Source code for cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.TestMCLAnalyser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 03/2012
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2012 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
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## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s): Geoffroy Andrieux - IRISA/IRSET
Unitary Tests for the MCLAnalyser
from __future__ import print_function
import pkg_resources
import unittest
import os
import itertools as it

from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLAnalyser import MCLAnalyser
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.simulator.chart_simul import ChartSimulator
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.simulator.simul_exceptions import SimulStopException
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.chart_model import ChartModel
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLQuery import MCLSimpleQuery
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLSolutions import FrontierSolution
from cadbiom.commons import DIR_LOGS

# helper fonctions for test automation
[docs]def lit_subsol_equal(ssol1, ssol2): """ @param ssol1,ssol2: list<string> CAREFULL: change order in lists """ print("subsol type ?", isinstance(ssol2, list)) if not isinstance(ssol2, list): ssol2 = list(ssol2) print("SUBSOL", ssol1, ssol2) return ssol1 == ssol2
[docs]def lit_sol_equal(sol1, sol2): """ @param sol1,sol2: list<list<string>> """ if not isinstance(sol2, list): sol1 = tuple(tuple(ssol) for ssol in sol2) print("LIT_SOL", sol1, sol2) return sol1 == sol2
# simple reporter
[docs]class ErrorRep(object): """ error reporter of the compil type """ def __init__(self): self.context = "" self.error = False pass
[docs] def display(self, mess): """ just printing """ self.error = True print('\n>> '+self.context+" "+mess)
[docs] def display_info(self, mess): """ just printing """ print('\n-- '+mess)
[docs] def set_context(self, cont): """ for transition compiling """ self.context = cont
[docs]class TestMCLAnaLyzer(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for MCLAnalyser class"""
[docs] def test_lit_sol_equal(self): """ Test the test helper function """ sol1 = [['-_lit2', '-C4', 'h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4'], \ ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4'],\ ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4']] sol2 = [['-_lit2', '-C4', 'h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4'], \ ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4'],\ ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4']] res = lit_sol_equal(sol1, sol2) self.assert_(res, 'Error in lit_sol equality') sol2 = [['-_lit2', '-C4', 'h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4'], \ ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4'],\ ['-_lit2', 'C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4']] res = lit_sol_equal(sol1, sol2) self.assert_(not res, 'Error in lit_sol inequality') # test on numbers sol1 = [[], [3], [], [5]] sol2 = [[], [3], [], [5]] res = lit_sol_equal(sol1, sol2) self.assert_(res, 'Error in lit_sol equality: number case') sol2 = [[], [3], [2], []] res = lit_sol_equal(sol1, sol2) self.assert_(not res, 'Error in lit_sol inequality: number case')
[docs] def test_load1(self): """Load from a bcx file""" rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/delay1.bcx" ) mcla.build_from_chart_file(filename) res = rep.error self.assert_(not res, "Error during the load of bcx file")
[docs] def test_load2(self): """Load from a cadlang file""" rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "../../guard_transitions/translators/tests/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) res = rep.error self.assert_(not res, "Error during the load of cadlang file")
[docs] def test_load3(self): """Load from a PID file""" rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "../../guard_transitions/translators/tests/tgf_cano.xml" ) mcla.build_from_pid_file(filename) res = rep.error self.assert_(not res, "during the load of PID xml file")
