Source code for cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.chart_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 4/3/2010
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2009 - 2010 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
## or modifications.
## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
## special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits,
## arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
## IRISA have been advised of the possibility of such damage.  See
## the GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
##     http:
##     mailto:
## Contributor(s): Nolwenn Le Meur, Geoffroy Andrieux
Classes of nodes, transitions and model for representing a guarded transition model

Classes available and their inheritance relationships:

    - :class:`ChartModel`: Model of a chart
    - :class:`CTransition`
    - :class:`CNode`

      - :class:`CStartNode`

        - :class:`CTrapNode`

      - :class:`CSimpleNode`

        - :class:`CPermNode`
        - :class:`CInputNode`
        - :class:`CMacroNode`

          - :class:`CTopNode`
# Standard imports
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from math import sqrt
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools as it

# Custom imports
from antlr4 import InputStream, FileStream, CommonTokenStream
    from functools import lru_cache
except ImportError:
    from functools32 import lru_cache

# Cadbiom imports
from condexpLexer import condexpLexer
from condexpParser import condexpParser
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.translators.cadlangLexer import cadlangLexer
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.translators.cadlangParser import cadlangParser
from cadbiom.models.biosignal.translators.gt_visitors import get_conditions_from_event
from cadbiom import commons as cm

# number of simple nodes before we draw macros as simple nodes
MAX_SIZE = 4000  # max number of nodes we draw

LOGGER = cm.logger()

[docs]class ChartModelException(Exception): """ Exception for chart models """ def __init__(self, mess): self.message = mess
[docs]class ChartModel(object): """ Model of a chart - implements the observer pattern as subject observers must have an update method Attributes: :param name: Name of the model :param xml_namespace: Version of cadbiom model Allowed values: - v1 (default): - v2: Note: v2 models allow metadata in JSON format. :param simple_node_dict: For quick finding - name -> node. This is for the GUI: list **only** CSimpleNodes :param node_dict: For quick finding - name -> node. This is for internal use and this attribute can contain all types of nodes: Start/Trap/Input/Perm/Macro/Top/Simple nodes. :param transition_list: All the transitions in the model :param signal_transition_dict: For quick finding - simple node name -> list of influenced transitions. i.e: nodes that are in the condition of a transition only. :param __root: A virtual macronode on top of the hierarchy. This artificial CTopNode node groups all the hierarchy. .. seealso:: :meth:`CTopNode` :param constraints: biosignal clock constraints :param modified: Boolean to test if the model has been modified. Used to test if the model can be closed safely without loose of data. :param show_macro: Boolean used show/hide the MacroNodes if MAX_SIZE_MACRO (default: 50) is exceeded. :param max_size: Max number of nodes allowed to be drawn. default: MAX_SIZE=2000 :param __observer_list: For observer pattern (?) :param marked_nodes: Set of marked (highlighted/selected) nodes in the graph editor :param marked_transitions: Set of marked (highlighted/selected) transitions in the graph editor :type name: <str> :type xml_namespace: <str> :type simple_node_dict: <dict <str>:<CSimpleNode>> :type node_dict: <dict <str>:<CNode>> :type transition_list: <list <CTransition>> :type signal_transition_dict: <dict <str>:<list <CTransition>>> :type __root: <CTopNode> :type constraints: <str> :type modified: <boolean> :type show_macro: <boolean> :type max_size: <int> :type __observer_list: <list <?>> :type marked_nodes: <set> :type marked_transitions: <set> """ def __init__(self, name, xml_namespace=""): """ :param name: Name of the model (ex: concat of graphs uris). :param xml_namespace: Global namespace: Model version. ex: (v1), or (v2) """ = name self.xml_namespace = xml_namespace # For quick finding - name -> node # simple_node_dict is for the GUI: list only CSimpleNodes # Start/Trap/Input/Perm/Macro/Top are only in node_dict self.simple_node_dict = dict() self.node_dict = dict() # All the transitions in the model self.transition_list = [] self.temp_transitions = set() # simple node name -> list of influenced transitions # i.e: nodes that are in the condition of a transition only self.signal_transition_dict = dict() # A virtual macronode on top of the hierarchy. # This artificial node groups all the hierarchy. self.__root = CTopNode(name, self) # string of biosignal clock constraints self.constraints = "" self.modified = False self.show_macro = True # default value for max number of nodes for drawing self.max_size = MAX_SIZE # for observer pattern self.__observer_list = [] self.marked_nodes = set() self.marked_transitions = set() ## observer pattern methods ################################################
[docs] def attach(self, obs): """ observer pattern standard attach methods """ if not obs in self.__observer_list: self.__observer_list.append(obs)
[docs] def detach(self, obs): """ observer pattern standard detach methods """ self.__observer_list.remove(obs)
[docs] def notify(self): """Observer pattern: standard notify methods Notify observers when the model have been changed (move/delete/add item) Observers are: - ChartView (GtkDrawingArea) - NavView (GtkDrawingArea) - SearchManager - SearchFrontier """ [obs.update() for obs in self.__observer_list]
[docs] def build_from_cadlang(self, file_name, reporter): """Build a model from a .cal file of PID database (Test purpose) Used only by :class:`library.cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.TestMCLAnalyser` @param file_name: str - path of .cal file """ crep = reporter fstream = FileStream(file_name) lexer = cadlangLexer(fstream) lexer.set_error_reporter(crep) parser = cadlangParser(CommonTokenStream(lexer)) parser.set_error_reporter(crep) parser.cad_model(self)
## model methods ###########################################################
[docs] def draw(self, view): """Redraw the model Asked from: - :class:`cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.chart_view.ChartView`: via its update() and on_expose_event() methods - :class:`cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.chart_view.NavView`: idem @param view: chart_view """ # we don't update views which are not visible if not view.window: return nb_snodes = len(self.simple_node_dict) # if model size two large don't draw if nb_snodes > self.max_size: return # if model size too large, don't show macros if nb_snodes > MAX_SIZE_MACRO: self.show_macro = False self.__root.draw(view)
[docs] def get_root(self): """ @return: the root of the hierarchy """ if self.__root.submodel: return self.__root.sub_nodes[0] else: return self.__root
[docs] def find_element(self, m_v_c, dstyle): """ @param m_v_c :coordinates of the mouse in virtual screen @param dstyle: drawing style (gives virtual size of fixed size nodes) Given the window mouse coordinates, return (node, handle, center) where node is the node the mouse is in, handle the handle of the node the mouse is in and c are the coordinates of the node center in view. If no handle, handle = 0, handle are 1,2,3,4 clockwise numbered from upper left corner If no node found returns (None,0,(0,0)) """ return self.__root.find_element(m_v_c[0], m_v_c[1], dstyle)
[docs] def make_submodel(self, mnode): """ make a submodel from a macronode (no check) of another model """ self.__root.sub_nodes = [] self.__root.add_submodel(mnode)
