Source code for cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.TestCLUnfolder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 13 sept. 2012
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2012 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and IRISA has
## no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements
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## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s):
"""Unitary Test of the unfolder

Test forward initialization for various models and properties types

Pytest call:
    pytest cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/

Query attributes:
    self.dim_start = []         # list<DClause>
    self.dim_inv = []           # list<DClause>
    self.dim_final = []         # list<DClause>
    self.dim_variant = []       # list<list<DClause>>

CLUnfolder attributes that contain query attributes:
    self.__initial_property = None    # logical formula - literal boolean expression
    self.__dimacs_initial = None      # list of DIMACS clauses
    self.__final_property = None      # logical formula
    self.__dimacs_final = None        # list of DIMACS clauses
    self.__invariant_property = None  # logical formula
    self.__dimacs_invariant = None    # list of DIMACS clauses
    self.__variant_property = None    # list<logic formulas>
    self.__dimacs_variant = None      # list<list<DIMACS clauses>>

CLUnfolder attributes that contain clauses:
    self.__precomputed_variant_constraints = None  # list<list<DIMACS clauses>>

.. note:: Mangling prefix for protected attributes: unfolder._CLUnfolder__*

:Example to get a mapping of numeric clauses to str clauses:

    mappings = [[unfolder.get_var_name(value) for value in clause]
        for clause in dynamic_constraints[0]]

.. TODO:
    - search solutions for the given properties
from __future__ import print_function
import unittest
import pytest
import pkg_resources

from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.chart_model import ChartModel
from cadbiom.models.guard_transitions.analyser.ana_visitors import TableVisitor
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.CLDynSys import CLDynSys
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLTranslators import GT2Clauses
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.CLUnfolder import CLUnfolder
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLAnalyser import MCLAnalyser
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLQuery import MCLSimpleQuery
from cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.mcl.MCLSolutions import MCLException

[docs]class ErrorReporter(object): """error reporter of the compil type""" def __init__(self): self.context = "" self.error = False pass
[docs] def display(self, mess): """ just printing """ self.error = True print("\n>> " + self.context + " " + mess)
[docs] def display_info(self, mess): """ just printing """ print("\n-- " + mess)
[docs] def set_context(self, cont): """ for transition compiling """ self.context = cont
[docs]def model1(): """ A simple ChartModel with two nodes and a transition """ # build dynamical system model = ChartModel("Test") root = model.get_root() node_1 = root.add_simple_node("n1", 0, 0) node_2 = root.add_simple_node("n2", 0, 0) root.add_transition(node_1, node_2) return model
[docs]def model2(): """ ChartModel model1 + 3 nodes and 2 transitions and a cycle without start """ # build dynamical system model = model1() root = model.get_root() node_3 = root.add_simple_node("n3", 0, 0) node_4 = root.add_simple_node("n4", 0, 0) root.add_transition(node_3, node_4) node_5 = root.add_simple_node("n5", 0, 0) root.add_transition(node_4, node_5) root.add_transition(node_5, node_3) return model
[docs]def model3(): """ ChartModel model2 + 1 node + 1 start node and a transition """ # build dynamical system model = model2() root = model.get_root() node_s = root.add_start_node("n3", 0, 0) node_3 = model.get_simple_node("n3") root.add_transition(node_s, node_3) return model
[docs]def model4(): """ ChartModel with: - 1 input node: in1 - 5 nodes: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 - 5 transitions: n1-n2, n3-n4, n4-n5, n5-n3, in1-n1 - 2 free clocks: hh1: (n3 or n4) on n1-n2, hh2: (n1 and n3) on n4-n5 """ model = ChartModel("Test") root = model.get_root() node_1 = root.add_simple_node("n1", 0, 0) node_2 = root.add_simple_node("n2", 0, 0) tr0 = root.add_transition(node_1, node_2) tr0.set_event("hh1") tr0.set_condition("n3 or n4") node_3 = root.add_simple_node("n3", 0, 0) node_4 = root.add_simple_node("n4", 0, 0) root.add_transition(node_3, node_4) node_5 = root.add_simple_node("n5", 0, 0) tr1 = root.add_transition(node_4, node_5) root.add_transition(node_5, node_3) tr1.set_event("hh2") tr1.set_condition("n1 and n3") node_i = root.add_input_node("in1", 0, 0) tri = root.add_transition(node_i, node_1) tri.set_condition("n5") # Frontier test: Add a start node on n3 or do not attempt any frontier # place because there is a SCC composed of n3, n4, n5. # node_s = root.add_start_node('s1', 0, 0) # root.add_transition(node_s, node_3) return model
[docs]def create_unfolder(model): """Return an unfolder for the given model""" tvisit = TableVisitor(None) # no error display model.accept(tvisit) cld = CLDynSys(tvisit.tab_symb, None) reporter = ErrorReporter() cvisit = GT2Clauses(cld, reporter, True) model.accept(cvisit) # unfolder return CLUnfolder(cld)
[docs]@pytest.fixture() def textual_properties(): """start, invariant, final properties in textual form""" return ( ("M", "L", "C"), # No solution (because inhibitor M is activated) ("", "L", "C and K"), # Solution: D E F I L ("", "", "C"), # Solutions: F E L D, D E F I )
[docs]@pytest.fixture() def numeric_properties(): """start, invariant, final properties in DIMACS form""" return ( # "M", "L", "C" ([[13]], [[12]], [[3]]), # "", "L", "C and K" ([], [[12]], [[3, -47], [11, -47], [-3, -11, 47], [47]]), )