[docs] def test_delay1(self): """ simple delay computation """ rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) f_prop = "C3 and not C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) # if len(lsol) > 0: # print 'C3 ALONE' # print lsol[0] #first solution _ we have two # else: # print 'NO SOLUTION C4' res = len(lsol) == 2 expected_sol = [ ['-_lit2', '-C4', 'h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4', '-B2', '-B3', '-_lit3', '-C2', 'C1', '_lit0', '-_lit1', 'B1'], ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4', 'B2', '-B3', '-_lit3', 'C2', '-C1', '-_lit0', '-_lit1', '-B1'], ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4', '-B2', 'B3', '_lit3', 'C2', '-C1', '-_lit0', '_lit1', '-B1']] res = res and lit_sol_equal(lsol[0].__str__(), expected_sol) self.assert_(not res, 'Error in C3 alone') f_prop = "C4 and not C3" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) # if len(lsol)>0: # print 'C4 ALONE', len(lsol) # print lsol[0] # else: # print 'NO SOLUTION C4' res = len(lsol) == 1 expected_sol = [ ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', 'A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4', '-B2', '-B3', '-_lit3', '-C2', 'C1', '-_lit0', '-_lit1', 'B1'], ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', 'A2', '-A4', '-B2', '-B3', '-_lit3', 'C2', '-C1', '-_lit0', '-_lit1', 'B1'], ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', 'A3', '-A2', '-A4', '-B2', '-B3', '-_lit3', 'C2', '-C1', '-_lit0', '-_lit1', 'B1'], ['_lit2', '-C4', 'h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', 'A4', '-B2', '-B3', '_lit3', 'C2', '-C1', '_lit0', '-_lit1', 'B1']] res = res and lit_sol_equal(lsol[0].__str__(), expected_sol) self.assert_(not res, 'Error in C4 alone') f_prop = "C3 and C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) # if len(lsol)>0: # print 'C3 and C4' # print lsol[0] # else: # print 'NO SOLUTION' res = len(lsol) == 1 expected_sol = [ ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', 'A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', '-A4', '-B2', '-B3', '-_lit3', '-C2', 'C1', '-_lit0', '-_lit1', 'B1'], ['-_lit2', '-C4', 'h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', 'A2', '-A4', '-B2', '-B3', '-_lit3', 'C2', '-C1', '_lit0', '-_lit1', 'B1'], ['-_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', 'A3', '-A2', '-A4', 'B2', '-B3', '-_lit3', 'C2', '-C1', '-_lit0', '-_lit1', '-B1'], ['_lit2', '-C4', '-h2', '-A1', '-C3', '-A3', '-A2', 'A4', '-B2', 'B3', '_lit3', 'C2', '-C1', '-_lit0', '_lit1', '-B1']] res = res and lit_sol_equal(lsol[0].__str__(), expected_sol) self.assert_(not res, 'Error in C3 and C4')
[docs] def test_delay1_w_ic(self): """Simple delay computation with clock sequence First test: f_prop = "C4" # old solver [[], [], [3], []] [[-1, -2, -3, 4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, 13, -14, -15, 16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, 7, -8, -9, -10, -11, 12, -13, -14, -15, 16], [-1, -2, 3, -4, -5, 6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, 12, -13, 14, -15, 16], #3>0 free clocks: (3, ':', 'h2') [1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, 8, 9, -10, 11, 12, -13, -14, -15, -16]] ['A1', 'C1', 'B1'] ['A2', 'C2', 'B1'] ['h2', 'A3', 'C2', '_lit0', 'B1'] # activated clock: h2 ['_lit2', 'A4', 'B2', '_lit3', 'C2'] [[], [], [], []] [[-1, -2, -3, 4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, 13, -14, -15, -16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, 7, -8, -9, -10, -11, 12, -13, -14, -15, -16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, 6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, 12, -13, -14, -15, -16], [1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, 8, -9, -10, 11, 12, -13, -14, -15, -16]] ['A1', 'C1'] ['A2', 'C2'] ['A3', 'C2'] ['_lit2', 'A4', '_lit3', 'C2'] # new solver (no clock used => better solution): [[], [], [], []] [[-1, -2, -3, 4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, 13, -14, -15, -16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, 7, -8, -9, -10, -11, 12, -13, -14, -15, -16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, 6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, 12, -13, -14, -15, -16], [1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, 8, -9, -10, 11, 12, -13, -14, -15, -16]] ['A1', 'C1'] ['A2', 'C2'] ['A3', 'C2'] ['_lit2', 'A4', '_lit3', 'C2'] [[], [], [], []] [[-1, -2, -3, 4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, 13, -14, -15, 16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, 7, -8, -9, -10, -11, 12, -13, -14, -15, 16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, 6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, 12, -13, -14, -15, 16], [1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, 8, -9, -10, 11, 12, -13, -14, -15, 16]] ['A1', 'C1', 'B1'] ['A2', 'C2', 'B1'] ['A3', 'C2', 'B1'] ['_lit2', 'A4', '_lit3', 'C2', 'B1'] .. note:: Debugging of solutions - help: .. code-block:: python for i, sol in enumerate(lsol, 1): print("Sol", i) # [[], [], [], []] print(sol.extract_act_input_clock_seq()) # [[....], [....], [....], [....]] print(x.unflatten()) # Convert literal values to str, display only activated ones (val > 0) for step in sol.unflatten(): print([sol.unfolder.get_var_name(val) for