[docs] def is_submodel(self): """ test if it is a submodel (for macro view) """ return self.__root.submodel
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean markers """ self.__root.clean()
[docs] def clean_code(self): """ Clean code attribute """ self.__root.clean_code()
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """ Visitors entrance """ return visitor.visit_chart_model(self)
[docs] def get_simple_node_names(self): """Return list of the simple nodes in the model This function is called each time an update of SearchManager and SearchFrontier is required by the user; or by ToggleWholeModel .. seealso:: - :meth:`cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.chart_misc_widgets.SearchManager.display_nodes` - :meth:`cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.chart_simulator.chart_simul_controler.ToggleWholeModel` .. note:: The signal_transition_dict is refreshed here on condition that the transitions of the model have changed. The boolean self.modified can't be tested here because it can be True only because moved nodes. """ # Refresh transition dictionary # Optimization if the model is not modified transitions = set(self.transition_list) if self.temp_transitions != transitions or not self.signal_transition_dict: LOGGER.debug("ChartModel: Rebuild the signal_transition_dict") self.signal_transition_dict = defaultdict(list) [ self.signal_transition_dict[place].append(trans) for trans in self.transition_list for place in trans.get_influencing_places() ] # Security cast self.signal_transition_dict = dict(self.signal_transition_dict) self.temp_transitions = transitions return self.simple_node_dict.keys()
[docs] def get_matching_node_names(self, regex_obj): """Return node names that contain the given regular expression :param regex_obj: Compiled regular expression :type regex_obj: <_sre.SRE_Pattern> """ return [name for name in self.simple_node_dict.keys() if]
[docs] def unset_search_mark(self): """Notify observers after unmarking nodes and transitions with conditions Note: mark status of nodes implies their coloring in the graph editor. """ self.unmark_nodes_and_transitions() self.notify()
[docs] def set_search_mark(self, node_names): """Notify observers after marking nodes and transitions related to the given nodes names Note: mark status of nodes implies their coloring in the graph editor. :param node_names: List of names :type node_names: <list <str>>> """ # Unmark self.unmark_nodes_and_transitions() # Mark for name in node_names: node = self.simple_node_dict.get(name, None) if node is None: # do not mark transition if node doesnt exist (unlikely) return node.search_mark = True self.marked_nodes.add(node) for transition in self.signal_transition_dict.get(name, []): transition.search_mark = True self.marked_transitions.add(transition) self.notify()
[docs] def unmark_nodes_and_transitions(self): """Handy function to unmark simple nodes and transitions with conditions Note: mark status of nodes implies their coloring in the graph editor. Called by: :meth:`search_mark`, :meth:`unmark_nodes_and_transitions` .. TODO: Sync marked_nodes and marked_transitions in case of deletion. => not urgent, the set is reset at the end of this function """ # Unmark simple nodes for node in self.marked_nodes: node.search_mark = False # Unmark transitions with conditions for transition in self.marked_transitions: transition.search_mark = False self.marked_nodes = set() self.marked_transitions = set()
[docs] def get_simple_node(self, name): """ :param name: string - name of the node :return: a simple node with given name """ return self.simple_node_dict[name]
[docs] def get_node(self, name): """ :param name: string - name of the node :return: a node """ return self.node_dict[name]
[docs] def get_influenced_transition(self, node_name): """ :param node_name: Name of a node :return: The transitions influenced by the node i.e. when the node name appears in the condition """ return self.signal_transition_dict.get(node_name, [])
## method for model transformations ########################################
[docs] def mark_as_frontier(self, node_name): """Given the name of a simple node, add a start node and a transition from the start node to the simple node .. warning:: notify observers :param node_name: Name of a node """ try: snode = self.simple_node_dict[node_name] macro = snode.father start = macro.add_start_node(0, 0) macro.add_transition(start, snode) except KeyError: raise ChartModelException("Unknown simple node: " + node_name) self.notify()
def __turn_into_other(self, node_name, ntype): """turn a simple name into a permanent or input node The simple name must not have entering transitions .. warning:: notify observers :param node_name: string :param ntype: node type - string """ try: snode = self.simple_node_dict[node_name] except KeyError: raise ChartModelException("Unknown simple node: " + node_name) if len(snode.incoming_trans) != 0: raise ChartModelException("Incoming transition on node: " + node_name) macro = snode.father if ntype == "perm": pnode = macro.add_perm_node(node_name, snode.xloc, snode.yloc) else: pnode = macro.add_input_node(node_name, snode.xloc, snode.yloc) for trans in snode.outgoing_tran: macro.add_transition(pnode, trans.ext) snode.remove() self.notify()
[docs] def turn_into_input(self, node_name): """Turn a simple node into an input node""" self.__turn_into_other(node_name, "input")
[docs] def turn_into_perm(self, node_name): """Turn a simple node into a perm node""" self.__turn_into_other(node_name, "perm")
def __repr__(self): return "<ChartModel {}>".format(
[docs]class CNode(object): """Abstract node class for guarded transition models Base class for model components :param father: Parent node. All nodes are aware of their parent node. Most of the time it is the CTopNode; but this can differ for nodes in CMacroNodes. Such "Complex" nodes can be used to build a linked list of nodes since they also contain a list of subnodes. :param search_mark: This flag is used to change the color of selected nodes with a search from the list of simple/frontier nodes or from search entry of the GUI. .. seealso:: :meth:`` :param selected: This flag is used to change the color of mouse selected nodes .. seealso:: :meth:`` :type father: None or <CNode> :type search_mark: <boolean> :type selected: <boolean> """ wmin = 0.1 hmin = 0.1 depth_max = 3 def __init__(self, x_coord, y_coord, model, note=""): """ The coordinates of a node are always in the space of its father. """ self.model = model = "$$" self.note = note self.xloc = x_coord self.yloc = y_coord self.father = None self.selected = False self.search_mark = False self.incoming_trans = [] self.outgoing_trans = []
[docs] def is_top_node(self): """ As it says """ return False
[docs] def is_macro(self): """ As it says """ return False
[docs] def is_start(self): """ As it says """ return False
[docs] def is_input(self): """ As it says """ return False
[docs] def is_perm(self): """ As it says """ return False
[docs] def is_trap(self): """ As it says """ return False
[docs] def is_simple(self): """ As it says """ return False
[docs] def set_model(self, model): """ As it says """ self.model = model
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """ As it says """ = name
# def set_coordinates(self, x, y): # """ # As it says # """ # self.xloc = x # self.yloc = y # self.model.notify()
[docs] def get_coordinates(self): """ As it says """ return (self.xloc, self.yloc)
[docs] def set_layout_coordinates(self, x_coord, y_coord): """ As it says """ self.xloc = x_coord self.yloc = y_coord
[docs] def find_element(self, mox, moy, dstyle): """ The mouse coordinates must be in the same frame than nodes coordinates """ pass
