": len(only_inputs), "guard_boundaries": len(only_guards), "mixed_boundaries": len(mixed), "entityTypes": frontier_types, } # Advanced metrics get_solutions_graph_data(graph, solutions_info, True) LOGGER.debug(solutions_info) if make_json: # Save to <solution_filename>_graph_summary.json write_json(output_dir, solution_file, "_graph_summary", solutions_info) if make_csv: # Export to csv graphs_summary.csv write_csv(solutions_info) # Check valid input file/directory assert os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.isdir(path) # Bind arguments to avoid overwriting previous imports make_graphs = kwargs["graphs"] make_json = kwargs["json"] make_csv = kwargs["csv"] # Get transitions from the model model_transitions, parser = get_transitions_from_model_file(model_file) if make_csv: # Init the CSV file now f_d = open(output_dir + "graphs_summary.csv", "w") # Get a subset of solutions_info keys as fieldnames writer = csv.DictWriter( f_d, [ "query", "solutions", "boundaries", "events", "genes", "Protein", "Complex", "input_boundaries", "guard_boundaries", "mixed_boundaries", "graph_nodes", "graph_nodes_places", "graph_edges", "strongly_connected", "max_degree", "min_degree", "average_degree", ], extrasaction="ignore", # Ignore unknown fieldnames restval=0, # Value for missing fieldnames delimiter=str(";"), ) writer.writeheader() # File management... if os.path.isfile(path): # The given path is a solution file do_magic(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): # The given path is a directory path = path if path[-1] == "/" else path + "/" # Decompilation of all files in the directory file_number = 0 for file_number, solution_file in enumerate( glob.glob(path + "*mac_complete.txt"), 1 ): do_magic(solution_file)"Files processed: %s", file_number) assert file_number != 0, "No *mac_complete.txt files found!" if make_csv: # Close the CSV file descriptor f_d.close()
## Matrices of occurrences #####################################################
[docs]def queries_2_occcurrence_matrix( output_dir, model_file, path, transposed=False, normalized=False ): """Entry point for queries_2_occcurrence_matrix See :meth:`~cadbiom_cmd.solution_sort.occurrence_matrix`. :param output_dir: Output path. :param model_file: Filepath of the model. :param path: Directory of many complete solutions files. :param transposed: (Optional) Transpose the final matrix (switch columns and rows). :type output_dir: <str> :type model_file: <str> :type path: <str> :type transposed: <boolean> """ # Check valid input directory assert os.path.isdir(path) path = path if path[-1] == "/" else path + "/" # Make matrix occurrence_matrix(output_dir, model_file, path) if transposed: transpose_csv( input_file=output_dir + "occurrence_matrix.csv", output_file=output_dir + "occurrence_matrix_t.csv", )
[docs]def occurrence_matrix( output_dir, model_file, path, matrix_filename="occurrence_matrix.csv" ): """Make a matrix of occurrences for the solutions in the given path. - Compute occurrences of each place in all `mac.txt` files. - Save the matrix in csv format with the following columns: Fieldnames: "patterns (number)/places (number);mac_number;frontier places" Each request (pattern) is accompanied by the number of solutions found. .. todo:: Split the creation and writing of the matrix in 2 functions. :param output_dir: Output path. :param model_file: Filepath of the model. :param path: Directory of many complete solutions files. :param matrix_filename: (Optional) Filename of the matrix file. :type output_dir: <str> :type model_file: <str> :type path: <str> :type matrix_filename: <str> :return: A dictionnary with the matrix object. keys: queries, values: occurrences of frontier places :rtype: <dict> """ # Key: Logical formula as input of Cadbiom # Value: Number of each place in all solutions of the current file matrix = defaultdict(Counter) # All frontier places in all mac files all_frontier_places = set() # Compute occurrences of each place in all mac files file_number = 0 for file_number, filepath in enumerate(glob.glob(path + "*mac.txt"), 1): # gene pattern # pattern = {gene for gene in genes if gene in mac} # Get query string from the name of the solution file # From: 'MODEL_NAME_PLACE1 and not PLACE2 and not PLACE3_mac.txt' # Get: 'PLACE1 and not PLACE2 and not PLACE3' query = get_query_from_filename(model_file, filepath) mac_number = 0 for mac_number, mac_line in enumerate(get_mac_lines(filepath), 1): frontier_places = set(mac_line.split(" ")) # Update set of all frontier places all_frontier_places.update(frontier_places) # Update counter of places => compute frequencies matrix[query] += Counter(frontier_places) # Set the mac_number for future standardization matrix[query]["mac_number"] = mac_number"Files processed: %s", file_number) assert file_number != 0, "No *mac.txt files found!" # Save the matrix # columns: "patterns (number)/places (number);mac_number;frontier places" with open(output_dir + matrix_filename, "w") as f_d: # Forge header header = "patterns ({})/places ({})".format( len(matrix), len(all_frontier_places) ) writer = csv.DictWriter( f_d, delimiter=str(";"), restval=0, # default value for frequency fieldnames=[header, "mac_number"] + list(all_frontier_places), ) writer.writeheader() # Add a last line in the csv: total of occurrences for each place global_frontier_counter = Counter() # The first column is composed of the query + the number of solutions for it for query, row in matrix.iteritems(): global_frontier_counter += row # PS: THIS modifies the matrix by adding a new key ('header') row[header] = "{} ({})".format(query, row["mac_number"]) writer.writerow(row) # Total of occurrences at the end of the file global_frontier_counter[header] = "Total of occurrences" writer.writerow(global_frontier_counter) return matrix
[docs]def transpose_csv( input_file="occurrence_matrix.csv", output_file="occurrence_matrix_t.csv" ): """Useful function to transpose a csv file x,y => y,x .. note:: The csv file must be semicolon ';' separated. :param input_file: Input file. :param output_file: Output file transposed. :type input_file: <str> :type output_file: <str> """ # Transpose file # PS: izip('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax By data = it.izip(*csv.reader(open(input_file, "r"), delimiter=str(";"))) csv.writer(open(output_file, "w"), delimiter=str(";")).writerows(data)