val in step if val > 0]) """ def debug_solutions(lsol): """Make human readable the status of literals at each step of a sol """ for i, sol in enumerate(lsol, 1): print("Sol", i) # [[], [], [], []] print(sol.extract_act_input_clock_seq()) # [[....], [....], [....], [....]] print(sol.unflatten()) # Convert literal values to str, display only activated ones (val > 0) for step in sol.unflatten(): print([sol.unfolder.get_var_name(val) for val in step if val > 0]) rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) st_prop = None inv_prop = None f_prop = "C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(st_prop, inv_prop, f_prop) # 4 steps, 1 solution lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) sol = lsol[0] ic_seq = sol.extract_act_input_clock_seq() #print ic_seq expected_sol = [[], [], [], []] debug_solutions(lsol) res = len(lsol) != 0 res = res and lit_sol_equal(expected_sol, ic_seq) self.assert_(res, 'Error clock sequence for C4; expected: {}'.format(expected_sol)) f_prop = "C4 and not C3" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) sol = lsol[0] ic_seq = sol.extract_act_input_clock_seq() #print ic_seq expected_sol = [[], [], [], []] debug_solutions(lsol) res = len(lsol) != 0 res = res and lit_sol_equal(expected_sol, ic_seq) self.assert_(res, 'Error clock sequence for C4 and not C3; expected: {}'.format(expected_sol)) f_prop = "C3 and C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) sol = lsol[0] ic_seq = sol.extract_act_input_clock_seq() #print ic_seq # h2 is mandatory to get C3 expected_sol = [[], [3], [], []] debug_solutions(lsol) res = len(lsol) != 0 res = res and lit_sol_equal(expected_sol, ic_seq) self.assert_(res, 'Error clock sequence for C4; expected: {}'.format(expected_sol))
[docs] def test_input1(self): """ simple input computation """ rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) st_prop = None inv_prop = None f_prop = "C3 and not C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(st_prop, inv_prop, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) sol = lsol[0] assert len(lsol) == 2 ic_seq = sol.extract_act_input_clock_seq() expected_sol = [[2], [], []] res = lit_sol_equal(expected_sol, ic_seq) print("expected ic_seq:", expected_sol) print("found ic_seq:", ic_seq) self.assert_(res, 'Error clock/input sequence for C3 and not C4') f_prop = "C4 and C3" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) sol = lsol[0] res = len(lsol) == 1 ic_seq = sol.extract_act_input_clock_seq() #print ic_seq expected_sol = [[], [2], [], []] res = res and lit_sol_equal(expected_sol, ic_seq) self.assert_(res, 'Error clock/input sequence for C3 and C4')
[docs] def test_unflatten(self): """ Test unflatten trajectory """ rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) st_prop = None inv_prop = None f_prop = "C3" query = MCLSimpleQuery(st_prop, inv_prop, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) ufl = lsol[0].unflatten() expected_ufl = [ [-1, -2, 3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, 13, 14, -15, 16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, 9, -10, -11, 12, -13, -14, -15, -16], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, 10, 11, 12, -13, -14, 15, -16] ] res = lit_sol_equal(expected_ufl, ufl) self.assert_(res, 'Error unflatten')
[docs] def test_dimacs_frontier_ban(self): """Ban previous solution and try to get a new different one""" rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) prop = "p15INK4b and p21CIP1" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, prop) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "../../guard_transitions/translators/tests/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) # Get <tuple <DimacsFrontierSol>> lsol = mcla._MCLAnalyser__sq_dimacs_frontier_solutions(query, 8, 1) forbidden_sol = [ # Get all activated frontiers in the DimacsFrontierSol [-var for var in dimacs_front_sol.activated_frontier_values] for dimacs_front_sol in lsol ] # Try another solution query.dim_start = forbidden_sol # Get <tuple <DimacsFrontierSol>> lsol2 = mcla._MCLAnalyser__sq_dimacs_frontier_solutions(query, 8, 1) # comparison: solution are ordered and must be different # remains true if all components are equal (equal solutions) self.assertNotEqual( set(lsol), set(lsol2), "Error dimacs_frontier: solutions not different" )
