Source code for cadbiom.models.clause_constraints.CLDynSys

## Filename    :
## Author(s)   : Michel Le Borgne
## Created     : 05/2011
## Revision    :
## Source      :
## Copyright 2011 - 2020 IRISA/IRSET
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## documentation provided here under is on an "as is" basis, and  has
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## In no event shall IRISA be liable to any party for direct, indirect,
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
## Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## The original code contained here was initially developed by:
##     Michel Le Borgne.
##     IRISA
##     Symbiose team
##     IRISA  Campus de Beaulieu
##     35042 RENNES Cedex, FRANCE
## Contributor(s): Geoffroy Andrieux
Classes for building clause constraint models
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class Clause(): """Objects representing logical clauses A clause is represented as a list of literals. Attributes: :param literals: Variable name :type literals: <list <Literal>> """ def __init__(self, list_lit=[]): self.literals = list_lit
[docs] @classmethod def string_to_clause(cls, text_clause): """Transform a string into a clause (not used) Example of text: "a,not b,not c". .. warning:: strict syntax - no check - for tests only """ # Split into literals clause = Clause([]) # Translate each literal for lit in text_clause.split(','): spl = lit.split() if len(spl) == 1: # "a" clause.add_lit(Literal(spl[0], True)) else: # "not a" clause.add_lit(Literal(spl[1], False)) return clause
[docs] def add_lit(self, lit): """Add a literal to the clause @param lit: <Literal> """ self.literals.append(lit)
def __eq__(self, other): """Test if two clauses have the same literals Used by clause_list_equal() (never used) """ return frozenset(self.literals) == frozenset(other.literals) def __ne__(self, other): """Test clause inequality""" return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): """Test if the current clause is shorter than another""" return len(self.literals) < len(other.literals) def __gt__(self, other): """Test if the current clause is longer than another""" return len(self.literals) > len(other.literals) def __str__(self): return "$" + ", ".join(str(lit) for lit in self.literals) + "$" def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Literal(): """Object representing literals. A literal is a pair (string, boolean). Attributes: :param name: Variable name :param sign: Boolean the sign of the literal. Positive or negative: True or False :type name: <str> :type sign: <boolean> """ def __init__(self, name, sign): = name self.sign = sign
[docs] def lit_not(self): """Return the negation of the literal (opposite sign)""" return Literal(, not self.sign)
def __eq__(self, other): """Test literal equality (never used except in tests)""" return ( == and (other.sign == self.sign) def __ne__(self, other): """Test literal inequality""" return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): """Used for set operations""" return hash( ^ hash(self.sign)
[docs] def opposite(self, other): """true if one literal is the negation of the other""" return ( == and (other.sign == (not self.sign))
[docs] def code_name(self): """Return a string representing the literal""" return if self.sign else '_' +
def __str__(self): return if self.sign else 'not ' + def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class CLDynSys(object): """Class to describe a dynamic system in clause form. :param symb_tab: Symbol table of charter model produced by Table_visitor Dict of entities names as keys, and states as values. States are described like: (type, deepness); where deepness if the imbrication level of macro states (Cf Table_visitor). All keys = no_frontiers + frontiers + model name (probably a bug for this last one) /!\ Should not be used after adding the clauses by GT2Clauses (?) :Examples:: {'PGK_cGMP_active': ('state', 0), ...} {'input_place': ('input', 0), ...} {'A': ('state', 0), ...} :Completed by MCLTranslator with add_free_clock():: {"_h_0000": ('clock', -1)} :param report: Reporter for error reporting. :param base_var_set: Set of ALL variables of the dynamic system (including inputs, entities, clocks/events, auxiliary variables) :param clauses: Clauses Added from MCLTranslator. :param aux_clauses: Auxiliary clauses. Added from MCLTranslator. :param frontiers: All frontiers of the model. Used by CLUnfolder. Added from MCLTranslator. Cf GT2Clauses.visit_csimple_node() :param no_frontiers: Places that are not frontiers. Added from MCLTranslator. Cf GT2Clauses.visit_csimple_node() :param free_clocks: Free clocks names inputs. Added from MCLTranslator. :param place_clocks: Dictionary of clocks as keys and places as values. Association between a clock and an inductive place: `clock h -> [place P, ...]