[docs]@pytest.fixture() def feed_mclanalyser(): """Setup MCLAnalyser with a bcx model 15 places: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P 8 clocks: _h2, _h3, _h4, _h5, _h6, _h7, _h_0, _h_1 Frontiers: D, E, F, G, I, L, N """ rep = ErrorReporter() # debug: Force __var_list to be sorted at the output of base_var_set from # CLDynSys for reproductibility in tests (literals naming) mcla = MCLAnalyser(rep, debug=True) filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, # package name "examples/example_model.bcx" ) mcla.build_from_chart_file(filename) return mcla
[docs]class TestCLUnfolder(unittest.TestCase): """ Test public and some private methods (test_method form) """
[docs] def test_var_name(self): """ Test of variables at initial state uncoding and decoding """ model = model1() unfolder = create_unfolder(model) # Test unfolder init and internal dynamic system assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__shift_step == 2 assert unfolder.shift_step_init == 2 assert unfolder.get_var_number() == 2 # naming and coding variables cn1 = unfolder.var_dimacs_code("n1") cn2 = unfolder.var_dimacs_code("n2") res = unfolder.get_var_name(cn1) == "n1" res = res and (unfolder.get_var_name(cn2) == "n2") self.assert_(res, "Error in variable name 1") res = unfolder.get_var_name(7) == "n1" self.assert_(res, "Error in variable name 2") res = unfolder.get_var_name(8) == "n2" self.assert_(res, "Error in variable name 3") res = unfolder.get_var_indexed_name(7) == "n1_3" self.assert_(res, "Error in variable name 4") res = unfolder.get_var_indexed_name(8) == "n2_3" self.assert_(res, "Error in variable name 5") # Test number of variables assert unfolder.get_system_var_number() == unfolder.get_var_number()
[docs] def test_frontier(self): """ Test frontier computation and encoding """ ## model1 model = model1() unfolder = create_unfolder(model) # test frontier: should be n1 frontier_value = unfolder.frontier_values[0] res = unfolder.get_var_name(frontier_value) == "n1" res = res and (len(unfolder.frontier_values) == 1) self.assert_(res, "Error in frontier: model1") ## model2 (one cycle without start) model = model2() unfolder = create_unfolder(model) # test frontier: should be n1 frontier_value = unfolder.frontier_values[0] res = unfolder.get_var_name(frontier_value) == "n1" res = res and (len(unfolder.frontier_values) == 1) self.assert_(res, "Error in frontier: model2") ## model3: same as model2 but with a start on n3 model = model3() unfolder = create_unfolder(model) # test frontier - should be {n1, n3} frontier_values = unfolder.frontier_values res = len(frontier_values) == 2 res = res and unfolder.get_var_name(frontier_values[0]) == "n1" res = res and unfolder.get_var_name(frontier_values[1]) == "n3" self.assert_(res, "Error in frontier: model3") ## model4 - No frontiers (even if we can get input node in1 in the solutions) model = model4() unfolder = create_unfolder(model) res = len(unfolder.frontier_values) == 0 self.assert_(res, "Error in frontier: model4")
[docs] def test_free_clocks_inputs(self): """ test on free clocks and input computation """ # model3: no free clock, no input model = model3() unfolder = create_unfolder(model) lfc = unfolder.free_clocks self.assertEqual(len(lfc), 0, "Error in free clocks: model3") lin = unfolder.inputs self.assertEqual(len(lin), 0, "Error in inputs 1") # model4: two free clocks and one input model = model4() unfolder = create_unfolder(model) lfc = unfolder.free_clocks self.assertEqual(len(lfc), 2, "Error in free clocks: model4") found_names = {unfolder.get_var_name(clock) for clock in lfc} self.assertEqual( found_names, {"hh2", "hh1"}, "Error in free clocks names: model4" ) lin = unfolder.inputs self.assertEqual(len(lin), 1, "Error in inputs: model4") found_names = {unfolder.get_var_name(inpt) for inpt in lin} self.assertEqual(found_names, {"in1"}, "Error in inputs names: model4")
[docs]def init_forward_unfolding_part_1(unfolder): """Initialization step only""" unfolder._CLUnfolder__shift_direction = "FORWARD" unfolder._CLUnfolder__current_step = 1 unfolder._CLUnfolder__shift_step = unfolder.shift_step_init # back to basic! unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_code_table = dict() # flush auxiliary variables unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_list = [] # idem # Init properties to generate all variable num codes unfolder._CLUnfolder__init_initial_constraint_0() unfolder._CLUnfolder__init_final_constraint_0() unfolder._CLUnfolder__init_invariant_constraint_0() unfolder._CLUnfolder__init_variant_constraints_0() # Should be after init_initial and init_invariant unfolder._CLUnfolder__prune_initial_no_frontier_constraint_0()
[docs]def init_forward_unfolding_part_2(unfolder): """Shift step only""" # Now shifting is possible unfolder._CLUnfolder__forward_init_dynamic() unfolder._CLUnfolder__shift_final() unfolder._CLUnfolder__shift_invariant()
# PS: __variant_constraints si already initialized for the first step. def test_init_unfolder(feed_mclanalyser): mcla = feed_mclanalyser unfolder = mcla.unfolder # shortcut # Initialization step only init_forward_unfolding_part_1(mcla.unfolder) ## Test CLDynSys # 15 places assert unfolder.get_var_number() == 46 assert unfolder.shift_step_init == 46 # __var_list is built on casted set; MCLAnalyser is un debug mode # so the list is sorted # 47 elems but max id for literals is 46 expected = [ '##', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', '_h2', '_h3', '_h4', '_h5', '_h6', '_h7', '_h_0', '_h_1', '_lit0', '_lit1', '_lit10', '_lit11', '_lit12', '_lit13', '_lit14', '_lit15', '_lit16', '_lit17', '_lit18', '_lit19', '_lit2', '_lit20', '_lit21', '_lit22', '_lit3', '_lit4', '_lit5', '_lit6', '_lit7', '_lit8', '_lit9' ] print(unfolder._CLUnfolder__var_list) assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__var_list == expected ## Test mapping