[docs] def test_solution_pruning(self): """Pruning a solution by trying to get a new solution with a smaller number of active frontier places""" rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) prop = "p15INK4b and p21CIP1" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, prop) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "../../guard_transitions/translators/tests/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) # lsol: list<dimacs frontier solution> lsol = mcla._MCLAnalyser__sq_dimacs_frontier_solutions(query, 8, 10) small_sol = mcla.less_activated_solution(lsol) # Count number of activated frontiers activated_frontiers_old_method = 0 for varcod in small_sol.frontier_values: if varcod > 0: activated_frontiers_old_method += 1 activated_frontiers_1 = small_sol.nb_activated_frontiers self.assertEqual(activated_frontiers_old_method, activated_frontiers_1) # Check solution # Reload frontiers (activated and unactivated) # PS: quiet deprecated: usually, we just put negative values of frontiers start = [[var] for var in small_sol.frontier_values] query.dim_start = start res = mcla.sq_is_satisfiable(query, 8) self.assert_(res, 'Small sol is not a solution') # Find if there are solutions when forcing unactivated fontiers old_negative_fronts = [[var] for var in small_sol.frontier_values if var < 0] negative_fronts = \ [[var] for var in mcla.unfolder.frontiers_negative_values & small_sol.frontier_values] assert set(it.chain(*negative_fronts)) == set(it.chain(*old_negative_fronts)) # In practice we just append the clause of unactivated frontiers # But query.dim_start contains nothing but user settings (here it # contains the status of the border places of the previous solution) query.dim_start = negative_fronts res = mcla.sq_is_satisfiable(query, 8) self.assert_(res, 'No solution with same unactivated places') # Prune small_sol pruned = mcla._MCLAnalyser__prune_frontier_solution(small_sol, query, 8) # Compare sizes self.assertLessEqual( pruned.nb_activated_frontiers, activated_frontiers_1, msg="Prune did not reduce nb of activated places" )
[docs] def test_mac_no_clock(self): """ test mac without clocks """ # solving rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) prop = 'p15INK4b and p21CIP1' filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "../../guard_transitions/translators/tests/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) mcla.unfolder.set_stats() query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, prop) mac_list = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 10)) print(mac_list) found = len(mac_list) res = found == 8 self.assert_(res, 'Incorrect number of mac') expected = [ frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'importinbeta', 'MIZ_1', 'DAB2', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'Axin_SMAD3', 'SMAD4_cy', 'SMAD2_3', 'FKBP12_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'CTGF'}), frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'MIZ_1', 'DAB2', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'NUP214', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'Axin_SMAD3', 'SMAD4_cy', 'SMAD2_3', 'FKBP12_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'CTGF'}), frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'MIZ_1', 'DAB2', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'Axin_SMAD3', 'SMAD4_cy', 'SMAD2_3', 'NUP153', 'FKBP12_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'CTGF'}), frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'MIZ_1', 'DAB2', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'Axin_SMAD3', 'SMAD4_cy', 'importinalpha', 'SMAD2_3', 'FKBP12_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'CTGF'}), frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'FOXO1_3a_4_active_nucl', 'DAB2', 'CEBPB', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'Axin_SMAD3', 'SMAD4_cy', 'SMAD2_3', 'NUP153', 'FKBP12_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'CTGF', 'FOXG1'}), frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'importinbeta', 'FOXO1_3a_4_active_nucl', 'DAB2', 'CEBPB', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'Axin_SMAD3', 'SMAD4_cy', 'SMAD2_3', 'FKBP12_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'CTGF', 'FOXG1'}), frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'FOXO1_3a_4_active_nucl', 'DAB2', 'CEBPB', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'NUP214', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'Axin_SMAD3', 'SMAD4_cy', 'SMAD2_3', 'FKBP12_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'CTGF', 'FOXG1'}), frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'FOXO1_3a_4_active_nucl', 'DAB2', 'CEBPB', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'Axin_SMAD3', 'SMAD4_cy', 'importinalpha', 'SMAD2_3', 'FKBP12_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'CTGF', 'FOXG1'}) ] found = [front_sol.activated_frontier for front_sol in mac_list] print("found test_mac_no_clock", found) # Forget the order with sets... res = set(expected) == set(found) self.assert_(res, 'Incorrect list of MAC (no clock)')