` where P is a place preceding free clock h. :Example:: {"_h_2772": ["BTG2_gene", ...]} :param inputs: Other inputs :param lit_compt: Incrementable id for auxiliary variables naming. :type symb_tab: <dict <str>: <tuple <str>, <int>>> :type report: <Reporter> :type base_var_set: <set <str>> :type clauses: <list <Clause>> :type aux_clauses: <list <Clause>> :type frontiers: <list <str>> :type no_frontiers: <list <str>> :type free_clocks: <list <str>> :type place_clocks: <defaultdict <list>> :type inputs: <list <str>> :type lit_compt: <int> The frontiers, free_clocks, place_clocks lists are used for extraction of informations from solutions. The place_clocks list is used for generating the structural constraints OR(place P and clock h) implying that at least one clock transition must be activated at each step. Additional information about attributes: Model Entities: Their names are preserved from the model. Added to base_var_set Auxiliary variables: They are named by adding a value incremented at their end. Added to base_var_set Ex: `"_lit00000"` Free clock variables: Their names are preserved from the model. Added to base_var_set Added to free_clocks Added to the dict symb_tab: Ex: `{"_h_0000": ('clock', -1)}` Place clocks: Added to place_clocks:: Ex: `{"_h_2772": ["BTG2_gene", ...]}` Input variables: Their names are "supposed to be" preserved from the model. Added to base_var_set Added to inputs (May be added multiple times ?) Clauses: Added to clauses Auxiliary clauses: Added to aux_clauses """ def __init__(self, symb_tab, report): # symbol table of charter model produced by Table_visitor # completed by add_free_clock self.symb_tab = symb_tab = report # reporter for errors # Set of ALL variables of the dynamic system (including auxiliary ones). self.base_var_set = set() self.clauses = [] # clause form of the dynamic # structural constraints valid if there is no timing constraints self.aux_clauses = [] self.frontiers = [] # frontiers places of the model self.no_frontiers = [] # Places that are not frontiers self.free_clocks = [] # free clocks inputs # dictionary of clocks as keys and places as values # association between a clock and an inductive place # clock h -> [place P, ...] where P is a place preceding free clock h self.place_clocks = defaultdict(list) self.inputs = [] # other inputs self.lit_compt = 0 # for auxiliary variables generation
[docs] def add_var(self, name): """Add a logical variable to the dynamic system All entities of the model are added here :param name: the name of the variable (string) """ if name in self.base_var_set: return self.base_var_set.add(name)
[docs] def add_aux_var(self): """create an auxiliary variable for compiler purpose Auxiliary variables are named by adding a value incremented at their end ex: "_lit00000" """ name = '_lit' + str(self.lit_compt) self.lit_compt += 1 self.base_var_set.add(name) return name
[docs] def add_free_clock(self, hname): """add a free clock variable :param hname: the name of the clock variable (string) Free clocks are associated to the value ('clock', -1) in self.symb_tab :Example:: {"_h_0000": ('clock', -1)} """ if hname in self.base_var_set: return self.base_var_set.add(hname) self.free_clocks.append(hname) self.symb_tab[hname] = ('clock', -1)
[docs] def add_place_clock(self, pname, hname): """ add an association hname --> pname between a clock and an inductive place """ self.place_clocks[hname].append(pname)
[docs] def add_input(self, name): """add a variable representing an input @param name: name of the input """ if not name in self.base_var_set: self.base_var_set.add(name) self.inputs.append(name) # May be added multiple times ?
[docs] def add_clause(self, clause): """add a clause constraint PS: How to debug a clause:: cla_str = str(clause) if "_h_0" in cla_str or "A" in cla_str: print(cla_str) """ #TODO: do not add satisfied clauses (n or not n) self.clauses.append(clause)
[docs] def add_aux_clause(self, clause): """add an auxiliary clause constraint""" self.aux_clauses.append(clause)
[docs] def get_var_number(self): """Get the number of ALL variables of the dynamic system (including inputs, entities, clocks/events, auxiliary variables) """ return len(self.base_var_set)