Source code for cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.analyser.TestStaticAnalysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 14 may. 2012
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2012 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
## or modifications.
## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
## special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits,
## arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
## IRISA have been advised of the possibility of such damage.  See
## the GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s):
Review: Pay attention: Lots of tests are made without any assertion.
    Valid tests are only a weak guarantee that the program does not crash since
    everything comes out on stdout (masked by pytest).
    In addition, many files essential to the tests are lost/missing because
    they were never added to the project.

    Have fun.
from __future__ import print_function
import pkg_resources
import unittest
import os
import networkx as nx

from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.translators.chart_xml_pid import MakeModelFromPidFile
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.analyser.ana_visitors import \
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.analyser.static_analysis import \
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.translators.chart_lang import LangVisitor
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.chart_model import ChartModel

from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.translators.chart_xml import \
from cadbiom.commons import DIR_LOGS, logger

LOGGER = logger()

[docs]class Reporter(object): """ Simple reporter for tests """ def __init__(self): self.error = False self.mess = "" pass
[docs] def display(self, mes): """ print message """ self.error = True mess = self.mess + "ERROR -> "+mes LOGGER.error(mess)
[docs]class TestAnaVisitors(unittest.TestCase): """ Test visitor for static analysis """
[docs] def test_frontier(self): """ frontier visitor test """ file_name = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name '../translators/tests/tgf_cano.xml' ) reporter = Reporter() parser = MakeModelFromPidFile(file_name, reporter) if reporter.error: raise Exception("Error in reading file '%s'" % file_name) cmodel = parser.model nx_graph = nx.DiGraph() gvi = DirectFlowGraphBuilder(nx_graph, False) cmodel.accept(gvi) aco = list(nx.attracting_components(nx_graph)) print("attracting components:", aco) # only sets of 1 element ? scc = [] for elem in aco: if len(elem)>1: scc.append(elem) print('SCC FRONTIER ', scc) # empty list ? assert scc == [] assert reporter.error == False
[docs]class TestStaticAnalysis(unittest.TestCase): """ Test static analysis """
[docs] def test_frontier1(self): """ frontier computation """ file_name = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name '../translators/tests/tgf_cano.xml' ) reporter = Reporter() parser = MakeModelFromPidFile(file_name, reporter) if reporter.error: raise Exception("Error in reading file '%s'" % file_name) report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_model(parser.model) print('FRONTIER') ftr = sta.get_frontier_scc() print(ftr) # add a start transition on ft[0][1] (betaglycan__dimer___intToMb) assert 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb' in ftr[0] parser.model.mark_as_frontier('betaglycan__dimer___intToMb') out = open(DIR_LOGS + os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]) + '',"w") # decompiler visitor lvi = LangVisitor(out) parser.model.accept(lvi) out.close() assert reporter.error == False
[docs] def test_frontier1_no_clock(self): """ test with a rather big clockless model """ file_name = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name '../translators/tests/tgf_cano.xml' ) reporter = Reporter() parser = MakeModelFromPidFile(file_name, reporter, has_clock=False) if reporter.error: raise Exception("Error in reading file '%s'" % file_name) report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_model(parser.model) ftr = sta.get_frontier_scc() print("Frontiers:", ftr) found = {frozenset(scc) for scc in ftr} expected = {frozenset(['betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'TGFB_TGFBR2_betaglycan_active_intToMb'])} assert expected == found # add a start transition on betaglycan__dimer___intToMb nb_transitions = len(parser.model.transition_list) parser.model.mark_as_frontier('betaglycan__dimer___intToMb') nb_transitions_found = len(parser.model.transition_list) assert nb_transitions_found == nb_transitions + 1 out = open( DIR_LOGS + os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]) + '', "w" ) # decompiler visitor lvi = LangVisitor(out) parser.model.accept(lvi) out.close() assert reporter.error == False