of variables names to values expected_var_code_table = { '_lit22': 39, '_lit20': 37, '_lit21': 38, '_lit19': 35, '_lit15': 31, '_lit18': 34, '_lit6': 43, '_lit17': 33, '_lit13': 29, '_lit9': 46, '_lit8': 45, '_lit16': 32, '_lit12': 28, '_lit3': 40, '_lit2': 36, '_lit1': 25, '_lit0': 24, '_lit7': 44, '_lit11': 27, '_lit5': 42, '_lit4': 41, '_lit14': 30, '_lit10': 26, 'A': 1, 'C': 3, 'B': 2, 'E': 5, 'D': 4, 'G': 7, 'F': 6, 'I': 9, 'H': 8, 'K': 11, 'J': 10, 'M': 13, 'L': 12, 'N': 14, 'P': 15, '_h_0': 22, '_h_1': 23, '_h4': 18, '_h5': 19, '_h6': 20, '_h7': 21, '_h2': 16, '_h3': 17, } # Check presence of all basic literals (no future ones with "`" counted) found_var_code_table = list(unfolder._CLUnfolder__var_code_table.items()) print(found_var_code_table) for lit_name_val in expected_var_code_table.items(): assert lit_name_val in found_var_code_table # var_code_table is twice as big as __var_list items # (future literals with "`" are added in found_var_code_table) assert len(found_var_code_table) == 2 * len(expected_var_code_table) ## Test frontiers, places, values and names # D E F G I L N print("Frontier values", unfolder.frontier_values) assert set(unfolder.frontier_values) == {4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14} frontiers_values_mapping = { value: unfolder.get_var_name(value) for value in unfolder.frontier_values } print("Frontiers values mapping", frontiers_values_mapping) assert frontiers_values_mapping == {4: 'D', 5: 'E', 6: 'F', 7: 'G', 9: 'I', 12: 'L', 14: 'N'} found = unfolder.frontiers_negative_values print("Frontiers negatives values", found) assert found == frozenset([-14, -12, -9, -7, -6, -5, -4]) found = unfolder.frontiers_pos_and_neg assert found == frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, -14, -12, -9, -7, -6, -5, -4]) # Check clocks free_clocks = unfolder.free_clocks print("Free clocks/events", free_clocks) assert free_clocks == frozenset([16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]) clocks_values_mapping = { value: unfolder.get_var_name(value) for value in unfolder.free_clocks } print("Free clocks/events values mapping", clocks_values_mapping) assert clocks_values_mapping == { 16: "_h2", 17: "_h3", 18: "_h4", 19: "_h5", 20: "_h6", 21: "_h7", 22: "_h_0", 23: "_h_1", } # Check input places assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__inputs == frozenset() # Not frontiers: A B C H J K M P found = unfolder.no_frontier_values print("Places that are not frontiers", found) assert found == {1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15}
[docs]def test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_1_text(feed_mclanalyser, textual_properties): """ Query:: start, invariant, final: ("M", "L", "C") No solution (because inhibitor M is activated) """ mcla = feed_mclanalyser ### Textual properties # "M", "L", "C" start, invariant, final = textual_properties[0] query = MCLSimpleQuery(start, invariant, final) mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query) init_forward_unfolding_solution_1(mcla) ## Search solutions solutions = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 3)) assert solutions == ()
[docs]def test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_1_dimacs(feed_mclanalyser, numeric_properties): """ Query:: dim_start, dim_inv, dim_final = [[13]], [[12]], [[3]] DIMACS equiv of: start, invariant, final: ("M", "L", "C"): No solution (because inhibitor M is activated) .. note:: Actuellement, pas de solution à cause de initial_constraints qui contient 2 clauses contraires: [-13] et [13]. En effet, les valeurs DIMACS ne sont pas controlées contrairement aux propriétés textuelles. M en tant que start place n'est donc pas retiré de la liste des places non frontières (__no_frontier_init). Ex: [[-1], [-2], [-3], [-8], [-10], [-11], [-13], [-15], [13]] """ mcla = feed_mclanalyser ### DIMACS properties query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, None) # [[13]], [[12]], [[3]] query.dim_start, query.dim_inv, query.dim_final = numeric_properties[0] mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query) init_forward_unfolding_solution_1(mcla, dimacs_check=False) ## Search solutions solutions = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 3)) assert solutions == () ## Test without disabling initial_constraints check # Note: By reusing the unfolder here we bypass its locked status. # This will not be authorized with textual properties. # Exception is expected with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match=r".*At index 6 diff: \[-13\] != \[-15\].*" ): init_forward_unfolding_solution_1(mcla)
[docs]def test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_2_text(feed_mclanalyser, textual_properties): """ Query:: start, invariant, final: ("", "L", "C and K") Solution: D E F I L """ mcla = feed_mclanalyser ### Textual properties start, invariant, final = textual_properties[1] query = MCLSimpleQuery(start, invariant, final) mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query) init_forward_unfolding_solution_2(mcla) ## Search solutions solutions = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 3)) print("solutions:", solutions) assert len(solutions) == 1 assert solutions[0].activated_frontier == {"I", "E", "D", "F", "L"}
[docs]def test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_2_dimacs(feed_mclanalyser, numeric_properties): """ Query:: dim_start, dim_inv, dim_final = [], [[12]], [[3, -47], [11, -47], [-3, -11, 47], [47]] DIMACS equiv of: start, invariant, final: ("", "L", "C and K") Solution: D E F I L """ mcla = feed_mclanalyser ### DIMACS properties # "C and K" property requires an auxiliary literal which can only be added # from the textual version of this property. # Adding new literals in dimacs form is currently not allowed # (without the argument check_query=False of init_with_query). query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, None) query.dim_start, query.dim_inv, query.dim_final = numeric_properties[1] # Exception is expected with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*47.*"): mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query)