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove this node from: - its model - its father's transitions .. warning:: assume it is not a TopNode nor a MacroNode """ if not self.father: return LOGGER.debug("%s::remove: %s", self.__class__.__name__, self) # Remove transitions using the current node # Get the parent node: # i.e a CTopNode (which contain all the hierarchy of nodes), # or a MacroNode father = self.father temp_transitions = defaultdict(list, father.new_transitions) for nodes, transitions in father.new_transitions.items(): # print("search node:",, "in nodes couple:", nodes) # Search current name in nodes if self in nodes: # Remove related transitions from the node and delete these # transitions from the model for transition in temp_transitions.pop(nodes): # print("transition to be removed:", transition) transition.remove() # Update transitions of father father.new_transitions = temp_transitions # Remove the node in the father father.sub_nodes.remove(self) # Remove the references of the node # (with error masking because some nodes are not in the 2 dicts. # Only SimpleNodes are in both) self.model.simple_node_dict.pop(, None) self.model.node_dict.pop(, None) # Refresh the view self.model.modified = True self.model.notify()
[docs] def clean(self): """ Abstract """ pass
def __repr__(self): return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]class CStartNode(CNode): """ Start node show macro-states initialisation """ def __init__(self, x_coord, y_coord, model, **kwargs): CNode.__init__(self, x_coord, y_coord, model, **kwargs) = "__start__"
[docs] def copy(self, model=None): """ As says """ if not model: model = self.model return CStartNode(self.xloc, self.yloc, model, note=self.note)
[docs] def is_start(self): """ As says """ return True
[docs] def is_for_origin(self): """ As says """ return True
[docs] def is_for_extremity(self): """ As says """ return False
[docs] def get_center_loc_coord(self, dstyle, w_ratio, h_ratio): """ @param dstyle: drawing style (not used here) @param w_ratio,h_ratio: affinity ratios for virtual screen (not used here) Returns center coordinate in surrounding node - here node coordinates """ return (self.xloc, self.yloc)
[docs] def draw(self, view, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr, depth): """ depth is less than depth_max """ # graphic style view.drawing_style.draw_start(self, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr)
[docs] def find_element(self, mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef): """ No handle """ # bounding box in father's frame v_bb_size = self.accept(dstyle) snw = v_bb_size[0] * w_coef snh = v_bb_size[1] * h_coef hdec = v_bb_size[2] * h_coef # center coordinates in father's frame ccx = self.xloc ccy = self.yloc + hdec in_node = (mox >= ccx - snw) and (mox <= ccx + snw) in_node = in_node and (moy >= ccy - snh) and (moy <= ccy + snh) if in_node: return (self, 0, (ccx, ccy), None) else: return (None, 0, (0, 0), None)
[docs] def move(self, v_dx, v_dy, dstyle, top_node): """ Move the node - mx_virt, my virt coordinates of the mouse in virtual screen frame click_loc is the location of the clic in node's frame """ # move in reference frame (father's) (acx, acy) = self.father.v_affinity_coef(top_node) loc_dx = acx * v_dx loc_dy = acy * v_dy # translation vector in own's frame -> father's frame new_xloc = self.xloc + loc_dx new_yloc = self.yloc + loc_dy # TODO compute limits delta = 0.0 if (new_xloc >= 0) and (new_xloc < 1.0): self.xloc = new_xloc if (new_yloc > delta) and (new_yloc < 1.0): self.yloc = new_yloc self.model.modified = True self.model.notify()
[docs] def intersect(self, node2, dstyle, nb_trans, w_ratio, h_ratio): """ @param dstyle: drawing style @param w_ratio, h_ratio: affinity ratios virtual -> local frame """ (xc2, yc2) = node2.get_center_loc_coord(dstyle, w_ratio, h_ratio) # local axes size (ellipse because of affinities) v_size = self.accept(dstyle) rlocx = v_size[0] / w_ratio rlocy = v_size[1] / h_ratio uux = xc2 - self.xloc uuy = yc2 - self.yloc norm = sqrt(uux ** 2 + uuy ** 2) if norm != 0: uux = uux / norm uuy = uuy / norm isx = self.xloc + uux * rlocx isy = self.yloc + uuy * rlocy return (isx, isy, 0.0, 1)
def clean(self): pass
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """ Generic visitor acceptor """ return visitor.visit_cstart_node(self)
[docs]class CTrapNode(CStartNode): """ Dead end node """ def __init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, model, **kwargs): CStartNode.__init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, model, **kwargs) = "__trap__" def is_trap(self): return True def is_start(self): return False def copy(self, model=None): if not model: model = self.model return CTrapNode(self.xloc, self.yloc, model, note=self.note) def is_for_origin(self): return False def is_for_extremity(self): return True
[docs] def draw(self, view, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr, depth): """ depth is less than depth_max """ # graphic context view.drawing_style.draw_trap(self, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr)
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """ Standard acceptor """ return visitor.visit_ctrap_node(self)
[docs]class CSimpleNode(CNode): """ A simple node cannot have sub nodes Simple nodes have constant screen dimensions """ def __init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, name, model, **kwargs): CNode.__init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, model, **kwargs) = name self.father = None # double linkage for coordinate computations self.activated = False self.was_activated = False
[docs] def copy(self, model=None): """ As says """ if not model: model = self.model return CSimpleNode(self.xloc, self.yloc,, model, note=self.note)
def is_simple(self): return True
[docs] def is_for_origin(self): """ Can be used as transition origin """ return True
[docs] def is_for_extremity(self): """ Can be used as transition extremity """ return True
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """Rename the current node; update simple_node_dict attr of the model""" try: del self.model.simple_node_dict[] except: pass = name self.model.simple_node_dict[name] = self
[docs] def get_center_loc_coord(self, dstyle, w_ratio, h_ratio): """ Returns center coordinate in surrounding node """ v_size = self.accept(dstyle) xco = self.xloc + (v_size[0] / w_ratio) / 2.0 yco = self.yloc + (v_size[1] / h_ratio) / 2.0 return (xco, yco)
[docs] def draw(self, view, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr, depth): """ depth is less than depth_max @param xfr: x coordinate of father in view screen @param yfr: y coordinate of father in view screen @param wfr: width of father in virtual screen @param hfr: height of father in virtual screen """ view.drawing_style.draw_simple(self, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr)
[docs] def find_element(self, mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef): """ Simple node - No handle """ # size of the node in father's frame v_bb = self.accept(dstyle) snw = v_bb[0] * w_coef snh = v_bb[1] * h_coef # center coordinates in father's frame ccx = self.xloc + 0.5 * snw ccy = self.yloc + 0.5 * snh in_node = (mox >= self.xloc) and (mox <= self.xloc + snw) in_node = in_node and (moy >= self.yloc) and (moy <= self.yloc + snh) if in_node: return (self, 0, (ccx, ccy), None) else: return (None, 0, (0, 0), None)
[docs] def move(self, v_dx, v_dy, v_size, top_node): """ Move the node - mx_virt, my virt are virtual coordinates of the mouse click_loc is the location of the clic in node's frame """ # move in reference frame (father's) (ccx, ccy) = self.father.v_affinity_coef(top_node) loc_dx = ccx * v_dx loc_dy = ccy * v_dy # translation vector in reference frame i.e. father's frame new_xloc = self.xloc + loc_dx new_yloc = self.yloc + loc_dy # check limits wloc = v_size[0] * ccx hloc = v_size[1] * ccy delta = v_size[2] * ccy move = False if (new_xloc >= 0) and (new_xloc + wloc < 1.0): self.xloc = new_xloc move = True if (new_yloc > delta) and (new_yloc + hloc < 1.0): self.yloc = new_yloc move = True if move: self.model.modified = True self.model.notify()