## Note: new model is not tested...
[docs] def test_frontier2(self): """ frontier computation on all database """ # test on all the database file_name = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name '../translators/tests/tgf_cano.xml' ) reporter = Reporter() parser = MakeModelFromPidFile(file_name, reporter) if reporter.error: raise Exception("Error in reading file '%s'" % file_name) report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_model(parser.model) ftr = sta.get_frontier_scc() print("Frontiers:", ftr) found = {frozenset(scc) for scc in ftr} expected = {frozenset(['betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'TGFB_TGFBR2_betaglycan_active_intToMb'])} assert expected == found assert reporter.error == False
[docs] def test_get_tr_node_variables(self): """ n1 --> n2; h1 when n2 default h2 when n3[not n4] n1 --> n3; h2 when n4[] n4 --> n1; h3[] Get the node idents in the guard expression of the transition condition and event """ model = ChartModel("Test") root = model.get_root() node1 = root.add_simple_node('n1', 0, 0) node2 = root.add_simple_node('n2', 0, 0) node3 = root.add_simple_node('n3', 0, 0) node4 = root.add_simple_node('n4', 0, 0) tr1 = root.add_transition(node1, node2) tr1.set_condition("not n4") tr1.set_event('h1 when n2 default h2 when n3') tr2 = root.add_transition(node1, node3) tr2.set_event('h2 when n4') tr3 = root.add_transition(node4, node1) tr3.set_event('h3') report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_model(model) lnn, lhh = sta.test_get_tr_node_variables(tr1) print(lnn, lhh) assert lnn == ['n2', 'n3', 'n4'] assert lhh == ['h1', 'h2']
[docs] def test_principal_variables(self): """ n1 --> n2; h1 when n2 default h2 when n3[not n4] n1 --> n3; h2 when n4[n1 or (not n4)] n4 --> n1; h3[n3 or not n4] Compute the essentiel, inhibitors, dominant inhibitors, essential activators and dominant activators of a transition tr. n4: dominant inhibitor of tr1 """ model = ChartModel("Test") root = model.get_root() node1 = root.add_simple_node('n1', 0, 0) node2 = root.add_simple_node('n2', 0, 0) node3 = root.add_simple_node('n3', 0, 0) node4 = root.add_simple_node('n4', 0, 0) tr1 = root.add_transition(node1, node2) tr1.set_condition("not n4") tr1.set_event('h1 when n2 default h2 when n3') tr2 = root.add_transition(node1, node3) tr2.set_event('h2 when n4') tr2.set_condition('n1 or (not n4)') tr3 = root.add_transition(node4, node1) tr3.set_condition('n3 or (not n4)') tr3.set_event('h3') report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_model(model) pva = sta.get_tr_principal_variables(tr1) print(pva) assert pva == [[], ['n4'], [], []]
[docs] @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_cadbiom_2_graphml(self): """ test export in GML """ file_name = '../translators/tests/pid0512.xml' report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_pid_file(file_name, has_clock=True, ai_interpretation=0) mgraph = sta.make_dependence_dg() fname = '../translators/tests/pid0512_dependenceGraph.graphml' sta.export_2_graphml(mgraph, fname)
[docs] @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_get_pred_and_succ(self): """ test predecessors and successors """ file_name = '../../../bio_models/whole_pid_curated.bcx' report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_file(file_name) graph = sta.make_dependence_dg() target = 'SNAIL' # PREDECESSORS pred = sta.get_predecessors(graph, target) print(target, ' has ', len(pred), ' predecessors') # SUCCESSORS succ = sta.get_successors(graph, target) print(target, ' has ', len(succ), ' successors')