# Never reach this point # init_forward_unfolding_solution_2(mcla)
[docs]def test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_3(feed_mclanalyser, textual_properties, numeric_properties): """ Query:: start, invariant, final: Union of textual and DIMACS properties: ("", "L", "C and K") => [], [[12]], [[3, -47], [11, -47], [-3, -11, 47], [47]] [[13]], [[12]], [[3]] <= ("M", "L", "C") No solution .. note:: Actuellement, pas de solution à cause de initial_constraints qui contient 2 clauses contraires: [-13] et [13]. En effet, les valeurs DIMACS ne sont pas controlées contrairement aux propriétés textuelles. M en tant que start place n'est donc pas retiré de la liste des places non frontières (__no_frontier_init). Ex: [[-1], [-2], [-3], [-8], [-10], [-11], [-13], [-15], [13]] """ mcla = feed_mclanalyser # Note: The second set creates auxiliary clauses that we could not insert # in DIMACS form in the query so we use the text form for it. # DIMACS data comes from the simple first numeric_properties ([[13]], [[12]], [[3]]) query = MCLSimpleQuery(*textual_properties[1]) query.dim_start, query.dim_inv, query.dim_final = numeric_properties[0] mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query) init_forward_unfolding_solution_3(mcla, dimacs_check=False) ## Search solutions solutions = tuple(mcla.mac_search(query, 3)) assert solutions == () ## Test without disabling initial_constraints check mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query) # Exception is expected with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match=r".*At index 6 diff: \[-13\] != \[-15\].*" ): init_forward_unfolding_solution_3(mcla)
[docs]def test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_4(feed_mclanalyser, textual_properties): """ Query:: start, invariant, final: ("", "", "C") Solutions: D E F L, D E F I """ mcla = feed_mclanalyser # Note: The second set creates auxiliary clauses that we could not insert # in DIMACS form in the query so we use the text form for it. query = MCLSimpleQuery(*textual_properties[2]) mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query) init_forward_unfolding_solution_4(mcla) ## Search solutions solutions = set(mcla.mac_search(query, 3)) print("solutions:", solutions) assert len(solutions) == 2 found = {solution.activated_frontier for solution in solutions} expected = {frozenset(["D", "E", "F", "L"]), frozenset(["D", "E", "F", "I"])} assert found == expected
[docs]def init_forward_unfolding_solution_1(mcla, dimacs_check=True): """ - Test first part of init_forward_unfolding: init of constraints - Test second part of init_forward_unfolding: shift of initialized constraints Query:: start, invariant, final: ("M", "L", "C") No solution (because inhibitor M is activated) :key dimacs_check: (Optional) Boolean used to check expected initial constraints. For now, only literals in textual properties are removed from the CLUnfolder __no_frontier_init variable. DIMACS literals are not filtered and could lead to falsely unsatisfactory problems. .. seealso:: :meth:`test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_1_dimacs` """ unfolder = mcla.unfolder ## Init constraints ######################################################## init_forward_unfolding_part_1(mcla.unfolder) print("dynamic_constraints:", unfolder.dynamic_constraints) print("initial_constraints:", unfolder.initial_constraints) print("invariant_constraints:", unfolder.invariant_constraints) print("variant_constraints:", unfolder.variant_constraints) print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) # No auxiliary variables assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_code_table == dict() assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_list == [] # MCLA could be reused, so __dynamic_constraints could not be empty here # artificial reset # unfolder._CLUnfolder__dynamic_constraints = [] # assert unfolder.dynamic_constraints == [] # no frontiers + M (start place) if dimacs_check: expected_initial_constraints = [[-1], [-2], [-3], [-8], [-10], [-11], [-15], [13]] assert unfolder.initial_constraints == expected_initial_constraints expected_initial_constraints = unfolder.initial_constraints # L assert unfolder.invariant_constraints == [[[12]]] # No variant constraint assert unfolder.variant_constraints == [] # C assert unfolder.final_constraints == [[3]] ## Shift constraints ####################################################### init_forward_unfolding_part_2(unfolder) print("dynamic_constraints:", unfolder.dynamic_constraints) print("invariant_constraints:", unfolder.invariant_constraints) print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) # Shift of the system clauses and auxiliary clauses is made now. expected = [ # [_lit0, _h2] [_lit0, D] [_h2, D, _lit0] [P, _lit5] [L, _lit5] [P, L, _lit5] [[-24, 16], [-24, 4], [-16, -4, 24], [-15, 42], [-12, 42], [15, 12, -42], # [_lit5, _lit4] [K, _lit4] [_lit5, K, _lit4] [B, _lit3] [_lit4, _lit3] [B, _lit4, _lit3] [-42, 41], [-11, 41], [42, 11, -41], [2, -40], [41, -40], [-2, -41, 40], # [_lit3, _lit2] [M, _lit2] [_lit3, M, _lit2] [A, _lit1] [_lit2, _lit1] [A, _lit2, _lit1] [40, -36], [-13, -36], [-40, 13, 36], [1, -25], [36, -25], [-1, -36, 25], # [_lit6, _h_0] [_lit6, _lit1] [_h_0, _lit1, _lit6] [-43, 22], [-43, 25], [-22, -25, 43], # [A, _lit0, A] [A, _lit0, _lit6] [A, _lit0] [A, A, _lit6] [-47, 24, 1], [-47, 24, -43], [47, -24], [47, -1, 43], # [E, _lit7] [F, _lit7] [E, F, _lit7] [_lit8, _h3] [_lit8, _lit7] [_h3, _lit7, _lit8] [5, -44], [6, -44], [-5, -6, 44], [-45, 17], [-45, 44], [-17, -44, 45], # [A, _lit11] [_lit4, _lit11] [A, _lit4, _lit11] [_lit11, _lit10] [M, _lit10] [_lit11, M, _lit10] [1, -27], [41, -27], [-1, -41, 