Source code for cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.simulator.translators.gt_visitors

## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 01/2012
## Revision    : 8/12 suppression des macros
## Source      :
## Copyright 2010-2012 : IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
## or modifications.
## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
## special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits,
## arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
## IRISA have been advised of the possibility of such damage.  See
## the GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s): Geoffroy Andrieux
Visitor for simulator generation
from __future__ import print_function
import sys

from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.simulator.chart_simul_elem import (
from cadbiom.models.biosignal.sig_expr import SigIdentExpr
from cadbiom.models.biosignal.translators.gt_visitors import compile_cond, compile_event

from cadbiom import commons as cm

LOGGER = cm.logger()

[docs]class GenSimVisitor(object): """ Generate a simulator model - needs a symbol table of the charter model """ def __init__(self, tab_symb, mod, free_clocks, report): """ This visitor fill a simulation object - identifiers must be in tab_symb if free_clocks option = False. When free_clocks option = True undeclared ids in an event expression are considered as free clocks. @param tab_symb: symbol table obtained from TableVisitor @param mod: empty simulation model to be built @param free_clocks: allows free clocks if True @param report: error reporter of CompilReporter type """ self.sim_model = mod # empty simulator object self.tab_symb = tab_symb # symbol table of chart_model representation # symbol table to retrieve simulator model element self.mod_symb_tab = dict() self.error_reporter = report self.error = False self.free_clock_collect = free_clocks self.free_clocks = [] # collect free clocks
[docs] def visit_chart_model(self, model): """ visit chart model, generate simulation model and collect free clocks """ model.get_root().accept(self) # transform free clocks into inputs if self.free_clock_collect: for efc in self.free_clocks: try: evt = self.mod_symb_tab[efc] except: evt = InputEvent(SigIdentExpr(efc)) self.mod_symb_tab[efc] = evt self.sim_model.add_event(evt, efc) self.sim_model.add_input(evt)
[docs] def visit_cstart_node(self, node): """ do nothing: see transitions """ return
[docs] def visit_ctrap_node(self, node): """ do nothing: see transitions """ return
[docs] def visit_csimple_node(self, node): """ create a place in the simulator model register it in the symbol table """ place = Place(node) name = self.sim_model.add_state_place(place, name) self.mod_symb_tab[name] = place return
[docs] def visit_cinput_node(self, node): """ create an input place (artificial perm place) and an event representing the input """ place = InputPlace(node) self.sim_model.add_place(place) name = input_perm_name(node) self.mod_symb_tab[name] = place # add corresponding event with name the name of the input place try: evt = self.mod_symb_tab[] except: evt = InputEvent(SigIdentExpr( self.mod_symb_tab[] = evt self.sim_model.add_event(evt, self.sim_model.add_input(evt) evt.add_ev_place(place) return
[docs] def visit_cperm_node(self, node): """ create a place in the simulator model register it in the symbol table mark it as permanent """ place = Place(node) place.set_perm() name = self.sim_model.add_state_place(place, name) self.mod_symb_tab[name] = place return
[docs] def visit_cmacro_node(self, node): """ macro nodes are treated as simple nodes (no real macros allowed) """ if len(node.sub_nodes) > 0: self.error_reporter.display("Macro node " + + " is not empty") self.error = True self.visit_csimple_node(node) return
[docs] def visit_ctop_node(self, node): """ trap node is unique for all the system it is created here """ trap_all = Place(None, "_trap_") self.mod_symb_tab["__trap_all__"] = trap_all self.sim_model.add_place(trap_all) self.sim_model.trap = trap_all # sub nodes creation (all places are created by this action) for snode in node.sub_nodes: snode.accept(self) # transitions for gtr in node.transitions: for trans in gtr: trans.accept(self) return