[docs] @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_pred_dependence_graph(self): """ As it says """ file_name = '../../../bio_models/tgf/tgf_canonical.bcx' report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_file(file_name) graph = sta.make_dependence_dg() target = 'p15INK4b' # PREDECESSORS pred = sta.get_predecessors(graph, target) graph = sta.remove_nodes_not_in_list(graph, pred) fname = '../translators/tests/tgf_cano_p15_pred.graphml' sta.export_2_graphml(graph, fname)
[docs] @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_pred_graph_extraction(self): """ As it says """ file_name = '../../../bio_models/tgf/tgf_canonical.bcx' report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_file(file_name) graph = sta.make_dependence_dg() target = 'p15INK4b' # PREDECESSORS pred = sta.get_predecessors(graph, target) graph = sta.remove_nodes_not_in_list(graph, pred)
[docs] @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_gene_signal_dependent(self): """ As it says """ file_name = '/home/gandrieu/these/cadbiom model/fevrier2012_newParser/whole_pid_man_noInhib_modif.bcx' parser = MakeModelFromXmlFile(file_name) report = Reporter() model = parser.model sta.build_from_chart_model(model) graph = sta.make_dependence_dg() # GENE RESEARCH gene_dict = dict() # key : gene, value : list of exCellRegion for node in graph.nodes(): if len(node)>5: if node[-5:] == "_gene": prot = node[:-5] gene_dict[prot] = [] # PREDECESSORS for gene in gene_dict.keys(): gene_pred = sta.get_predecessors(graph, gene) for pred in gene_pred : if len(pred) > 13: if pred[-13:] == "_exCellRegion": gene_dict[gene].append(pred) print(gene_dict['p15INK4b']) print(gene_dict['p21CIP1']) # COUNTER dpt_dict = dict() for gene in gene_dict.keys(): gene_dict[gene].sort() number_of_ex_cell_region = len(gene_dict[gene]) if dpt_dict.has_key(number_of_ex_cell_region): dpt_dict[number_of_ex_cell_region] += 1 else : dpt_dict[number_of_ex_cell_region] = 1 dpt_items = dpt_dict.items() dpt_items.sort() for couple in dpt_items : print(couple[1], ' genes(s) that depends on ', couple[0], ' signal(s)')
[docs] @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_signal_gene_influent(self): """ ??? """ file_name = '/home/gandrieu/these/cadbiom model/fevrier2012_newParser/whole_pid_man_noInhib_modif.bcx' parser = MakeModelFromXmlFile(file_name) report = Reporter() model = parser.model sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_model(model) graph = sta.make_dependence_dg() # SIGNAL RESEARCH signal_dict = dict() # key : gene, value : list of exCellRegion for node in graph.nodes(): if len(node)>13: if node[-13:] == "_exCellRegion": signal_dict[node] = [] # GENE RESEARCH gene_list = [] for node in graph.nodes(): if len(node)>5: if node[-5:] == "_gene": prot = node[:-5] gene_list.append(prot) # SUCCESSORS for signal in signal_dict.keys(): signal_suc = sta.get_successors(graph, signal) for suc in signal_suc : if suc in gene_list : signal_dict[signal].append(suc) # COUNTER dpt_dict = dict() for signal in signal_dict.keys(): signal_dict[signal].sort() number_of_genes = len(signal_dict[signal]) if dpt_dict.has_key(number_of_genes): dpt_dict[number_of_genes] += 1 else : dpt_dict[number_of_genes] = 1 dpt_items = dpt_dict.items() dpt_items.sort() for couple in dpt_items : print(couple[1],' signal(s) regulates ', couple[0],' gene(s)')