[docs] def intersect(self, node2, dstyle, nb_trans, w_ratio, h_ratio): """ Gives the the first point where to branch a transition, the gap between two arrows and a boolean horizontal true if arrows start from horizontal edge Assume wloc and hloc computed (node drawn) - coordinates in container frame @param node2: second node of the transition @param dstyle: drawing style @param nb_trans: number of transitions to be drawn @param w_ratio, h_ratio: dimentions of the screen for fixed size nodes """ return intersect_simple(self, node2, dstyle, nb_trans, w_ratio, h_ratio)
def clean(self): self.activated = False self.was_activated = False
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """ standard visitor acceptor """ return visitor.visit_csimple_node(self)
[docs]class CPermNode(CSimpleNode): """ permanent node are never unactivated """ def __init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, name, model, **kwargs): CSimpleNode.__init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, name, model, **kwargs) def copy(self, model=None): if not model: model = self.model return CPermNode(self.xloc, self.yloc,, model, note=self.note) def is_perm(self): return True def is_simple(self): return False def is_for_extremity(self): return False def accept(self, visitor): return visitor.visit_cperm_node(self)
[docs] def draw(self, view, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr, depth): """ depth is less than depth_max @param xfr, yfr: coordinates of father node (reference frame) in view @param wfr,hfr: width and height of father node in view (affinity ratios) """ view.drawing_style.draw_perm(self, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr)
[docs]class CInputNode(CSimpleNode): """ An input node cannot have an in-transition """ def __init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, name, model, **kwargs): CSimpleNode.__init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, name, model, **kwargs) self.father = None # double linkage for coordinate computations self.activated = False def is_input(self): return True def is_simple(self): return False def copy(self, model=None): if not model: model = self.model return CInputNode(self.xloc, self.yloc,, model, note=self.note) def is_for_extremity(self): return False
[docs] def get_center_loc_coord(self, dstyle, w_ratio, h_ratio): """ Returns center coordinate in surrounding node """ return (self.xloc, self.yloc)
[docs] def draw(self, view, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr, depth): """ special drawing for diamond """ view.drawing_style.draw_input(self, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr)
[docs] def find_element(self, mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef): """ Simple node - No handle """ # size of the box in father's frame v_bb = self.accept(dstyle) snw = v_bb[0] * w_coef snh = v_bb[1] * h_coef # center coordinates in father frame ccx = self.xloc + 0.5 * snw ccy = self.yloc + 0.5 * snh # mouse coordinates in self frame # mxl = (mox - self.xloc) / snw # myl = (moy - self.yloc) / snh # test in_node = (mox >= self.xloc) and (mox <= self.xloc + snw) in_node = in_node and (moy >= self.yloc) and (moy <= self.yloc + snh) if in_node: return (self, 0, (ccx, ccy), None) else: return (None, 0, (0, 0), None)
[docs] def move(self, v_dx, v_dy, v_size, top_node): """ Move the node - mx_virt, my virt are virtual coordinates of the mouse click_loc is the location of the clic in node's frame """ # move in reference frame (father's) (ccx, ccy) = self.father.v_affinity_coef(top_node) loc_dx = ccx * v_dx loc_dy = ccy * v_dy # translation vector in reference frame i.e. father's frame new_xloc = self.xloc + loc_dx new_yloc = self.yloc + loc_dy # check limits wloc = (v_size[0] * ccx) / 2.0 hloc = (v_size[1] * ccy) / 2.0 hlabel = v_size[2] * ccy move = False if (new_xloc >= wloc) and (new_xloc + wloc < 1.0): self.xloc = new_xloc move = True if (new_yloc - hloc > hlabel) and (new_yloc + hloc < 1.0): self.yloc = new_yloc move = True if move: self.model.modified = True self.model.notify()
[docs] def intersect(self, node2, dstyle, nb_trans, w_ratio, h_ratio): """ An input node can be the origin of some transition to a node. One transition by node. """ # local coordinates of node2 center (xc2, yc2) = node2.get_center_loc_coord(dstyle, w_ratio, h_ratio) # simple nodes have constant screen dimensions - convert to local ones v_size = self.accept(dstyle) wloc = (v_size[0] / w_ratio) / 2.0 hloc = (v_size[1] / h_ratio) / 2.0 # coordinates of a diamond are center coordinates uux = xc2 - self.xloc uuy = yc2 - self.yloc if uux != 0.0: slope = uuy / uux if slope < -1: if uux < 0.0: return (self.xloc, self.yloc + hloc, 0, True) # upper corner else: return (self.xloc, self.yloc - hloc, 0, True) # low corner elif slope >= -1 and slope <= 1: if uux < 0.0: return (self.xloc - wloc, self.yloc, 0, True) # left corner else: return (self.xloc + wloc, self.yloc, 0, True) # right corner else: if uux < 0.0: return (self.xloc, self.yloc - hloc, 0, True) # low corner else: return (self.xloc, self.yloc + hloc, 0, True) # upper corner else: if uuy >= 0: return (self.xloc, self.yloc + hloc, 0, True) # upper corner else: return (self.xloc, self.yloc - hloc, 0, True) # low corner
def accept(self, visitor): return visitor.visit_cinput_node(self)
[docs]class CMacroNode(CSimpleNode): """Main building block for charts Quick note:: new_transitions attribute is a defaultdict(list) which allow to get all transitions related to a couple of nodes. In theory there is only 1 transition for each couple of nodes (cf. :meth:add_transition). transitions attribute is a binding over values of new_transitions (so it is read-only!). So, every CMacroNode and CTopNode contain all transitions involving nodes that they contain. """ def __init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, width, height, name, model, **kwargs): CSimpleNode.__init__(self, xcoord, ycoord, name, model, **kwargs) self.start_trap_nodes_count = 0 # for start and trap nodes naming self.wloc = width self.hloc = height self.sub_nodes = [] # list<list<CTransitions>> Sublists: transitions with common extremities # self.transitions = [] # See the property 'transitions' to find a wrapper for old code # Key: {<CNode>, <CNode>}; values: [<CTransition>, ...] # Ex: defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {frozenset(['A', 'D']): [D -> A, C:, E:], self.new_transitions = defaultdict(list) @property def transitions(self): """Compatibility code .. note:: The old API uses this attribute as a list<list<CTransitions>>. Sublists are transitions with common extremities. :return: An iterator over the values of self.new_transitions. Similar to: <list <list <CTransitions>>> :rtype: <dictionary-valueiterator> """ return self.new_transitions.itervalues() @transitions.setter def transitions(self, _): """Block further modifications of the old attribute transitions .. note:: Please modify self.new_transitions instead. """ raise Exception("NOT AUTHORIZED! Please modify new_transitions instead") def _find_in_subnodes(self, node): """Find a node in the list of sub nodes .. warning:: assume two nodes have different coordinates @param node: node to be found """ for snode in self.sub_nodes: if snode.xloc == node.xloc and snode.yloc == node.yloc: return snode return None
[docs] def copy(self, model=None): """ Duplicate a macronode - performs a deep copy """ LOGGER.debug("CMacroNode::copy") if not model: model = self.model child_node = CMacroNode( self.xloc, self.yloc, self.wloc, self.hloc,, model, note=self.note ) # copy subnodes self.copy_subnodes(child_node, model) # copy transitions self.copy_transitions(child_node) return child_node
[docs] def copy_subnodes(self, child_node, model=None): """Copy current subnodes to the child node""" model = self.model if not model else model for snode in self.sub_nodes: snc = snode.copy(model) child_node.sub_nodes.append(snc) snc.father = child_node
# Note: The model is not updated with this new node # because it can be pasted to another model and we don't know # which one here.