[docs] def test_mac_clock(self): """ mac with clocks """ # solving rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) prop = 'p15INK4b' #p = "C3" filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "../../guard_transitions/translators/tests/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) #mcla.build_from_cadlang("examples/") #mcla.unfolder.set_stats() query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, prop) # return iterable of FrontierSolution objects mac_list = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 10)) expected = [ frozenset({'SP1', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'MIZ_1', 'TGFB_TGFBR2_TGFBR1_DAB2_active_intToMb', 'SMAD2_3'}), frozenset({'SMAD4_nucl', 'FOXO1_3a_4_active_nucl', 'CEBPB', 'TGFB_TGFBR2_TGFBR1_DAB2_active_intToMb', 'SMAD2_3', 'FOXG1'}), frozenset({'SP1', 'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'Caveolin_1', 'MIZ_1', 'TRAP_1_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'AP2B2', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'PML_SARA_SMAD2_3_earlyendosome', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'SMAD7_SMURF1_2_nucl', 'CTGF'}), frozenset({'betaglycan__dimer___intToMb', 'SMAD4_nucl', 'Caveolin_1', 'FOXO1_3a_4_active_nucl', 'TRAP_1_TGFBR1__dimer___inactive_intToMb', 'AP2B2', 'CEBPB', 'TGFBR2__dimer___active_intToMb', 'PML_SARA_SMAD2_3_earlyendosome', 'TGFBfamily__dimer___active_exCellRegion', 'SMAD7_SMURF1_2_nucl', 'CTGF', 'FOXG1'}) ] found = [front_sol.activated_frontier for front_sol in mac_list] print("found test_mac_no_clock", found) # Forget the order with sets... res = set(expected) == set(found) self.assert_(res, 'Incorrect list of MAC (clock)')
[docs] def test_valid_simul_delay(self): """ Test simulation of the delay example """ rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) st_prop = None inv_prop = None f_prop = "C3 and C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(st_prop, inv_prop, f_prop) # lsol: list<RawSolution> lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) sol = lsol[0] f_sol = FrontierSolution.from_raw(sol) # independant simulation chm = ChartModel(" ") chm.build_from_cadlang(filename, rep) sim = ChartSimulator(), True, rep) sim.simul_init_places(f_sol.activated_frontier) sim.set_act_input_stream(f_sol.ic_sequence) sim.set_reachable_prop(f_prop) while True: try: sim.simul_step() except SimulStopException as exc: exc_txt = exc.__str__() self.assert_(exc_txt == 'STOP', "Error: " + exc_txt) break # test if property reached res = sim.check_reachable_property() self.assert_(res, "Property not reached")
[docs] def test_valid_simul_input(self): """ Test simulation of the input example """ rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) st_prop = None inv_prop = None f_prop = "C3 and C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(st_prop, inv_prop, f_prop) lsol = mcla.sq_solutions(query, 4, 1, mcla.unfolder.frontier_values) sol = lsol[0] f_sol = FrontierSolution.from_raw(sol) # independant simulation chm = ChartModel(" ") chm.build_from_cadlang(filename, rep) sim = ChartSimulator(), True, rep) sim.simul_init_places(f_sol.activated_frontier) sim.set_act_input_stream(f_sol.ic_sequence) sim.set_reachable_prop(f_prop) while True: try: sim.simul_step() except SimulStopException as exc: exc_txt = exc.__str__() self.assert_(exc_txt == 'STOP', "Error: " + exc_txt) break # test if property reached res = sim.check_reachable_property() self.assert_(res, "Property not reached")
[docs] def test_mac_delay_save(self): """Test save on the delay example x_file content: A1 B1 C1 % % h2 % % """ rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) f_prop = "C3 and C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) macwic = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 10)) # Just save the first solution with open(DIR_LOGS + "x_file", 'w') as f_out: # print macwic[0].activated_frontier # print macwic[0].ic_sequence # print '---------------' macwic[0].save(f_out) # Note: use cadbiom_cmd/tools/ functions to reload frontiers # Just reload the first solution r_front = FrontierSolution.from_file(DIR_LOGS + "x_file") expected = {'A1', 'B1', 'C1'} assert r_front.activated_frontier == expected, "Bad activated frontiers from file" expected = ['%', '% h2', '%', '%'] assert r_front.ic_sequence == expected, "Bad ic_sequence from file" assert r_front.current_step == 4, "Bad max steps from file" res = macwic[0].activated_frontier == r_front.activated_frontier res = res and macwic[0].ic_sequence == r_front.ic_sequence res = res and r_front == macwic[0] self.assert_(res, "Frontier solutions differ after read") os.remove(DIR_LOGS + "x_file")