27], [27, -26], [-13, -26], [-27, 13, 26], # [B, _lit9] [_lit10, _lit9] [B, _lit10, _lit9] [_lit14, _h_0] [_lit14, _lit9] [_h_0, _lit9, _lit14] [2, -46], [26, -46], [-2, -26, 46], [-30, 22], [-30, 46], [-22, -46, 30], # [B, _lit8, B] [B, _lit8, _lit14] [B, _lit8] [B, B, _lit14] [-48, 45, 2], [-48, 45, -30], [48, -45], [48, -2, 30], # [_lit15, _lit14] [_lit15, _lit6] [_lit14, _lit6, _lit15] [C, _lit15, C] [C, _lit15] [C, C] [31, -30], [31, -43], [30, 43, -31], [-49, 31, 3], [49, -31], [49, -3], # [D, D] [D, _lit0] [D, D, _lit0] [E, E] [E, _lit8] [E, E, _lit8] [-50, 4], [-50, -24], [50, -4, 24], [-51, 5], [-51, -45], [51, -5, 45], # [F, F] [F, F] [_lit16, _h7] [_lit16, G] [_h7, G, _lit16] [-52, 6], [52, -6], [-32, 21], [-32, 7], [-21, -7, 32], # [G, G] [G, _lit16] [G, G, _lit16] [H, _lit16, H] [H, _lit16] [H, H] [-53, 7], [-53, -32], [53, -7, 32], [-54, 32, 8], [54, -32], [54, -8], # [_lit17, _h6] [_lit17, K] [_h6, K, _lit17] [_lit18, _h4] [_lit18, I] [_h4, I, _lit18] [-33, 20], [-33, 11], [-20, -11, 33], [-34, 18], [-34, 9], [-18, -9, 34], # [I, _lit17, I] [I, _lit17, _lit18] [I, _lit17] [I, I, _lit18] [-55, 33, 9], [-55, 33, -34], [55, -33], [55, -9, 34], # [_lit19, _h5] [_lit19, J] [_h5, J, _lit19] [-35, 19], [-35, 10], [-19, -10, 35], # [J, _lit18, J] [J, _lit18, _lit19] [J, _lit18] [J, J, _lit19] [-56, 34, 10], [-56, 34, -35], [56, -34], [56, -10, 35], # [K, _lit19, K] [K, _lit19, _lit17] [K, _lit19] [K, K, _lit17] [-57, 35, 11], [-57, 35, -33], [57, -35], [57, -11, 33], # [L, L] [L, L] [_lit20, _h_1] [_lit20, N] [_h_1, N, _lit20] [-58, 12], [58, -12], [-37, 23], [-37, 14], [-23, -14, 37], # [_lit21, _h_1] [_lit21, N] [_h_1, N, _lit21] [_lit22, _lit20] [_lit22, _lit21] [_lit20, _lit21, _lit22] [-38, 23], [-38, 14], [-23, -14, 38], [39, -37], [39, -38], [37, 38, -39], # [N, N] [N, _lit22] [N, N, _lit22] [M, _lit20, M] [M, _lit20] [M, M] [-60, 14], [-60, -39], [60, -14, 39], [-59, 37, 13], [59, -37], [59, -13], # [P, _lit21, P] [P, _lit21] [P, P] [-61, 38, 15], [61, -38], [61, -15], # [_h4, I] [_h5, J] [_h6, K] [_h7, G] [_h2, D] [_h3, E] [-18, 9], [-19, 10], [-20, 11], [-21, 7], [-16, 4], [-17, 5], # [_h_0, A, B] [_h_1, N, N] [-22, 1, 2], [-23, 14, 14]]] # No changes assert unfolder.initial_constraints == expected_initial_constraints # Crap dynamic_constraints test assert unfolder.dynamic_constraints == expected # L : 12 + 46 = 58 assert unfolder.invariant_constraints == [[[12]], [[58]]] # No variant constraint (not shifted in second part of init_forward_unfolding) assert unfolder.variant_constraints == [] # C : 3 + 46 = 49 assert unfolder.final_constraints == [[49]]
[docs]def init_forward_unfolding_solution_2(mcla): """ - Test first part of init_forward_unfolding: init of constraints - Test second part of init_forward_unfolding: shift of initialized constraints Query:: start, invariant, final: ("", "L", "C and K") Solution: D E F I L """ unfolder = mcla.unfolder ## Init constraints ######################################################## init_forward_unfolding_part_1(mcla.unfolder) print("dynamic_constraints:", unfolder.dynamic_constraints) print("initial_constraints:", unfolder.initial_constraints) print("invariant_constraints:", unfolder.invariant_constraints) print("variant_constraints:", unfolder.variant_constraints) print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) # Auxiliary variables: "C and K" property is added assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_code_table == {"_lit47": 47} assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_list == ["_lit47"] # MCLA could be reused, so __dynamic_constraints could not be empty here # artificial reset # unfolder._CLUnfolder__dynamic_constraints = [] # assert unfolder.dynamic_constraints == [] # no frontiers + nothing (no start place) expected_initial_constraints = [[-1], [-2], [-3], [-8], [-10], [-11], [-13], [-15]] assert unfolder.initial_constraints == expected_initial_constraints # L assert unfolder.invariant_constraints == [[[12]]] # No variant constraint assert unfolder.variant_constraints == [] # "C and K" = _lit47 # C, not _lit47 # K, not _lit47 # not C, not K, _lit47 # _lit47 assert unfolder.final_constraints == [[3, -47], [11, -47], [-3, -11, 47], [47]] # PS: # "C or K" = _lit47 # not C, _lit47 # not K, _lit47 # C, K, not _lit47 # _lit47 # [[-3, 47], [-11, 47], [3, 11, -47], [47]] ## Shift constraints ####################################################### init_forward_unfolding_part_2(unfolder) print("dynamic_constraints:", unfolder.dynamic_constraints) print("initial_constraints:", unfolder.initial_constraints) print("invariant_constraints:", unfolder.invariant_constraints) print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) # Shift of the system clauses (and syst aux clauses) # System variables: max id is 46 # Max value in the initial constraints: 47 # => This last one is an auxiliary variable assert unfolder.get_var_number() == 46 assert unfolder.shift_step == 47 expected = [ [[-24, 16], [-24, 4], [-16, -4, 24], [-15, 42], [-12, 42], [15, 12, -42], [-42, 41], [-11, 41], [42, 11, -41], [2, -40], [41, -40], [-2, -41, 40], [40, -36], [-13, -36], [-40, 13, 36], [1, -25], [36, -25], [-1, -36, 25], [-43, 22], [-43, 25], [-22, -25, 43], [-48, 24, 1], [-48, 24, -43], [48, -24], [48, -1, 43], [5, -44], [6, -44], [-5, -6, 44], [-45, 17], [-45, 44], [-17, -44, 45], [1, -27], [41, -27], [-1, -41, 27], [27, -26], [-13, -26], [-27, 13, 26], [2, -46], [26, -46], [-2, -26, 46], [-30, 22], [-30, 46], [-22, -46, 30], [-49, 45, 2], [-49, 45, -30], [49, -45], [49, -2, 30], [31, -30], [31, -43], [30, 43, -31], [-50, 31, 3], [50, -31], [50, -3], [-51, 4], [-51, -24], [51, -4, 24], [-52, 5], [-52, -45], [52, -5, 45], [-53, 6], [53, -6], [-32, 21], [-32, 7], [-21, -7, 32], [-54, 7], [-54, -32], [54, -7, 32], [-55, 32, 8], [55, -32], [55, -8], [-33, 20], [-33, 11], [-20, -11, 33], [-34, 