[docs] def copy_transitions(self, child_node): """Copy current transitions to the child node TODO: méthode alternative de copie d'un noeud complexe: itérer sur les transitions du noeud courant et créer les subnodes du child_node en conséquence => pas de création des subnodes en amont => pas besoin de rechercher les nodes d'après leurs coordonnées avec _find_in_subnodes (méthode hasardeuse en cas de nombreux noeuds empilés les uns sur les autres => la méthode a du mal à retrouver le bon noeud et peut créer des transitions incorrectes) """ LOGGER.warning( "CMacroNode: Read copy_transitions alert; " "the use of _find_in_subnodes is dangerous (see doc)" ) for nodes, transitions in self.new_transitions.items(): transitions_group = [] for trans in transitions: # Get duplicated nodes origin = trans.ori origin_c = child_node._find_in_subnodes(origin) # print("origin", origin, id(origin), "vs origin_c", origin_c, id(origin_c)) extremity = trans.ext extremity_c = child_node._find_in_subnodes(extremity) # New transition transition_c = CTransition(origin_c, extremity_c) transition_c.macro_node = child_node transition_c.event = trans.event transition_c.condition = trans.condition transition_c.action = trans.action transition_c.note = str(trans.note) transitions_group.append(transition_c) # Append new transition to the concerned ori and ext nodes origin_c.outgoing_trans.append(transition_c) extremity_c.incoming_trans.append(transition_c) # Note: The model is not updated with this new transition # because it can be pasted to another model and we don't know # which one here. # Set transitions of this macro node (new_transitions is empty here) child_node.new_transitions[frozenset([origin_c, extremity_c])] = transitions_group
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove this node and its sub-nodes from the model""" LOGGER.debug("MacroNode cleaning", len(self.sub_nodes), self.sub_nodes) # Remove sub-nodes # Explicit copy because sub_nodes is modified by remove() for sub_node in list(self.sub_nodes): LOGGER.debug("%s have to be deleted", sub_node) sub_node.remove() assert not self.sub_nodes # Now, remove this node super(self.__class__, self).remove()
[docs] def set_model(self, model): """ Set the model for a subtree of nodes - used for copy/paste from one model to another """ for snode in self.sub_nodes: snode.set_model(model) self.model = model self.model.modified = True
def set_name(self, name): = name def is_macro(self): return True def is_simple(self): return False
[docs] def is_for_origin(self): """ Legitimate transition origin """ return True
[docs] def is_for_extremity(self): """ Legitimate transition extremity """ return True
[docs] def get_center_loc_coord(self, dstyle, w_ratio, h_ratio): """ Returns center coordinate in surrounding node (father) """ if self.model.show_macro: xcc = self.xloc + self.wloc / 2.0 ycc = self.yloc + self.hloc / 2.0 else: v_size = self.accept(dstyle) xcc = self.xloc + (v_size[0] / w_ratio) / 2.0 ycc = self.yloc + (v_size[1] / h_ratio) / 2.0 return (xcc, ycc)
[docs] def virt_to_self_frame(self, xcoord, ycoord, s_width, s_height, top_node): """ xcoord,ycoord must be virtual coordinates result is the coordinates of (x,y) in self frame @param xcoord, ycoord: coordinate in virtual window (screen -> 1.0 x 1.0 window) @param s_width, s_height: screen dimensions @param top_node: root of the sub_model """ if self != top_node: (xfath, yfath) = self.father.virt_to_self_frame( xcoord, ycoord, s_width, s_height, top_node ) xloc = (xfath - self.xloc) / self.wloc yloc = (yfath - self.yloc) / self.hloc return (xloc, yloc) else: # top node return (xcoord, ycoord)
[docs] def self_to_virtual_frame(self, xcoord, ycoord, top_node): """ Coordinate change """ if self != top_node: xfath = self.xloc + xcoord * self.wloc yfath = self.yloc + ycoord * self.hloc return self.father.self_to_virtual_frame(xfath, yfath, top_node) else: return (xcoord, ycoord)
[docs] def v_affinity_coef(self, top_node): """ Affinity ratios cw,ch: local_horizontal_length = screen_horizontal_length * cw Similar relation for vertical length. @param top_node: root of the sub_model """ if self != top_node: (acw, ach) = self.father.v_affinity_coef(top_node) return (acw / self.wloc, ach / self.hloc) else: return (1.0, 1.0)
[docs] def add_macro_subnode(self, name, xcoord, ycoord, width, height): """ Add a macro node as subnode with dimensions """ node = CMacroNode(xcoord, ycoord, width, height, name, self.model) # Not CSimpleNode; thus the node is not added to simple_node_dict self.model.node_dict[name] = node node.father = self self.sub_nodes.append(node) self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() return node
[docs] def add_simple_node(self, name, xcoord, ycoord): """ Add a simple node """ node = CSimpleNode(xcoord, ycoord, name, self.model) self.model.node_dict[name] = node node.father = self self.sub_nodes.append(node) self.model.simple_node_dict[name] = node self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() return node
[docs] def add_input_node(self, name, xcoord, ycoord): """ Add input node """ node = CInputNode(xcoord, ycoord, name, self.model) # Not CSimpleNode; thus the node is not added to simple_node_dict self.model.node_dict[name] = node node.father = self self.sub_nodes.append(node) self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() return node
[docs] def add_copy(self, node): """ add a node of the same type """ nnode = node.copy(self.model) nnode.note = str(node.note) self.model.node_dict[] = nnode nnode.father = self if nnode.is_simple(): self.model.simple_node_dict[] = nnode self.sub_nodes.append(nnode) self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() return nnode
[docs] def add_transition(self, ori, ext): """Add a transition to the model .. note:: Reflexive transitions are not authorized. Duplications of transitions are not authorized. BUT! Not exception is raised in these cases. Have fun <3 :param ori: a simple node :param ext: a simple node :return: A new transition or None if the couple of nodes was not valid. :rtype: <CTransition> or None """ # transition between a node and itself are forbidden if ori == ext: LOGGER.warning( "Reflexive transition: %s -> %s " " - This transition will not be taken into account.\n" "Please review your model or use a PermanentNode instead.",, ) return # Search the current couple of nodes in all the transitions # self.new_transitions is a defaultdict with frozensets as keys # and lists as values. Each value has at most 2 transitions # (one in each direction). Each value is called "transitions group" # later in the code. nodes_couple = frozenset((ori, ext)) transitions_group = self.new_transitions[nodes_couple] if len(transitions_group) == 0: # New transition: the couple was not found before return self.build_new_transition_to_nodes(transitions_group, ori, ext) elif len(transitions_group) == 1: # Duplication of a transition ? trans = transitions_group[0] if not ((trans.ori == ori) and (trans.ext == ext)): # Incomplete transition: add the other one return self.build_new_transition_to_nodes(transitions_group, ori, ext) else: LOGGER.warning( "Duplicated transition: %s -> %s\n" "You should review your model. Only the first transition " "will be taken into account.",, ) return else: LOGGER.error("More than one transition for a couple of nodes") LOGGER.error("Current transition: %s -> %s",, raise Exception("ERROR: More than one transition for a couple of nodes") LOGGER.error("Hi! You should never have reached this part.") LOGGER.error("Current transition: %s -> %s",, raise Exception("Hi! You should never have reached this part.")