[docs] def test_mcl_query_merge(self): """Test zone for some MCLSimpleQuery merge functions used in MCLAnalyser.is_strong_activator() """ ## Setup rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) f_prop = "C3 and C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) frontier_sols = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 10)) ## Begin tests query_1 = MCLSimpleQuery.from_frontier_sol_same_timing(frontier_sols[0], mcla.unfolder) # Test interpretation of activated_frontier into human readable format expected = 'A1 and C1 and B1' assert query_1.start_prop == expected # Test interpretation of ic_sequence into variant property expected = ['', 'h2', '', ''] assert query_1.variant_prop == expected # Test interpretation of activated_frontier into start property in DIMACS format expected = [[-2]] assert query_1.dim_start == expected assert query_1.final_prop == None assert query_1.inv_prop == None inv_prop = 'not(' + query.final_prop + ')' query_2 = MCLSimpleQuery(None, inv_prop, None) expected = "not(C3 and C4)" assert query_2.inv_prop == expected # Test merge of queries query_1 = query_2.merge(query_1) #(None, 'not(C3 and C4)', 'A1 and C1 and B1', ['', 'h2', '', ''] expected = ['', 'h2', '', ''] assert query_1.variant_prop == expected # Test merge of queries with both variant properties # 2 empty, 1 empty and not the other, none empty query_1.dim_variant = [] query_1.variant_prop = ['h2', 'h2', '', ''] query_2.variant_prop = ['', 'h2', '', 'h2'] query_1 = query_2.merge(query_1) expected = ['h2', 'h2 and h2', '', 'h2'] assert query_1.variant_prop == expected
[docs] def test_mac_inhibitor(self): """ test [A1, B1, C1] not strong activator, D is a strong inhibitor """ rep = ErrorRep() mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/" ) mcla.build_from_cadlang(filename) f_prop = "C3 and C4" query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, f_prop) frontier_sols = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 10)) exp_act_front = {'A1', 'C1', 'B1'} obt_act_front = frontier_sols[0].activated_frontier res = exp_act_front == obt_act_front self.assert_(res, "Bad mac frontier solution") exp_timing = ["%", "% h2", "%", "%"] res = lit_subsol_equal(exp_timing, frontier_sols[0].ic_sequence) self.assert_(res, "Bad mac timing solution") # Strong activator search # return True res = mcla.is_strong_activator(frontier_sols[0], query) print(res) # it is not a strong activator # Refactor Note: # switch to res instead of not res; i think there is a logical inversion here self.assert_(res, "Not a strong activator") # Get FrontierSolutions inhib = mcla.mac_inhibitor_search(frontier_sols[0], query, 10) print('INHIB: found', len(inhib)) for isol in inhib: print("Inhib sol:", isol) # Solution 1: {'D', 'A1', 'C1', 'B1'} or {'A1', 'C1', 'B1'} exp_act_front1 = {'D', 'A1', 'C1', 'B1'} obt_act_front = inhib[0].activated_frontier obt_timing = inhib[0].ic_sequence res = exp_act_front1 == obt_act_front # 2 possible timings if res: # not used exp_timing = ["%", "% h2", "%", "%"] res = res and lit_subsol_equal(exp_timing, obt_timing) self.assert_(res, "Bad inhib timing solution") else: # Condition used (sol: {'A1', 'C1', 'B1'}) res = exp_act_front == obt_act_front exp_timing = ["% h2", "% h2", "%", "%"] res = res and lit_subsol_equal(exp_timing, obt_timing) self.assert_(res, "Bad inhib timing solution") # Solution 2: {'D', 'A1', 'C1', 'B1'} or {'A1', 'C1', 'B1'} (different of sol1) # obt_act_front = inhib[1].activated_frontier # obt_timing = inhib[1].ic_sequence # res = exp_act_front == obt_act_front # # 2 possible timings # if res: # exp_timing = ["% h2", "% h2", "%", "%"] # res = res and lit_subsol_equal(exp_timing, obt_timing) # self.assert_(res, "Bad inhib timing solution") # else: # res = exp_act_front1 == obt_act_front # exp_timing = ["%", "% h2", "%", "%"] # res = res and lit_subsol_equal(exp_timing, obt_timing) # self.assert_(res, "Bad inhib timing solution") # Strong inhibitor search # return False res = mcla.is_strong_inhibitor(inhib[0], query) query_1 = MCLSimpleQuery.from_frontier_sol_new_timing(inhib[0], mcla.unfolder) found = query_1.start_prop assert "A1 and C1 and B1" == found found = query_1.inv_prop assert found == None found == query_1.final_prop assert found == None found = query_1.variant_prop assert found == ['not (h2)', 'not (h2)', '', ''] # Inactivation of of other frontier places (not used in the solution) found = query_1.dim_start assert found == [[-2]] # D print("is strong inhibitor ?", res) # it is a strong inhibitor # Refactor Note: # Switch to not res instead of res; i think there is a logical inversion here self.assert_(not res, "Bad answer - strong inhibitor")