[docs] def visit_ctransition(self, trans): """ main visitor - the code generation is dispatched in several helper methods """ if trans.ori.is_start(): # transition from start # nothing to do (start is a frontier mark) return elif trans.ori.is_input(): # transition from input self.build_input_transition(trans) elif trans.ext.is_trap(): # transition to trap node self.build_transition(trans, True) else: # standard transition self.build_transition(trans) return
## auxiliary functions for compilation #####################################
[docs] def build_transition(self, trans, trap=False): """ build a transition from a graph transition @param trans: the chart transition @param trap: True if target is a trap node """ model = self.sim_model tab_symb = self.tab_symb report = self.error_reporter report.set_context( + "->" + try: ori = self.mod_symb_tab[] if trap: ext = self.sim_model.trap else: ext = self.mod_symb_tab[] except LookupError as exc: LOGGER.error( "GenSimVisitor::build_transition: '%s'\n" "%s -> %s %s\n" "model symbol table: %s\n", exc,,, trap, self.mod_symb_tab, ) sys.exit(1) trs = STransition(ori, ext, trans) self.mod_symb_tab[trans.get_key()] = trs # event if len(trans.event) > 0: event_text = trans.event event_tree, st_ev, fcl = compile_event( event_text, tab_symb, self.free_clock_collect, report ) if self.free_clock_collect: self.free_clocks.extend(fcl) evt = Event(event_tree) trs.set_event(evt) # see if state events where used for ev_n in st_ev: try: evt = self.mod_symb_tab[ev_n] except: evt = Event(SigIdentExpr(ev_n)) self.mod_symb_tab[ev_n] = evt self.sim_model.add_event(evt, ev_n) state_name = ev_n[:-1] # ev_n = state> or ev_n = state< sign = ev_n[-1] place = self.mod_symb_tab[state_name] if sign == ">": place.ev_up = evt else: place.ev_down = evt # condition if len(trans.condition) > 0: cond_text = trans.condition cond_tree = compile_cond(cond_text, tab_symb, report) cond = Condition(cond_tree) trs.set_condition(cond) # action (signal) if len(trans.action) > 0: act_text = trans.action act_tree, ste, fcl = compile_event( act_text, tab_symb, self.free_clock_collect, report ) if self.free_clock_collect: self.free_clocks.extend(fcl) if act_tree.is_ident(): # create the event if not already done try: evt = self.mod_symb_tab[] except: evt = Event(act_tree) self.mod_symb_tab[] = evt model.add_event(evt, trs.set_signal(evt) else: report.display("Syntax: Emitted event must be a name ") self.error = True self.sim_model.add_transition(trs)
[docs] def build_input_transition(self, trans): """ Build a perm place (if not already done) and a transition from the perm node to the target of trans. @param trans: the chart model transition """ model = self.sim_model tab_symb = self.tab_symb report = self.error_reporter ev_name = # input transition must have no event if trans.event: mess = "Syntax: A start transition must have no event: ->" mess = mess + report.display(mess) self.error = True perm_name = input_perm_name(trans.ori) try: # should be created with other places input_place = self.mod_symb_tab[perm_name] except: LOGGER.error( "GenSimVisitor::build_input_transition: input place not built '%s'", perm_name, ) sys.exit(1) ext = self.mod_symb_tab[] # new transition from perm place to input target trs = STransition(input_place, ext, trans) model.add_transition(trs) self.mod_symb_tab[input_trans_name(trans)] = trs # event - is the input try: evt = self.mod_symb_tab[ev_name] except: pass # TODO internal error trs.set_event(evt) # condition if len(trans.condition) > 0: cond_text = trans.condition cond_tree = compile_cond(cond_text, tab_symb, report) cond = Condition(cond_tree) trs.set_condition(cond) # action if len(trans.action) > 0: act_text = trans.action # cannot find free clocks in action act_tree, ste, fcl = compile_event(act_text, tab_symb, False, report) if act_tree.is_ident(): # create the event if not already done try: evt = self.mod_symb_tab[] except: evt = Event(act_tree) self.mod_symb_tab[] = evt model.add_event(evt, trs.set_signal(evt) else: mess = "Syntax: Emitted event must be an id " mess = mess + + "->" + report.display(mess) self.error = True
# helper functions
[docs]def input_perm_name(in_node): """ generate a standard name for pseudo perm places associated with inputs """ return "__" + + "$$input"
[docs]def input_trans_name(trans): """ generate a standard name for transitions """ return "__" + + "__" +