[docs] def build_new_transition_to_nodes(self, transitions_group, ori, ext): """Handle a new transition: build and attach it to the model :param arg1: List of transitions that concern the given couple of nodes The list should not exceed 2 elements (see add_transition()) :param arg2: Node :param arg3: Node :type arg1: <list <CTransition>> :type arg2: <Node> :type arg3: <Node> """ # Build new transition new_transition = CTransition(ori, ext) new_transition.macro_node = self # Append the new transition to the internal structure that groups # couple of transitions with same nodes transitions_group.append(new_transition) # Append new transition to the concerned ori and ext nodes new_transition.ori.outgoing_trans.append(new_transition) new_transition.ext.incoming_trans.append(new_transition) # Append new transition to the model self.model.transition_list.append(new_transition) self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() return new_transition
[docs] def add_start_node(self, xcoord, ycoord, name=None): """Add a start node""" node = CStartNode(xcoord, ycoord, self.model) return self.add_start_trap_node(node, name)
[docs] def add_trap_node(self, xcoord, ycoord, name=None): """Add a trap node""" node = CTrapNode(xcoord, ycoord, self.model) return self.add_start_trap_node(node, name)
[docs] def add_start_trap_node(self, node, name): """Add a start or trape node to he model Handy function called by add_start_node, add_trap_node """ # Not CSimpleNode; thus the node is not added to simple_node_dict self.model.node_dict[name] = node node.father = self if name: = name else: # add a number to have different graphic start nodes += str(self.start_trap_nodes_count) self.start_trap_nodes_count += 1 self.sub_nodes.append(node) self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() return node
[docs] def add_perm_node(self, name, xcoord, ycoord): """ Add a perm node """ node = CPermNode(xcoord, ycoord, name, self.model) # Not CSimpleNode; thus the node is not added to simple_node_dict self.model.node_dict[name] = node node.father = self self.sub_nodes.append(node) self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() return node
[docs] def draw(self, view, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr, depth): """Draw transitions and nodes contained in this MacroNode @param view: drawing area @param xfr: x coordinate of father in virtual screen @param yfr: y - @param wfr: father's width in virtual screen @param hfr: father's height in virtual @param depth: depth of the node; less than depth_max """ dstyle = view.drawing_style # draw node dstyle.draw_macro(self, xfr, yfr, wfr, hfr) # draw sub graph if depth < CMacroNode.depth_max and self.model.show_macro: xxr = xfr + self.xloc * wfr yyr = yfr + self.yloc * hfr w_ratio = wfr * self.wloc h_ratio = hfr * self.hloc # transitions for tgr in self.transitions: dstyle.draw_transition_group(tgr, xxr, yyr, w_ratio, h_ratio) # nodes for snode in self.sub_nodes: snode.draw(view, xxr, yyr, w_ratio, h_ratio, depth + 1)
[docs] def move(self, v_dx, v_dy, v_size, top_node): """ Move the node - mx_virt, my virt are virtual coordinates of the mouse click_loc (pair) is the location of the clic in node's frame """ # don't try to move a root node if self == top_node: return # move in reference frame (father's) (ccx, ccy) = self.father.v_affinity_coef(top_node) loc_dx = ccx * v_dx loc_dy = ccy * v_dy # translation vector in reference frame i.e. father's frame new_xloc = self.xloc + loc_dx new_yloc = self.yloc + loc_dy # check limits wloc = v_size[0] * ccx hloc = v_size[1] * ccy delta = v_size[2] * ccy if self.model.show_macro: wloc = self.wloc hloc = self.hloc else: wloc = v_size[0] * ccx hloc = v_size[1] * ccy move = False if (new_xloc >= 0) and (new_xloc + wloc < 1.0): self.xloc = new_xloc move = True if (new_yloc > delta) and (new_yloc + hloc < 1.0): self.yloc = new_yloc move = True if move: self.model.modified = True self.model.notify()
[docs] def find_element(self, mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef): """ @param mox, moy: mouse coordinate in container frame @param dstyle: drawing style @param w_coef, h_coef: affinity ratios for view -> container frame """ # width and height of the node in container frame if self.model.show_macro: wloc = self.wloc hloc = self.hloc else: bb_size = self.accept(dstyle) wloc = bb_size[0] * w_coef hloc = bb_size[1] * h_coef in_node = (mox >= self.xloc) and (mox <= self.xloc + wloc) in_node = in_node and (moy >= self.yloc) and (moy <= self.yloc + hloc) if in_node: if not self.model.show_macro: ccx = self.xloc + 0.5 * wloc ccy = self.yloc + 0.5 * hloc return (self, 0, (ccx, ccy), None) # change coordinates and affinity ratio for self frame w_coefloc = w_coef / wloc h_coefloc = h_coef / hloc mxloc = (mox - self.xloc) / wloc myloc = (moy - self.yloc) / hloc # search sub node for snode in self.sub_nodes: (nnn, hhh, ccc, ttt) = snode.find_element( mxloc, myloc, dstyle, w_coefloc, h_coefloc ) if nnn: # n center coordinates in container frame ccx = self.xloc + ccc[0] * self.wloc ccy = self.yloc + ccc[1] * self.hloc return (nnn, hhh, (ccx, ccy), ttt) # self center coordinate in container frame ccx = self.xloc + 0.5 * self.wloc ccy = self.yloc + 0.5 * self.hloc # not in a subnode, find a transition at this level trans = self.find_transition(mxloc, myloc, dstyle, w_coefloc, h_coefloc) if trans: return (self, 0, (ccx, ccy), trans) # not in a subnode or transition- find handler v_size = self.accept(dstyle) ddx = v_size[3] ddy = v_size[4] if (mox < self.xloc + ddx) and (moy < self.yloc + ddy): return (self, 1, (ccx, ccy), None) if (mox > self.xloc + wloc - ddx) and (moy < self.yloc + ddy): return (self, 2, (ccx, ccy), None) cond = mox > self.xloc + wloc - ddx cond = cond and (moy > self.yloc + hloc - ddy) if cond: return (self, 3, (ccx, ccy), None) if (mox < self.xloc + ddx) and (moy > self.yloc + hloc - ddy): return (self, 4, (ccx, ccy), None) return (self, 0, (ccx, ccy), None) else: return (None, 0, (0, 0), None)
[docs] def find_transition(self, mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef): """ Look for transitions pointed by mouse No recursive search - transitions are in current node """ for trans in it.chain(*self.transitions): if trans.is_me(mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef): return trans
[docs] def resize(self, mx_virt, my_virt, handle, screen_w, screen_h, top_node): """Resize the node with the mouse @param mx_virt, my_virt: mouse coordinates in virtual window @param handle: as determined by find_node @param screen_w, screen_h: size of the screen in pixels @param top_node: root node of the sub model """ # don't try to resize a root node if self == top_node: return (mx_loc, my_loc) = self.father.virt_to_self_frame( mx_virt, my_virt, screen_w, screen_h, top_node ) if handle == 1: # top left corner change = False new_xloc = mx_loc new_wloc = self.xloc + self.wloc - mx_loc if new_xloc > 0 and new_wloc > CNode.wmin: self.xloc = new_xloc self.wloc = new_wloc change = True new_yloc = my_loc new_hloc = self.yloc + self.hloc - my_loc if new_yloc > 0 and new_hloc > CNode.hmin: self.yloc = new_yloc self.hloc = new_hloc change = True if change: self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() elif handle == 2: # top right corner change = False new_wloc = mx_loc - self.xloc if self.xloc + new_wloc < 1.0 and new_wloc > CNode.wmin: self.wloc = new_wloc change = True new_yloc = my_loc new_hloc = self.yloc + self.hloc - my_loc if new_yloc > 0 and new_hloc > CNode.hmin: self.yloc = new_yloc self.hloc = new_hloc change = True if change: self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() elif handle == 3: # bottom right corner change = False new_wloc = mx_loc - self.xloc if self.xloc + new_wloc < 1.0 and new_wloc > CNode.wmin: self.wloc = new_wloc change = True new_hloc = my_loc - self.yloc if self.yloc + new_hloc < 1.0 and new_hloc > CNode.hmin: self.hloc = new_hloc change = True if change: self.model.modified = True self.model.notify() elif handle == 4: # bottom left corner change = False new_xloc = mx_loc new_wloc = self.xloc + self.wloc - mx_loc if new_xloc > 0 and new_wloc > CNode.wmin: self.xloc = new_xloc self.wloc = new_wloc change = True new_hloc = my_loc - self.yloc if self.yloc + new_hloc < 1.0 and new_hloc > CNode.hmin: self.hloc = new_hloc change = True if change: self.model.modified = True self.model.notify()