[docs] @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_ordering_pred(self): """ write a predecessor file clustering predecessors into 10 class in fact of the distance of the shortest path to a given target Each line of the output file is a tab separated list of predecessors of the same class """ file_name = '/home/gandrieu/these/models/cadbiom model/fevrier2012_newParser/whole_pid_man.bcx' parser = MakeModelFromXmlFile(file_name) report = Reporter() model = parser.model sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_model(model) graph = sta.make_dependence_dg() prop = 'SNAIL' pred_list = sta.get_predecessors(graph, prop) max_dist = 0 for pred in pred_list: dist = nx.shortest_path_length(graph, source=pred, target=prop) if dist > max_dist : max_dist = dist ordering_pred_list = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] for pred in pred_list : dist = nx.shortest_path_length(graph, source=pred, target=prop) new_dist = dist * 100 / max_dist if new_dist <= 10 : ordering_pred_list[0].append(pred) elif new_dist <= 20 : ordering_pred_list[1].append(pred) elif new_dist <= 30 : ordering_pred_list[2].append(pred) elif new_dist <= 40 : ordering_pred_list[3].append(pred) elif new_dist <= 50 : ordering_pred_list[4].append(pred) elif new_dist <= 60 : ordering_pred_list[5].append(pred) elif new_dist <= 70 : ordering_pred_list[6].append(pred) elif new_dist <= 80 : ordering_pred_list[7].append(pred) elif new_dist <= 90 : ordering_pred_list[8].append(pred) else : ordering_pred_list[9].append(pred) fileOut='/home/gandrieu/these/gephi/script/snailOrderingPred.txt' fih = open(fileOut,'w') for pred_list in ordering_pred_list: for pred in pred_list: fih.write(pred + '\t') fih.write('\n') fih.close()
@unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def testStaticExtraction(self): # file_name = '../../../bio_models/whole_pid_man_noInhib_modif.bcx' # model without inhibitor file_name = '/home/gandrieu/these/processHitting/snail/whole_pid_man.bcx' parser = MakeModel_from_xml_file(file_name) report = Reporter() model = parser.model sa = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_model(model) graph=sa.make_dependence_dg() # PREDECESSORS # pred = sa.get_predecessors(graph,'SNAIL') # pred=list(set(pred)) # print(len(pred)) # LOAD FILE pred =[] f = open('/home/gandrieu/these/processHitting/snail/whole_pid_man_SNAIL_processes_nameList.txt','r') for line in f : line=line[:-1] pred.append(line) f.close() pred = list(set(pred)) # f=open('/home/gandrieu/tmp/snail_pred_all_dependences.txt','w') # for node in pred: # f.write(node) # f.write('\n') # f.close() # pred = sa.get_list_neighbors(graph, pred) # print(len(pred)) # EXTRACTION # file_name = '../../../bio_models/whole_pid_curated.bcx' # parser = Make_model_from_xml_file(file_name) ex = SubModelExtraction(model,None,None) new_model = ex.extract_sub_model3(pred) new_model = perm_node_filter(new_model) xml = Xml_visitor(new_model) file = open("/home/gandrieu/tmp/whole_pid_man_extraction_SNAIL_PH_with_local_env.bcx",'w') file.write(xml.return_xml()) file.close() @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_statistics(self): file_name = '../../../bio_models/pid_or_clock.bcx' report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_file(file_name) stat_file = open('../../../bio_models/stat.txt','w') sta.get_statistics(stat_file) @unittest.skip("Test files not provided") def test_model_extraction(self): file_name = '../../../bio_models/pid_or_clock.bcx' report = Reporter() sta = StaticAnalyzer(report) sta.build_from_chart_file(file_name) # graph = sta.make_dependence_dg() graph = sta.make_transition_dg() mac = ['ADAM10','HIF1A_cy','GammaSecretase_plasmaMb','ARNT_nucl','Jagged1_intToMb','SMAD2_3','SP1','IPAS','NOTCH1_golgiAp','MIZ_1','SHARP_RBPJ_CtIP_CtBP_LSD1_nucl','TGFB_TGFBR2_TGFBR1_DAB2_active_intToMb','SMAD4_nucl'] prop = ['p15INK4b','p21CIP1'] # sta.get_frontier_successors(graph, mac, prop, True) sta.get_propagated_places(mac, prop)
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) suiteFew = unittest.TestSuite() suiteFew.addTest(TestStaticAnalysis('test_statistics')) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suiteFew)