Source code for cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.analyser.ana_visitors

## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 04/2010
## Revision    : 03/2012
## Source      :
## Copyright 2012 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
## or modifications.
## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s): Geoffroy Andrieux, Nolwenn Le Meur
"""Visitors for guarded transition model analysis


    - :class:`TableVisitor`: used to collect action and place declarations of a model
    - :class:`FrontierVisitor`: Simple frontier computation for editor
    - :class:`IndirectFlowGraphBuilder`: build a networkx indirect graph of transitions
      (for debugging only)
    - :class:`DirectFlowGraphBuilder`: build a networkx graph of transitions
      (for tests only)
    - :class:`EstimExpVisitor`: Partial Evaluator of event and condition expressions
      (subset of sig expressions)
    - :class:`SigExpIdCollectVisitor`: Collect idents in a sig expression

.. note:: 2 more visitors are kept elsewhere for practical reasons and for now at:

    - :meth:`cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.CLUnfolder.PropertyVisitor`
      (involve Clause and Literals).
    - :meth:`cadbiom_gui.gt_gui.chart_checker.chart_checker_controler.PropertyVisitor`
      (used to get mandatory nodes in conditions of transitions)
import sys

# Increase recursion depth limit for big models with long logical formulas in
# events and conditions.

[docs]class TableVisitor(object): """Visitor used to collect action and place declarations Events and conditions are not considered so implicit free clocks are not registered. The name of a place must be unique in a whole chart (no scope implemented). The same holds for an event declared in an action. Pseudo places used for inputs can be declared several time TYPES: state, input, emit OTHER TYPES: clock (used when free clocks are found) The attribute tab_symb is filled for the following types:: - SimpleNodes: type: state, - InputNodes: type: input, deep: 0, - PermNodes: type: state, - MacroNodes: type: state, - TopNodes: type: state, - Transitions: type: emit The deepness of each node is the imbrication level of Macro states and is dynamically adjusted for elements contained in MacroNodes/TopNodes. """ def __init__(self, erdisplay): # place name -> (type, deepness) # type is state or input or emit (emitted events) self.tab_symb = dict() self.error_reporter = erdisplay # reporter to display errors self.error = False # True if an error is found self.deep = 0 # imbrication level of macro states
[docs] def declare(self, name, stype): """Register an identifier with its type""" if name in self.tab_symb: # error double declaration except for input self.error_reporter.display("Double declaration: " + name) self.error = True else: self.tab_symb[name] = (stype, self.deep)
[docs] def visit_chart_model(self, model): """ first step in the visit """ model.get_root().accept(self)
[docs] def visit_cstart_node(self, node): """ nothing to declare """ pass
[docs] def visit_ctrap_node(self, node): """ nothing to declare """ pass
[docs] def visit_csimple_node(self, node): """ register the node as a state """ self.declare(, "state")
[docs] def visit_cinput_node(self, node): """ register the ident as input """ if in self.tab_symb: # double declaration allowed for input so we don't use declare # must be of the right type! ntype, deep = self.tab_symb[] if ntype != "input": self.error_reporter.display("Double declaration: " + self.error = True else: # input places are put at level zero and are made unique self.tab_symb[] = ("input", 0)
[docs] def visit_cperm_node(self, node): """ register the node as a state """ self.declare(, "state")
[docs] def visit_cmacro_node(self, node): """ register the node as a state deepness is updated """ self.declare(, "state") deepnest = self.deep self.deep = self.deep + 1 # sub states for sst in node.sub_nodes: sst.accept(self) self.deep = deepnest # transitions for gtr in node.transitions: for trans in gtr: trans.accept(self)
[docs] def visit_ctop_node(self, node): """ after registering the node, visit subnodes and transitions """ self.declare(, "state") # sub states for sst in node.sub_nodes: sst.accept(self) # transitions for gtr in node.transitions: for trans in gtr: trans.accept(self)
[docs] def visit_ctransition(self, trans): """ visit transition """ # transition actions are the only declared events at this level eve = trans.action # ident syntax to be checked later!! if eve == "": return if eve in self.tab_symb: ntype, deep = self.tab_symb[eve] if ntype != "emit": # error bad type mess = "Double declaration - different type: " + eve self.error_reporter.display(mess) self.error = True else: self.tab_symb[eve] = ("emit", self.deep)
[docs]class FrontierVisitor(object): """ Simple frontier computation for editor """ def __init__(self): = []
[docs] def is_frontier(self, node): """ Find if a node is a frontier node or a start node. """ itr = node.incoming_trans if itr == []: return True else: for trans in itr: if trans.ori.is_start(): return True return False
[docs] def visit_chart_model(self, model): """ Entrance for the visitor """ model.get_root().accept(self)