[docs] def intersect(self, node2, dstyle, nb_trans, w_ratio, h_ratio): """ Gives the the first point where to branch a transition, the gap between two arrows and a boolean horizontal true if arrows start from horizontal edge @param node2: second node of the transition @param dstyle: drawing style @param nb_trans: number of transitions to be drawn @param w_ratio,h_ratio: dimentions of the screen for fixed size nodes """ if not self.model.show_macro: return intersect_simple(self, node2, dstyle, nb_trans, w_ratio, h_ratio) (xc2, yc2) = node2.get_center_loc_coord(dstyle, w_ratio, h_ratio) uux = xc2 - (self.xloc + self.wloc / 2.0) uuy = yc2 - (self.yloc + self.hloc / 2.0) wloc = self.wloc hloc = self.hloc limit_slope = hloc / wloc if uux != 0.0: slope = uuy / uux if slope <= -limit_slope: if uux > 0: side = 1 else: side = 3 elif slope >= limit_slope: if uux < 0: side = 1 else: side = 3 else: # -limit_slope < slope < limit_slope if uux > 0: side = 2 else: side = 4 else: if uuy >= 0: side = 3 else: side = 1 if side == 1: horizontal = True gap = wloc / (nb_trans + 1) six = self.xloc + gap siy = self.yloc return (six, siy, gap, horizontal) if side == 3: horizontal = True gap = wloc / (nb_trans + 1) six = self.xloc + gap siy = self.yloc + hloc return (six, siy, gap, horizontal) if side == 2: horizontal = False gap = hloc / (nb_trans + 1) six = self.xloc + wloc siy = self.yloc + gap return (six, siy, gap, horizontal) if side == 4: horizontal = False gap = hloc / (nb_trans + 1) six = self.xloc siy = self.yloc + gap return (six, siy, gap, horizontal)
def clean(self): self.activated = False for node in self.sub_nodes: node.clean() for gtr in self.transitions: for trans in gtr: trans.clean()
[docs] def clean_code(self): """ clean the code """ for ltr in self.transitions: for trans in ltr: trans.clock = None for node in self.sub_nodes: if node.is_macro(): node.clean_code()
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """ Standard visitor acceptor """ return visitor.visit_cmacro_node(self)
[docs]class CTopNode(CMacroNode): """ A virtual macronode on top of the hierarchy. A model can be a list of hierarchy. This artificial node groups all the hierarchy. From a graphical point of view, it represents the virtual drawing window. .. note:: We assume that the first node in sub_nodes is the main MacroNode. TODO: test if there are another nodes in sub_nodes? """ def __init__(self, name, model, **kwargs): CMacroNode.__init__(self, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, name, model, **kwargs) self.submodel = False self.env_node = None # for environment interaction in tests # nb no father node
[docs] def copy(self): """Duplicate a CTopNode - Performs a deep copy - Reduce displayed dimensions - The top node is changed into a macro node - The env_node (if any) is not copied. """ LOGGER.debug("CMacroNode::copy") child_node = CMacroNode(self.xloc, self.yloc, 0.3, 0.3,, self.model, note=self.note) # copy subnodes self.copy_subnodes(child_node) # copy transitions self.copy_transitions(child_node) return child_node
def is_for_origin(self): return False def is_for_extremity(self): return False def is_top_node(self): return True
[docs] def draw(self, view): """The TOP node is virtual - so no drawing if there is only one subnode which is a macro - draw it full screen (this is the case when a macro node is edited in a new tab) """ dstyle = view.drawing_style if self.submodel: mno = self.sub_nodes[0] w_ratio = 1.0 / mno.wloc h_ratio = 1.0 / mno.hloc xxr = -mno.xloc * w_ratio yyr = -mno.yloc * h_ratio mno.draw(view, xxr, yyr, w_ratio, h_ratio, 0) return # top of a full model # transitions for tgr in self.transitions: if self.submodel: dstyle.draw_transition_group(tgr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, self.sub_nodes[0]) else: dstyle.draw_transition_group(tgr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) # nodes for snode in self.sub_nodes: snode.draw(view, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1)
[docs] def find_element(self, mox, moy, dstyle): """ @param mox,moy :coordinates of the mouse in local frame (own frame for top node) @param dstyle: drawing style used in the view Given the window mouse coordinates, return (node, handle, center) where node is the node the mouse is in, handle the handle of the node the mouse is in and c are the coordinates of the node center in view. If no handle, handle = 0, handle are 1,2,3,4 clockwise numbered from upper left corner If no node found returns (None,0,(0,0)) """ # if model size two large don't draw => don't search nb_snodes = len(self.model.simple_node_dict) if nb_snodes > self.model.max_size: return (self, 0, (0, 0), None) # no handle for top node if self.submodel: # TODO check new version with virtual screen mno = self.sub_nodes[0] # mouse coordinates in father frame mox = mox * mno.wloc + mno.xloc moy = moy * mno.hloc + mno.yloc # top node coefs in father frame w_coef = mno.wloc h_coef = mno.hloc return mno.find_element(mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef) w_coef = 1.0 h_coef = 1.0 for snode in self.sub_nodes: (nnn, hhh, ccc, ttt) = snode.find_element(mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef) if nnn: # center in screen ccx = ccc[0] / w_coef ccy = ccc[1] / h_coef return (nnn, hhh, (ccx, ccy), ttt) # no subnode found: try to find a transition at top level for trans in it.chain(*self.transitions): if trans.is_me(mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef): ccx = 0.5 / w_coef ccy = 0.5 / h_coef return (self, 0, (ccx, ccy), trans) # no subnode and no transition found return (self, 0, (0, 0), None) # no handle for top node
# def aff_coefs(self, top_node): # """ # Affinity coefficients # """ # return (1.0, 1.0)
[docs] def aff_coef(self, swidth, sheight, top_node): """ Affinity coefficients """ return (1.0 / swidth, 1.0 / sheight)
def move(self, v_dx, v_dy, v_size, top_node): pass # no move for top node
[docs] def add_submodel(self, mnode): """ add a submodel (subtree) with root a macro node (no check performed) """ self.submodel = True self.sub_nodes.append(mnode) self.model.modified = True
def accept(self, visitor): return visitor.visit_ctop_node(self)
[docs]class CTransition(object): """A guarded transition object :param macro_node: The parent macro node containing this transition :param ori: The node on the left of the transition :param ext: The node on the right of the transition :param name: The name of the transition (never used => legacy ?) :param event: The logical formula of the event :param condition: The logical formula of the condition :param note: Text (JSON formatted on v2 models) with data about related to the transition :param search_mark: This flag is used to change the color of selected transition from the GUI. .. seealso:: :meth:`` :param selected: This flag is used to change the color of mouse selected transitions. .. seealso:: :meth:`` :type macro_node: <CMacroNode> :type ori: <CNode> :type ext: <CNode> :type name: <str> :type event: <str> :type condition: <str> :type note: <str> :type search_mark: <boolean> :type selected: <boolean> """ def __init__(self, origin, extremity): """ :param origin : CNode :param extremity : CNode :type origin: <CNode> :type extremity: <CNode> """ self.macro_node = None self.ori = origin self.ext = extremity = "" self.event = "" self.condition = "" self.action = "" self.selected = False self.search_mark = False self.activated = False self.fact_ids = [] # list of associated facts id self.note = "" # for compiler (avoid redondant clause generation) self.clock = None self.ori_coord = 0.0 # to be set by layout self.ext_coord = 0.0