18], [-34, 9], [-18, -9, 34], [-56, 33, 9], [-56, 33, -34], [56, -33], [56, -9, 34], [-35, 19], [-35, 10], [-19, -10, 35], [-57, 34, 10], [-57, 34, -35], [57, -34], [57, -10, 35], [-58, 35, 11], [-58, 35, -33], [58, -35], [58, -11, 33], [-59, 12], [59, -12], [-37, 23], [-37, 14], [-23, -14, 37], [-38, 23], [-38, 14], [-23, -14, 38], [39, -37], [39, -38], [37, 38, -39], [-61, 14], [-61, -39], [61, -14, 39], [-60, 37, 13], [60, -37], [60, -13], [-62, 38, 15], [62, -38], [62, -15], [-18, 9], [-19, 10], [-20, 11], [-21, 7], [-16, 4], [-17, 5], [-22, 1, 2], [-23, 14, 14]]] # No changes assert unfolder.initial_constraints == expected_initial_constraints # Crap dynamic_constraints test assert unfolder.dynamic_constraints == expected # L : 12 + shift_step (47) = 59 assert unfolder.invariant_constraints == [[[12]], [[59]]] # No variant constraint (not shifted in second part of init_forward_unfolding) assert unfolder.variant_constraints == [] # "C and K" = _lit47 = 47 # Shift: [[3, -47], [11, -47], [-3, -11, 47], [47]] with shift_step (47) assert unfolder.final_constraints == [[50, -94], [58, -94], [-50, -58, 94], [94]]
[docs]def init_forward_unfolding_solution_3(mcla, dimacs_check=True): """ - Test first part of init_forward_unfolding: init of constraints - Test second part of init_forward_unfolding: shift of initialized constraints Query:: start, invariant, final: Union of textual and DIMACS properties: ("", "L", "C and K") => [], [[12]], [[3, -47], [11, -47], [-3, -11, 47], [47]] [[13]], [[12]], [[3]] <= ("M", "L", "C") No solution .. todo:: This test contains some stupid results from the generator of clauses. => clauses redondantes en cas d'égalité des events entre l'attribut au format texte et celui au format DIMACS. (invariant_constraints) :key dimacs_check: (Optional) Boolean used to check expected initial constraints. For now, only literals in textual properties are removed from the CLUnfolder __no_frontier_init variable. DIMACS literals are not filtered and could lead to falsely unsatisfactory problems. .. seealso:: :meth:`test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_3` """ unfolder = mcla.unfolder ## Init constraints ######################################################## init_forward_unfolding_part_1(mcla.unfolder) print("dynamic_constraints:", unfolder.dynamic_constraints) print("initial_constraints:", unfolder.initial_constraints) print("invariant_constraints:", unfolder.invariant_constraints) print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) assert unfolder.shift_step == 47 # no frontiers + "M" (start place) if dimacs_check: expected_initial_constraints = [[-1], [-2], [-3], [-8], [-10], [-11], [-15], [13]] assert unfolder.initial_constraints == expected_initial_constraints expected_initial_constraints = unfolder.initial_constraints # Just append DIMACS constraints of the query: "L" + [[12]] assert unfolder.invariant_constraints == [[[12], [12]]] # Idem: "C and K" + "C" = [3, -47], [11, -47], [-3, -11, 47], [47] + [3] assert unfolder.final_constraints == [[3, -47], [11, -47], [-3, -11, 47], [47], [3]] ## Shift constraints ####################################################### init_forward_unfolding_part_2(unfolder) print("initial_constraints:", unfolder.initial_constraints) print("invariant_constraints:", unfolder.invariant_constraints) print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) # Shift values by adding 47 assert unfolder.invariant_constraints == [[[12], [12]], [[59], [59]]] assert unfolder.final_constraints == [[50, -94], [58, -94], [-50, -58, 94], [94], [50]]
[docs]def init_forward_unfolding_solution_4(mcla): """ - Test first part of init_forward_unfolding: init of constraints - Test second part of init_forward_unfolding: shift of initialized constraints Query:: start, invariant, final: ("", "", "C") Solutions: F E L D, D E F I """ unfolder = mcla.unfolder ## Init constraints ######################################################## # __no_frontier_init not already initialized # (initial_constraints and invariant_constraints must be initialized beforehand) assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__no_frontier_init == [] init_forward_unfolding_part_1(mcla.unfolder) print("initial_constraints:", unfolder.initial_constraints) print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) assert unfolder.shift_step == 46 expected_initial_constraints = [[-1], [-2], [-3], [-8], [-10], [-11], [-13], [-15]] assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__no_frontier_init == expected_initial_constraints assert unfolder.initial_constraints == expected_initial_constraints ## Shift constraints ####################################################### init_forward_unfolding_part_2(unfolder) print("initial_constraints:", unfolder.initial_constraints) print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) assert unfolder.final_constraints == [[49]]
[docs]def test_init_forward_unfolding_solution_5(feed_mclanalyser): """Test variant_prop, dim_variant attributes of a query and their solutions Query:: variant text: ["_h4 and _h2 and _h3", "_h5", "_h_0"] variant DIMACS: [[[18], [16], [17]], [[19]], [[22]]] Solution: D E I (not D E F I) variant text: ["_h4 and _h2 and _h3", "_h5 and _h7", "_h_0"] variant DIMACS: [[[18], [16], [17]], [[19], [21]], [[22]]] Solution: D E G I Note: 2 events on the second step (test the correct parsing) .. note: Since we force the event h3 [F] to be activated; the condition F no longer needs to be satisfied. The solution will be composed of the following places: D E I instead of D E F I. It is paradoxical to note that the entry E is still necessary but that the condition F is no longer necessary... """ mcla = feed_mclanalyser unfolder = mcla.unfolder ## Textual variant properties query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, None) query.variant_prop = ["_h4 and _h2 and _h3", "_h5", "_h_0"] unfolder.init_with_query(query) unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() expected = [ [[18, -47], [16, -47], [-18, -16, 47], [47, -48], [17, -48], [-47, -17, 48], [48]], [[19]], [[22]] ] assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__precomputed_variant_constraints == expected # First step = First item of __precomputed_variant_constraints assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__variant_constraints == expected[0] # 2 auxiliary variables created assert unfolder.shift_step == 48 ## Search solutions solutions = set(mcla.mac_search(query, 3)) print("solutions:", solutions) found = {solution.activated_frontier for solution in solutions} expected = {frozenset(["D", "E", "I"])} assert found == expected # Here, constraints have been shifted 2 times expected = [ # Step 0: not modified [18, -47], [16, -47], [-18, -16, 47], [47, -48], [17, -48], [-47, -17, 48], [48], # Step 1: shited 1 time [67], # Step 2: shifted 2 times [118] ] assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__variant_constraints == expected ############################################################################ ## DIMACS variant properties: D E I # query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, None) dimacs_variant_expected = [[[18], [16], [17]], [[19]], [[22]]] # Reset query query.variant_prop = None query.dim_start = [] query.dim_variant = dimacs_variant_expected unfolder.init_with_query(query) unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__precomputed_variant_constraints == dimacs_variant_expected # First step = First item of __precomputed_variant_constraints assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__variant_constraints == dimacs_variant_expected[0] # No auxiliary variables created assert unfolder.shift_step == 46 ## Search solutions solutions = set(mcla.mac_search(query, 3)) print("solutions:", solutions) found = {solution.activated_frontier for solution in solutions} expected = {frozenset(["D", "E", "I"])} assert found == expected # Here, constraints have been shifted 2 times assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__variant_constraints == [[18], [16], [17], [65], [114]] ############################################################################ ## DIMACS variant properties: D E G I # New query query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, None) dimacs_variant_expected = [[[18], [16], [17]], [[19], [21]], [[22]]] query.dim_variant = dimacs_variant_expected unfolder.init_with_query(query) unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__precomputed_variant_constraints == dimacs_variant_expected # First step = First item of __precomputed_variant_constraints assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__variant_constraints == dimacs_variant_expected[0] ## Search solutions solutions = set(mcla.mac_search(query, 3)) print("solutions:", solutions) found = {solution.activated_frontier for solution in solutions} expected = {frozenset(["D", "E", "G", "I"])} assert found == expected # Here, constraints have been shifted 2 times assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__variant_constraints == [[18], [16], [17], [65], [67], [114]]
[docs]def test_init_forward_unfolding_variant_constraints(feed_mclanalyser): """Test variant_prop and dim_variant attributes of a query .. note:: No solution is tested here. If you do that, do not forget to reset dim_start attribute of the query before reusing with MCLA.mac_search(). This attr contains the banished previous solutions. .. todo:: This test contains some stupid results from the generator of clauses. => clauses redondantes en cas d'égalité des events dans 1 formule (Ex: "h2 and h2") => clauses redondantes en cas d'égalité des events entre l'attribut au format texte et celui au format DIMACS. => On peut mettre n'importe quel nom d'event, aucun test n'est fait pour vérifier qu'il existe dans le modèle. """ mcla = feed_mclanalyser unfolder = mcla.unfolder # Test values of events print(mcla.unfolder._CLUnfolder__var_code_table) h2_value = mcla.unfolder.var_dimacs_code("_h2") assert h2_value == 16 h3_value = mcla.unfolder.var_dimacs_code("_h3") assert h3_value == 17 h0_value = mcla.unfolder.var_dimacs_code("_h_0") assert h0_value == 22 query = MCLSimpleQuery(None, None, None) query.variant_prop = ["_h2", "_h_0"] unfolder.init_with_query(query) unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() # Check copy of query attribute assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__variant_property == query.variant_prop # Check conversion of query attribute into literals expected = [[[16]], [[22]]] assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__precomputed_variant_constraints == expected # Check merge of 2 equivalent attributes # text ("_h2", "_h_0") + dimacs ([[[16]], [[22]]]) # TODO: => stupid result query.dim_variant = [[[16]], [[22]]] unfolder.init_with_query(query) unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() expected = [[[16], [16]], [[22], [22]]] assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__precomputed_variant_constraints == expected # Check merge of 2 different attributes (size is different) query.dim_variant = [[[16]], [[22]], []] unfolder.init_with_query(query) # Exception is expected (must be the same size) with pytest.raises(MCLException, match=r".*Incoherent variant properties.*"): unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() ## # Check the input of unknown DIMACS literals # See the absence of check_query=False argument of init_with_query() query.variant_prop = None query.dim_variant = [[[16, -47], [17, -47], [-16, -17, 47], [47]], [[22]]] # With check_query enabled with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*47.