[docs] def visit_csimple_node(self, node): """ check if it is a frontier node """ if self.is_frontier(node):
[docs] def visit_cstart_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_ctrap_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_cinput_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_cmacro_node(self, node): """ macros are not on the frontier """ pass
[docs] def visit_cperm_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_ctop_node(self, node): """ visit subnodes """ # sub states for sst in node.sub_nodes: sst.accept(self)
[docs]class IndirectFlowGraphBuilder(object): """ build a networkx indirect graph of transitions (for debugging only) """ def __init__(self, nwx_graph): """ @param nwx_graph: networkx graph nwx_graph is populated by place nodes and transition edges """ self.graph = nwx_graph
[docs] def visit_chart_model(self, model): """ entrance through top node """ model.get_root().accept(self)
[docs] def visit_csimple_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_cstart_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_ctrap_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_cinput_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_cmacro_node(self, node): """ visit sub elements """ for ltr in node.transitions: for trans in ltr: self.graph.add_edge(, # sub states for sst in node.sub_nodes: sst.accept(self)
[docs] def visit_cperm_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_ctop_node(self, node): """ same as macro """ self.visit_cmacro_node(node)
[docs]class DirectFlowGraphBuilder(object): """ build a networkx graph of transitions (for tests only) """ def __init__(self, nwx_graph, direct=True): """ @param nwx_graph: networkx Digraph @param direct: true if direct graph is built (default), false for the inverse graph nwx_graph is populated by place nodes and transition edges """ self.graph = nwx_graph self.direction = direct
[docs] def visit_chart_model(self, model): """ entrance through top node """ model.get_root().accept(self)
[docs] def visit_csimple_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_cstart_node(self, node): """ Nothing to dot """ pass
[docs] def visit_ctrap_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_cinput_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_cmacro_node(self, node): """ collect edges from transitions """ for ltr in node.transitions: for trans in ltr: if self.direction: self.graph.add_edge(, else: self.graph.add_edge(, # sub states for sst in node.sub_nodes: sst.accept(self)
[docs] def visit_cperm_node(self, node): """ Nothing to do """ pass
[docs] def visit_ctop_node(self, node): """t same as macro """ self.visit_cmacro_node(node)
[docs]class EstimExpVisitor(object): """ Partial Evaluator of event and condition expressions (subset of sig expressions) The value of an expression is either True (1) or False (-1) or Indeterminate (0) If no symbol table, all variables are evaluated to False => Evaluate if the expression is True or False given the presence or absence of entities in symb_t. """ def __init__(self, symb_t): """ @param symb_t: symbol table associating values to SOME places """ self.symb_table = symb_t # this symbol table must contains name-> value
[docs] def visit_sig_ident(self, iex): """ @param iex: the biosignal ident expression """ if not self.symb_table: return -1 # val is 1 or -1 if found, else 0 (indeterminate) return self.symb_table.get(, 0)
[docs] def visit_sig_const(self, cex): """ coding of the constant on 1,-1 """ if cex.value: return 1 else: return -1
[docs] def visit_sig_default(self, dex): """ this evaluation is valid for clocks only """ cv1 = dex.left_h.accept(self) cv2 = dex.right_h.accept(self) return max(cv1, cv2)
[docs] def visit_sig_when(self, wex): """ left operand is a clock and right operand a condition """ cv1 = wex.left_h.accept(self) cv2 = wex.right_h.accept(self) return min(cv1, cv2)
[docs] def visit_sig_equal(self, eex): """ not yet implemented """ pass
[docs] def visit_sig_sync(self, sex): """ estimation depends on the operator """ cv1 = sex.left_h.accept(self) cv2 = sex.right_h.accept(self) if sex.operator == "or": return max(cv1, cv2) if sex.operator == "and": return min(cv1, cv2)
[docs] def visit_sig_not(self, nex): """ opposite in our coding """ cv1 = nex.operand.accept(self) return -cv1
[docs]class SigExpIdCollectVisitor(object): """ Collect idents in a sig expression """ def __init__(self): """ simple walker """ pass
[docs] def visit_sig_ident(self, iexp): """ @param iexp: the expression """ return []
[docs] def visit_sig_const(self, cexp): """ no id """ return []
[docs] def visit_sig_default(self, dexp): """ ids come from both operands """ ll1 = dexp.left_h.accept(self) ll2 = dexp.right_h.accept(self) return ll1 + ll2
[docs] def visit_sig_when(self, wexp): """ ids come from both operands """ ll1 = wexp.left_h.accept(self) ll2 = wexp.right_h.accept(self) return ll1 + ll2
[docs] def visit_sig_equal(self, eex): """ not implemented """ pass
[docs] def visit_sig_sync(self, sex): """ ids come from both operands """ ll1 = sex.left_h.accept(self) ll2 = sex.right_h.accept(self) return ll1 + ll2
[docs] def visit_sig_not(self, nex): """ same as operand """ ll1 = nex.operand.accept(self) return ll1