[docs] def set_event(self, event): """ @param event: string """ self.event = event self.ori.model.modified = True
[docs] def set_condition(self, cond): """ @param cond : string """ self.condition = cond self.ori.model.modified = True
[docs] def set_action(self, act): """ @param act: string """ self.action = act self.ori.model.modified = True
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """ @param name: string """ = name self.ori.model.modified = True
[docs] def set_note(self, note): """ @param note: string """ self.note = str(note)
[docs] def get_key(self): """ key for storing the transition in dictionaries """ key = + + self.event key = key + self.condition + self.action return key
[docs] def clean(self): """ Unmark """ self.activated = False
[docs] def get_influencing_places(self): """Return set of places that influence the condition of the transition Places are taken from: - The condition (logical formula) of the current transition, - The definition of logical events in the events' attribute of the current transition. Note that when multiple events share 1 transition, the condition attribute should be empty. .. seealso:: :meth:`parse_condition` and :meth:`cadbiom.models.biosignal.translators.gt_visitors.get_conditions_from_event`. :rtype: <set <str>> """ places = set() # Detection of a complex event # (yes it's ugly but its efficient; not like the vas majority of # all of this which is just ugly...) if "(" in self.event: # Complex events are composed of multiple conditions # Get conditions from the events' attribute ret = get_conditions_from_event(self.event) # Get places from each condition # Note: Yes get_conditions_from_event should return expressions # instead of strings that we have to parse a second time with # parse_condition() but hey, its Cadbiom! places = set( it.chain(*[self.parse_condition(cond) for cond in ret.itervalues()]) ) if not self.condition: return places return places | self.parse_condition(self.condition)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def parse_condition(self, condition): """Get set of places from a condition (logical formula) The grammar used here is simplified compared to that used for loading models. .. seealso:: :meth:`cadbiom.models.biosignal.translators.gt_visitors.compile_cond` :param condition: :type condition: <str> :return: Set of places involved in the condition. :rtype: <set <str>> """ if not condition: return set() text_c = condition + "$" reader = InputStream(text_c) lexer = condexpLexer(reader) parser = condexpParser(CommonTokenStream(lexer)) try: # sig_bool() returns a local context object; # we just want the idents variable return parser.sig_bool().idents except Exception as e: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) LOGGER.error( "CTransition::parse_condition: for %s: %s - %s", condition, e.__class__.__name__, e ) return set()
[docs] def is_me(self, mox, moy, dstyle, w_coef, h_coef): """Tell if mouse position is closed to transition :param mox, moy: mouse coordinates in container coord (local coordinates) :return: True or False :rtype: <boolean> """ v_size = self.accept(dstyle) dist_max = max(v_size[0], v_size[1]) # extremities (x_or, y_or) = self.ori_coord (x_tg, y_tg) = self.ext_coord # distance from mouse cursor llx = x_tg - x_or lly = y_tg - y_or norm = sqrt(llx * llx + lly * lly) if norm == 0: return # must not happen llx = llx / norm lly = lly / norm xxx = mox - x_or yyy = moy - y_or uuu = llx * xxx + lly * yyy dist = (xxx - uuu * llx) * (xxx - uuu * llx) dist = dist + (yyy - uuu * lly) * (yyy - uuu * lly) dist = sqrt(dist) if dist < dist_max: # are we in the bounds ddx = abs(x_or - x_tg) ddy = abs(y_or - y_tg) if ddx > 0.05: condx = (abs(mox - x_or) <= ddx) and (abs(mox - x_tg) <= ddx) else: condx = True if ddy > 0.05: condy = (abs(moy - y_or) <= ddy) and (abs(moy - y_tg) <= ddy) else: condy = True return condx and condy else: return False
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove the current transition from its macro node""" # Key: {<CNode>, <CNode>}; values: [<CTransition>, ...] temp_transitions = defaultdict(list, self.macro_node.new_transitions) for nodes, transitions in self.macro_node.new_transitions.items(): if self in transitions: if len(transitions) == 1: # Remove nodes couple/transitions temp_transitions.pop(nodes) continue # Multiple transitions for a couple of nodes: remove only the current one # => Is it really happen? LOGGER.warning( "CTransition::remove: " "Multiple transitions for a couple of nodes;" "Remove only the current transition" ) transitions.remove(self) self.macro_node.new_transitions = temp_transitions # print("ori out:", self.ori.outgoing_trans) # print("ext in:", self.ext.incoming_trans) # Nodes must contain the transitions related to them self.ori.outgoing_trans.remove(self) self.ext.incoming_trans.remove(self) # Model must contain all the transitions self.ori.model.transition_list.remove(self) self.ori.model.modified = True
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """ standard accept visitor """ return visitor.visit_ctransition(self)
def __repr__(self): return "<CTransition {} -> {}; cond:{}; event:{}>".format(,, self.condition, self.event )
[docs]def intersect_simple(node1, node2, dstyle, nb_trans, w_ratio, h_ratio): """Helper function: Intersection of a node with a transition """ # simple nodes have constant screen dimensions - convert to local ones v_size = node1.accept(dstyle) wloc_snode = v_size[0] / w_ratio hloc_snode = v_size[1] / h_ratio (xc2, yc2) = node2.get_center_loc_coord(dstyle, w_ratio, h_ratio) uux = xc2 - (node1.xloc + wloc_snode / 2.0) uuy = yc2 - (node1.yloc + hloc_snode / 2.0) if uux != 0.0: slope = uuy / uux u_slope = v_size[1] / v_size[0] if slope <= -u_slope: if uux > 0: side = 1 else: side = 3 elif slope >= u_slope: if uux < 0: side = 1 else: side = 3 else: # -U_SLOPE < slope < U_SLOPE if uux > 0: side = 2 else: side = 4 else: if uuy >= 0: side = 3 else: side = 1 if side == 1: # hight horizontal horizontal = True if nb_trans == 1: six = node1.xloc + 0.5 * wloc_snode gap = 0.0 elif nb_trans == 2: gap = wloc_snode * 0.6 six = node1.xloc + 0.2 * wloc_snode siy = node1.yloc return (six, siy, gap, horizontal) if side == 3: # low horizontal horizontal = True if nb_trans == 1: six = node1.xloc + 0.5 * wloc_snode gap = 0.0 elif nb_trans == 2: gap = wloc_snode * 0.6 six = node1.xloc + 0.2 * wloc_snode siy = node1.yloc + hloc_snode return (six, siy, gap, horizontal) if side == 2: # right vertical horizontal = False if nb_trans == 1: siy = node1.yloc + 0.5 * hloc_snode gap = 0.0 elif nb_trans == 2: gap = hloc_snode * 0.6 siy = node1.yloc + 0.2 * hloc_snode six = node1.xloc + wloc_snode return (six, siy, gap, horizontal) if side == 4: # left vertical horizontal = False if nb_trans == 1: siy = node1.yloc + 0.5 * hloc_snode gap = 0.0 elif nb_trans == 2: gap = hloc_snode * 0.6 siy = node1.yloc + 0.2 * hloc_snode six = node1.xloc return (six, siy, gap, horizontal)