*"): unfolder.init_with_query(query) # With check_query disabled # => this causes an incorrect initialization but without error unfolder.init_with_query(query, check_query=False) unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() ## ## aucun test sur les noms des events # TODO: => stupid result query.variant_prop = ["PoUeT"] query.dim_variant = None mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query) mcla.unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() # => no problem ## formule ici a priori difficile à parser... ## clauses fonctionnelles mais ineptes... # TODO: => stupid result query.variant_prop = ["_h2", "_h2 and _h2"] query.dim_variant = None mcla.unfolder.init_with_query(query) mcla.unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() expected = [[[16]], [[16, -47], [16, -47], [-16, -16, 47], [47]]] assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__precomputed_variant_constraints == expected assert unfolder.shift_step == 47 ## # Check the compilation of a complex textual trajectory (a real solution) query.variant_prop = ["_h2 and _h3", "_h_0"] query.dim_variant = None unfolder.init_with_query(query) unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() expected = [[[16, -47], [17, -47], [-16, -17, 47], [47]], [[22]]] assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__precomputed_variant_constraints == expected # Creation of the auxiliary variable: 47 print(unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_list) print(unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_code_table) # It is important to test this, because an auxiliary variable was previously # added in previous tests and we check here the full reset of the unfolder # for a new query (see init_with_query()). assert unfolder.shift_step == 47 assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_list == ["_lit47"] assert unfolder._CLUnfolder__aux_code_table == {"_lit47": 47}
[docs]def test_shift(feed_mclanalyser, textual_properties): """Test shift of constraints during the solutions search""" mcla = feed_mclanalyser unfolder = mcla.unfolder start, invariant, final = textual_properties[0] query = MCLSimpleQuery(start, invariant, final) unfolder.init_with_query(query) unfolder.init_forward_unfolding() # L assert unfolder.invariant_constraints == [[[12]], [[58]]] unfolder.shift() print("dynamic_constraints:", unfolder.dynamic_constraints) print("initial_constraints:", unfolder.initial_constraints) # Not changed print("invariant_constraints:", unfolder.invariant_constraints) print("variant_constraints:", unfolder.variant_constraints) # No data for this test print("final_constraints:", unfolder.final_constraints) assert unfolder.current_step == 2 assert unfolder.shift_step == 46 expected = [ # Initial step [[-24, 16], [-24, 4], [-16, -4, 24], [-15, 42], [-12, 42], [15, 12, -42], [-42, 41], [-11, 41], [42, 11, -41], [2, -40], [41, -40], [-2, -41, 40], [40, -36], [-13, -36], [-40, 13, 36], [1, -25], [36, -25], [-1, -36, 25], [-43, 22], [-43, 25], [-22, -25, 43], [-47, 24, 1], [-47, 24, -43], [47, -24], [47, -1, 43], [5, -44], [6, -44], [-5, -6, 44], [-45, 17], [-45, 44], [-17, -44, 45], [1, -27], [41, -27], [-1, -41, 27], [27, -26], [-13, -26], [-27, 13, 26], [2, -46], [26, -46], [-2, -26, 46], [-30, 22], [-30, 46], [-22, -46, 30], [-48, 45, 2], [-48, 45, -30], [48, -45], [48, -2, 30], [31, -30], [31, -43], [30, 43, -31], [-49, 31, 3], [49, -31], [49, -3], [-50, 4], [-50, -24], [50, -4, 24], [-51, 5], [-51, -45], [51, -5, 45], [-52, 6], [52, -6], [-32, 21], [-32, 7], [-21, -7, 32], [-53, 7], [-53, -32], [53, -7, 32], [-54, 32, 8], [54, -32], [54, -8], [-33, 20], [-33, 11], [-20, -11, 33], [-34, 18], [-34, 9], [-18, -9, 34], [-55, 33, 9], [-55, 33, -34], [55, -33], [55, -9, 34], [-35, 19], [-35, 10], [-19, -10, 35], [-56, 34, 10], [-56, 34, -35], [56, -34], [56, -10, 35], [-57, 35, 11], [-57, 35, -33], [57, -35], [57, -11, 33], [-58, 12], [58, -12], [-37, 23], [-37, 14], [-23, -14, 37], [-38, 23], [-38, 14], [-23, -14, 38], [39, -37], [39, -38], [37, 38, -39], [-60, 14], [-60, -39], [60, -14, 39], [-59, 37, 13], [59, -37], [59, -13], [-61, 38, 15], [61, -38], [61, -15], [-18, 9], [-19, 10], [-20, 11], [-21, 7], [-16, 4], [-17, 5], [-22, 1, 2], [-23, 14, 14]], # Shifted step [[-70, 62], [-70, 50], [-62, -50, 70], [-61, 88], [-58, 88], [61, 58, -88], [-88, 87], [-57, 87], [88, 57, -87], [48, -86], [87, -86], [-48, -87, 86], [86, -82], [-59, -82], [-86, 59, 82], [47, -71], [82, -71], [-47, -82, 71], [-89, 68], [-89, 71], [-68, -71, 89], [-93, 70, 47], [-93, 70, -89], [93, -70], [93, -47, 89], [51, -90], [52, -90], [-51, -52, 90], [-91, 63], [-91, 90], [-63, -90, 91], [47, -73], [87, -73], [-47, -87, 73], [73, -72], [-59, -72], [-73, 59, 72], [48, -92], [72, -92], [-48, -72, 92], [-76, 68], [-76, 92], [-68, -92, 76], [-94, 91, 48], [-94, 91, -76], [94, -91], [94, -48, 76], [77, -76], [77, -89], [76, 89, -77], [-95, 77, 49], [95, -77], [95, -49], [-96, 50], [-96, -70], [96, -50, 70], [-97, 51], [-97, -91], [97, -51, 91], [-98, 52], [98, -52], [-78, 67], [-78, 53], [-67, -53, 78], [-99, 53], [-99, -78], [99, -53, 78], [-100, 78, 54], [100, -78], [100, -54], [-79, 66], [-79, 57], [-66, -57, 79], [-80, 64], [-80, 55], [-64, -55, 80], [-101, 79, 55], [-101, 79, -80], [101, -79], [101, -55, 80], [-81, 65], [-81, 56], [-65, -56, 81], [-102, 80, 56], [-102, 80, -81], [102, -80], [102, -56, 81], [-103, 81, 57], [-103, 81, -79], [103, -81], [103, -57, 79], [-104, 58], [104, -58], [-83, 69], [-83, 60], [-69, -60, 83], [-84, 69], [-84, 60], [-69, -60, 84], [85, -83], [85, -84], [83, 84, -85], [-106, 60], [-106, -85], [106, -60, 85], [-105, 83, 59], [105, -83], [105, -59], [-107, 84, 61], [107, -84], [107, -61], [-64, 55], [-65, 56], [-66, 57], [-67, 53], [-62, 50], [-63, 51], [-68, 47, 48], [-69, 60, 60]]] assert unfolder.dynamic_constraints == expected # L = 12: + 46 + 46 => 104 assert unfolder.invariant_constraints == [[[12]], [[58]], [[104]]] # C = 3: + 46 + 46 => 95 assert unfolder.final_constraints == [[95]]
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()